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Muslim attacks in France, Tunisia, Greece about to fall...


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and FOX News ( Greta ) is going wall to wall on the prisoners who were killed / captured ?


Is that really that big of a story ?

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Is Greta in the tank for the Kenyan Muslim now too!?!

No idea what you're talking about, but I think it's just poor show production by her show. Probably one reason why I don't watch her too often.

I guess I just don't see this as being such the big story that it's been made out to be. Sure, it's curious, and unique, but it's not like these guys did anything once they got out. And once the escape plan went sideways when the accomplice failed to help them out , it was only a matter of time before they got caught. They had no plan B.

I just think it poor show prep to spend the entire time focused on this story, when there's so much else going on in the world which will have more of an impact on the public than two one escaped convict and one dead.

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The MSM completely misses the ball and focuses an inordinate amount of time on a comparitively minor issue? I'm shocked!!!

At least this diversion doesn't involve an oddly colored dress or some insecure, vapid celebutante.

If its not being used to watch Auburn athletics, turn your tv off. Those things will rot your brain.

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I typically get my rundown from one of two or three news aggregators, usually Rare or The Blaze. Then, I'll catch links from trusted, intelligent friends on Facebook, as well as this forum. All in all, I'll probably have read from at least a dozen different sources by week's end. I can always tell what the talking heads on the boob tube are yapping about by observing what the peanut gallery on Facebook is obsessed over.

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