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Posts posted by TigerTennis80

  1. I've never played golf, though I'm a fan. I find it nerve wracking to watch when I care about the outcome. So, I couldn't watch today. I kept checking scores online & here, & that was nerve wracking itself!! But I found some courage & watched the last hole. Man, we've had so much disappointment this year, but this moment brings a super high to the end. War Eagle guys, & thanks for the joy!

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  2. The comment that a McDonald's All American who has a shaky freshman year leaves so as to say the problem was the former school/coach is likely spot on. So, Tre leaving is the one I don't understand. He improved a ton & could continue to grow as a player, & he saw that Bruce would give him lots of playing time. But maybe he thought he should be handed the reins of the team & was pissed when we went after Pegues. Maybe Mays at Michigan was willing to give him that, or say he had an inside shot at it. What is clear to me is that coaching these guys is super hard. Last year Chance & Traore both left, though anyone watching could see that neither had earned significant playing time (& did y'all see that Traore is transferring again?). Now Aden & Tre are gone, though both played a lot despite the limitations both displayed. How does Bruce (or anyone) coach these guys to develop? How does the new unlimited transfer rule help these guys? And who wants to be Aden when he has to return to Neville next year?

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  3. March Madness is sometimes truly "mad." So often we cheer the upset, the "Cinderella," & then 1 day we've gotten good enough to be on the receiving end of the upset, & I've kinda been "mad" ever since. And yet, today I'm able to recognize that being in this position (the receiving end of the upset) is quite an upgrade from where we were prior to 2018. And I'm glad for that. I also enjoyed winning the SEC tournament, beating Alabama by 20-something, & finishing tied for 2nd in a tough league (which then had several flame outs in the NCAA tournament; stll can't figure that). So, yes, it was overall a good season, & I'm glad for the ride through it. Just hated how it ended. (But that's been my sports year all around; I was pulling for Morikawa at the Masters!)

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  4. I'm sorry to lose Tre, but he'll likely play more somewhere else. As for Aden, I remember early in the season when he was hitting shots, several TV analysts commented that his shot is pure. Yes, he clearly lost that shot during conference play, but if he's a worker & accepts coaching, & if his shot is indeed pure, I see no reason he can't become a premier shooter for us. Several folks observed how much Tre improved from year 1 to year 2. I expect the same for Aden after time in the weight room & time in the gym.

  5. Like all y 'all, I'm crushed & will need some time to get over this one. When I watched KY play last night I said then that I hope we don't have somebody shoot like that against us. And damn. I can't help but wonder if CBM on him would have made a difference. As Cole said, even if he misses just a couple of those shots, that would have been huge. But despite CBM & that guy's big night... The turnovers. Missed free throws. And can't get a layup to fall. Sometimes it really seems like there really are basketball gods who really have decided against you.

    I'm a little different than some of you regarding our guards next year. I hope Aden stays & develops his considerable skills. Same for Tre. Seems to me they have talent so that with development they could be really good. And hopefully smarter after going through this year & learning from it (I hope). Look at Broome's development this year. Huge. And I hope CBM will not want to leave Auburn under these circumstances. The thing about crushing losses is that returning & getting a big win is even sweeter. I hope they'll want to stick together & work together to get such a big win.

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  6. 6 minutes ago, keeperoftheplains said:

    The first time I ever rolled Toomer's Corner it was in the rain.  John Caylor hit a last second shot and AU beat KY in Rupp.

    I so remember that game! I was in grad school in Louisville, & when I went to church the next morning the 1st 2 people I saw immediately said to me, "Not 1 word!!" I just laughed & laughed & enjoyed the moment!

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  7. UNC may yet win their game, but with less than 9 minutes to go they're losing to a team playing their 5th game in 5 days. Purdue & Houston have already lost. Not an impressive day for the projected 1 seeds. And I totally agree with those who've said they don't understand how Bama is still a 4 seed. Had Arkansas not choked last Saturday in T-town, Bama would have lost 4 in a row. And they've been blown out several times. Just don't get it.

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  8. As y'all have said, a tough, gritty, win for us in a close game...  all good for the Tigers! As a couple of y'all have said, watching basketball is exhausting! In a football game there can be whole stretches where not much important is happening but not so in basketball! I'm amazed at y'all who post during the game for the simple reason that I can't sit in front of my computer (or phone). I'm up pacing all over the house!

    Seems to me that in the last month or so Aden has played well about every other game (which is better than the month before that). He played well yesterday (hit some shoots, very few turnovers), then not so well today (no shots & more turnovers), so I'm hoping he's going to be good tomorrow. The play of our point guards will be key, I think, to how long we keep playing in March. They're getting better, & I expect both of them to become very good. But we need them to learn & play better now. I'm not asking for great, but they need to be like yesterday rather than today.

    I wonder if we could convince Hubbard to transfer. :)  He has such a sweet shot! 

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  9. We needed good news after yesterday! Perhaps like many of you I was reminded of devastating injuries to McLemore & Chuma in years past & was thinking "not again!!" So glad it's "not again."

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  10. That game was only on radio. We had the radio on in the den loud enough to hear all over the house (our house was not that big). I come from a family of pacers, so my mom, dad, & I paced all over the house that day (my younger sisters were a bit too young to be into it then; they are now!). I was headed down the hall toward the bedrooms, & my dad was coming up the hall from the bedrooms when Gary Sanders started yelling that we "got it again!" My dad & I were probably about 6 feet apart right then & we both just stopped. I will never ever forget the look on my dad's face!! His mouth literally fell open! His eyes were literally as big as saucers! I can only wonder what my face looked like. We just froze like that for several seconds, didn't cheer at all till Gardner Jett hit the extra point, & when Langner got the interception to ice the win, my dad announced we were going to Auburn (we lived a half hour away), my 1st ever trip to Toomers! Super memories!

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  11. 3 hours ago, NCAubs said:

    You don’t think coaches at all levels orchestrate things like this?   

    Thanks for the hot take, Pollyanna. 

    I think coaches may indeed orchestrate such things. I'm just not buying Goodman's argument about it happening, & happening as he said, in this case. In particular, I can't see Caddy being forced out as Goodman described but then not defending himself when rumors were flying about him having done something inappropriate. Just my thoughts. 

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  12. Yeah, I think those who observed that Goodman doesn't have much to write about just now make more sense than his perspective in this article does. He'd have us believe that Freeze was "concerned about" (as in "afraid of") Caddy's popularity so he forced him out but then got Caddy to issue a statement about leaving with no comment then or hint later that he was forced out. Do we really think Caddy would take getting forced out like that without defending himself, especially when rumors were flying about something inappropriate having happened? And then Freeze anticipated Saban's retirement & strategically waited to force Caddy out while the media was all about Saban so as to minimize the coverage of Caddy leaving? Really? And why force Zac out? He'd recruited well, his guys had played well, & while Auburn people love him, he'd not had anything like Caddy's big moments in 2022, so there was no reason for Freeze to fear him. There've been some on this Board who have warned against hiring guys just because they're Auburn guys, but Goodman makes it sound like Freeze got rid of them just because they're Auburn guys, which makes Freeze a more "Saban-like" coach. If that's the case, why keep Marcus or hire Kelly? Beyond all that, Freeze is nothing like Saban in personality, dealing with the press, or causing others to fear him. I hope he becomes a coach that others fear playing because our team is so good, but if Freeze is now the "more Saban" coach in the SEC, he's doing a good job of disguising it. Where I hope Goodman is right is that Freeze will be Saban-like in winning. But the other stuff Goodman wrote? Not buying it. Not even renting it.

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  13. I'm certainly encouraged by what Coach J has done thus far. But knowing that we lose Honesty & Jamaya after this year makes me concerned about the positive momentum continuing into next season. I'm hoping Shaw develops into the player we think she can be (& that she sticks around!), & that Coach J has a good run in the portal & on the recruiting trail. I know progress is often not straightforward, but I really want it to be in this case. I enjoyed beating LSU & Bama so much & want that feeling to continue! Now let's get a couple of good road wins & get off the bubble!

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  14. I'm as disappointed in our play today as anyone, especially the seeming lack of fire & intensity. But I'm not out on any proverbial ledge. Not yet anyway. As Bruce noted on Wednesday, not many teams are going to win in Tuscaloosa but we had a real chance. Miss St will beat most teams at home (see UT), but we had a chance. Even playing as poorly as we did today, we had a chance to win. The SEC season is long, it's a grind. Every team will likely go through a rough spell along the way. I'm hoping this is our rough spell & it'll allow us to become a better team. The Final Four team certainly had a rough spell. I remember a home loss that year to Ole Miss that was as excruciating to watch as the game today was, which was followed by getting blown out at Rupp. But then we didn't lose again until UVa double dribbled. I don't know yet if this team will find its fire & grow into a team like the 2019 Tigers. But I also don't know that it won't. So, I'm hanging in there with them. But I also said a lot of @#$% words today. 

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  15. I'm sorry to see him go too, but the reality is if he wants to coach he had to leave. We're not likely to hire someone who's never coached before, even 1 of our own. So let him go there, show he's a good coach (& I expect he will be!) & I'll bet anything we get him back. We already know he can recruit.

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  16. You know, I'd really like to be happy about my football team for longer than 2 minutes. We play a great game against Arkansas, then have 2 disastrous games (different disasters, but still disasters). We have a great Signing Day, then suck in the bowl game. Saban retires, then Caddy resigns. Sheesh! 

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