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Posts posted by countoff

  1. These guys have a better understanding of the true value of their scholarships and are making good use of it.  This is the mature way to "Promote their brand."

    Similar to baseball and hockey, there should be a football minor league where young high school athletes with no interest in school can "roll the dice" that their NFL audition is successful while getting paid and "promoting their brand".  

    College football should be where young athletes can audition for the NFL while making use of a valuable scholarship to learn a profession in the likely event they do not make it to the NFL (due to lack of size/talent or injury). 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Hank2020 said:

    Surprising to me that you think Mississippi schools talent level is better than ours. I also believe if our team was the same as last year present coaching staff/systems would equate to a better outcome. I also believe we are stronger at all position groups except maybe WR ( questions there as I believe we are just as talented just inexperienced). IMO

    This year I think the Mississippi schools have better  more talent and both Leach and Kiffin have a 1 year jump on fitting their players to their system.  Leach is a very good coach that specializes in turning mediocre programs into contenders.  So yeah.... they could beat us this year.

    Our OL is the same as last year.  They are mediocre to poor and the bench is thin.  We are going to have another year of watching Bo scramble for his life and then make bad throws.  I think there will be improvement in TE utilization but the WR situation is looking very bad.  Tank is a great back and I think Worm would also be great if given the chance.  But they can't show their abilities if the line in front of them plays poorly.  

    There is a lot (overwhelming) support of the defense on this site.  So much so that I can't help wondering what everyone is seeing.  But with all the losses to transfers, I don't see how this year's defense could be better than last year's.  We appear to have some young talent coming in (like Lee Hunter) but they are very raw and, for all we know, they may get red shirted.  But maybe I'm wrong on this and they will be good.  At a minimum, the defense had better be in really good shape....because with our offense, the defense is gonna be on the field for most of the game.   


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  3. 2 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    While I agree with you, I think an actual competent offensive philosophy will help make things better.  We were 75th out of 120ish teams.  that had a lot to do with bad game plans, weak mentally teams, than it had to do with raw talent.

    Well I will admit this... If the team can get a win at Penn St., it would be a big boost to confidence and momentum.  That alone could help them win another game or two.  So my predicted 5-6 win season could become a 7-8 win season.  But if we lose to Penn St., then I think my 5-6 win prediction is more likely.

    Gonna be an interesting Fall.  Not just the wins-losses.  But watching the change in team culture, recruiting successes, which young players step up, etc.

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  4. 16 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    So we have 3 weak OOC games.  You think we lose to everyone except Arkansas & USC?  We beat Ole Miss last year and probably got better.  We beat State last year.  We destroyed LSU (albeit they didn't have their starting QB and we can't win in BR).

    5 definitely seems low balling.  6 does too, IMO.  I think 7 is a really good line and 8 is a bit on the optimistic side.

    I really don't think talent wise this team is better than last year.  Especially on the offensive side of the ball.  It's the same underperforming  OL personnel, they are not of SEC level talent, and the OL bench is thin.  Plus we definitely took a step backwards at the receiver positions.

    The Mississippi teams will be much more competitive this season.  Both Penn St. and LSU were bad teams last year and I'm not really sure how they are positioned for improvement this season.  So I consider both of those games with us this year to be "toss ups" on a neutral field.  But since they are both played in their home stadiums, I give the nod to both of them (when was the last time we won in Baton Rouge?). 

    So yeah.... I'm calling for only 5 wins.  6 if they can pull off a win against one of the Miss schools or win an away game at Penn St. or LSU.

    But as I have said in other posts... I don't think a 5-6 win season is necessarily a negative reflection of Harsin.  It just means the timing of his hiring, the poor Malzahn recruiting last year, and the transfers have left the cupboard thin.  It happened with Saban and Dye and Bowden and Paterno.  It's not a big deal.  We just have to be patient.  It's fun to watch the development of a powerful football program and that usually requires a few years.

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  5. To me it is still an unknown if Harsin was a good hire or not.  But I won't pass judgement on him if we have a 6-6 (or worse) season this year after losing all these players.  Harsin needs some time to get his recruiting program going. 

    Sometimes you have to take a short term step backwards in order to make long term strides forward.  


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  6. 3 hours ago, gravejd said:

    I totally agree that our legal system is a joke and needs to be completely torn down and rebuilt. 

    Certainly people have lost faith in the legal system.  The system is now incredibly complicated and is easily manipulated by the wealthy.  "Innocent until proven guilty" is a dead concept.  Now it's "Innocent until proven destitute".

    This is why people today try to obtain justice by using the media, doxing, and the court of public opinion to create a mob that punishes the perceived guilty by ripping away livelihoods or otherwise making their lives miserable.  The problem with this method is that there is no need for due process. Whoever creates the biggest mob wins.

    The only way for the legal system to regain the trust of the people is to have due process followed by the punishment aligning with the severity of the crime. 


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