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AU TIGER1345162826

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Posts posted by AU TIGER1345162826

  1. Glaus stopped sucking it up. Switch Glaus and Heyward in the order and our lineup is pretty good. Good comeback win hopefully we can score some runs of Galladay tomorrow.

    We need 3-4 runs in order to win tomorrow. We have Hudson going so we should be fine.

    A lot of analysts won't agree but I'll stick with Hudson in this matchup. I think we ride the momentum from tonight and take this series

    I am not saying we are going to win or should win. Sorry if I am confusing you. It should be a low scoring game tomorrow. We have one of the best bullpens in the MLB and if Hudson and the pen gives up 1-2 we should be in it to the end. It will be hard to score on Halladay.

  2. Glaus stopped sucking it up. Switch Glaus and Heyward in the order and our lineup is pretty good. Good comeback win hopefully we can score some runs of Galladay tomorrow.

    We need 3-4 runs in order to win tomorrow. We have Hudson going so we should be fine.

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