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Fox's obsession with AOC, minimizing of bigger stories that might make Trump look bad


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Popped over to FoxNews.com a few minutes ago to see how they would report Alex Acosta's resignation.  Took me a while to even find it.  You'd think it was some low level grunt.  Here instead is their front page as of about 12:10PM CDT:

Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 12.06.17 PM.png


Scroll down to the next level, just off screen if you're on a laptop and you see this small print link:

Screen Shot 2019-07-12 at 12.11.38 PM.png


Whatever level of importance you assign to the internecine squabble between AOC and Pelosi or whatever liberal thing AOC said today, I think any honest person would have to say that it's nowhere near the same level as the current Labor Secretary in the Trump administration resigning over a secret sweetheart plea deal he gave to a billionaire running an underage sex ring.

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