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Hard to Believe

Proud Tiger

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It's hard to believe we release five terrorist leaders for a scumbag deserter and let this poor guy rot in prison. while is family lies in fear.


Maybe next time we have swap we can give them some idiots rom the WH.But who would want them?

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It's hard to believe we release five terrorist leaders for a scumbag deserter and let this poor guy rot in prison. while is family lies in fear.


Maybe next time we have swap we can give them some idiots rom the WH.But who would want them?

I thought he was on the verge of being released a while back.

What's the deal ?

Obama left on of our own to get tortured in a Mexican jail for months and months... why's he suppose to care for this guy ?

Oh... right.


( And not to criticize, but HOW is this hard to believe ? Seriously. )

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