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Posts posted by AU_Tiger_88

  1. On 3/28/2024 at 8:01 AM, aubiefifty said:

    D.J. Durkin on getting another chance to coach college football after being fired from Maryland

    This writer should be fired.  That is a terrible first line.  This isn't he first job post Maryland.  So this is another try to hit Auburn and put it in a bad light to any reader.  So let's rewrite that....

    D.J. Durkin on getting another chance to coach college football after turning down Nick Saban's job offer to coach at alabama.  See how that works?

    • Like 1
  2. If they start becoming employees then they should pay for their classes, books, etc like normal employees would.  There is no transparency in the NIL.  It is shady as you can see what some teams did this year. (USC, OSU, etc) So there should be some sort of revenue sharing. These kids can sign that deal with the conference.  That way there are rules involved, transferring, etc.  Take the NCAA out of it.  Now if that starts happening then these kids should start paying for their expenses. Gotta learn about the world in some sort of fashion.  So yeah if they leave they have to transfer outside of the conference or whatever the rules need to be.

  3. On 4/27/2023 at 2:47 PM, IronMan70 said:

    I'm leaning more and more towards the 8 game, 1 +7 schedule. Each team gets 1 rival and plays the rest of the SEC every 2 years. It's also the simplest format to enact. In our case if that means we play UGa every 2 years instead of every year, so be it. 

    drop bama and keep uga.  that keeps up the South's Oldest Rivalry.  We had a break playing bama ...so take another one...

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  4. Meeting up at the NROTC tail gate before the game with or without a date.  Watching a great defense and Bo, little train and other running their buts off.  Coming out horse from yelling so much and then hitting up the band parties with my friends.  Great times...oh and being pissed a UGA fans who we had to hose when they wouldn't leave the stadium...good times...

  5. I would agree with what was said earlier.  Great Job coming in and recruiting to get better in line etc.  As far as coaching and future recruiting?  That is yet to be answered.  I believe if we had a reliable QB this year would be surprising.  With what we have...maybe a 6 win season at best....


    Really looking forward to seeing what our D will do.  Not strong in the line so far with what we are loosing but hope that changes down the road some...

  6. 18 hours ago, AU-24 said:

    “A new quarterback joined the three already on the field for Monday’s practice leading into A-day weekend,” Auburn Daily’s Matthew Jacobs reported. “Sophomore walk-on Jackson Barkley worked out with the rest of the players vying for the starting role.”


    Doesn’t seem like good news for the Quarterback room. 🤷‍♂️

    We need back ups.  There will probably be one of the three who will leave.  Maybe not but we do need at least 4 QBs.  Hopefully this walk on will push the others. 

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, alabastertiger said:

    Even so, does this mean we will try to pick up 2 LBs in the spring for depth?   I know we wanted one LB before they left.

    I don't think so.  I think they are trimming right now.  But nothing would surprise me with CHF.  He is doing a great job so far.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, W.E.D said:

    UGA transfer would be pointless b/c they'd have to sit out a year due to SEC rules.

    l think everyone will be find taking someone's back up post-spring.  We're going to need to do that at a few positions...just there is much more risk than taking a proven guy if we landed them in the Winter

    Yeah forgot about the UGA transfer but you have to admit the OSU backup hitting the portal would be interesting.  I know Hugh said he was going after a few more folks in the portal this spring.  I think it was three positions but can't remember.  Yeah it is more risk taking an unknown but some teams have stacked QBs and we need at least 3-4 QBs on scholly.  So there are many unknowns about our QB room.  Who will transfer if they don't win? Who will be staying? To early to tell what is going to happen and how the QBs look.

  9. We should see some of the QBs in the portal from places that have abundant talent on their roster but those guys didn't win the starting job and probably won't next year but can see that they could win it here.  Take a look at Ohio State, Georgia and some others.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  I take only a couple of ounces from the locked on guys as they are looking for clicks and have gone through who could start except for Pate. 

    I am not sure we have someone on our roster that meets CHF's criteria at the moment but we will see.  I think the new line is pretty nasty and will continue to be. So that is a huge positive.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Hank2020 said:

    If TJ is transferring, why is he working out with team? That seems counterintuitive.

    If you want your scholly then you need to participate with the team.  Also, put some tape together for transferring or outside shot that he thinks he may win with the new coach.

    • Like 1
  11. On 1/5/2023 at 11:33 AM, W.E.D said:

    There is a dead period for transfer players from the 9th until the 13th, which eliminates the next weekend.

    This is the last weekend to get kids on campus before they have to enroll.  Only work around is if we can stretch the academic deadline of 1/18 and get kids here that week of MLK and enrolled quickly after.  Probably unlikely 

    Ok well the 18th is the deadline.  The portal closes on the 18th and won't open until sometime in Spring.  Doesn't matter about work arounds, etc.  The portal will be closed. Once that happens then transfers are off until it opens back up.  Doesn't matter what AU can do or not due past the 18th.  The person has to commit and start the transfer on or before the 18th.

  12. On 1/3/2023 at 2:00 PM, LPTiger said:

    Gunner Stockton is one of UGA's current quarterbacks.   Gunner's hometown is named Tiger, Georgia.  Gunner is a heck of a name for a QB.  A: All 3 statements are fact.  B: All 3 statements are fiction. 😄 Only the first statement is fact.   😧   Only the first two statements are fact.  E: Only the second statement is fact. F: Only the first and third statements are fact.  G: Only the third statement is fact.  H: Only the second and third statements are fact.     

    Only the first two statements are fact.

    The 3rd is an opinion. 

    • Like 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Elephant Tipper said:

    The job isn't just for coaching as DC, but also for recruiting, which has been the most difficult issue for AU.  Ron Roberts recruiting is a blip on the map compared with CK's perennial experience.

    So far as being a DC, then you can say the same about RR.  His D's were '20- #62, '21- #10 and '22- #65.  RR's record would have been rejected also at FSU.

    CK's record at FSU was '14- #49, '15- #9, '16- #45, and '17- #29.  That's if you want to compare apples to apples.  CK would have been the better choice for AU, hands down.

    There are other factors that play into this game also.  Personality, Team fit.  You just blow past development.  CK is a better recruiter.  But if CK was such a great DC then why wasn't he picked up before the FSU gig.  He was in 2005 at Nicholls State for a year before moving on to GaTech as ST.  Roberts has been a HC and more time being a DC.  He has a decent record being a HC.  You can make the statement that CK would be a better choice but when Pruitt left for TN he wasn't elevated by NS to the DC role? Yeah he became CO DC in 2019 but not good enough to be the DC? Also if he was really wanted as a DC there were many coaching changes while he was there so why wasn't he picked up?  Evidently there are other factors at play like personality etc. 

    I am not saying that CK is a bad guy.  He must not fit what Freeze was looking for in a DC that is all.  Recruiting prowess or not.  Defense is more than just recruiting there has to be teaching and schemes.  All I know that there were issues within that Defense while he was at FSU.  Now that he is away from Alabama we will see how he does at CU and see if his Defenses stack up.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Elephant Tipper said:



    I don't know CK at all.  Never met him.  I'm comparing the resumes' of both coaches, which you aren't doing.  HF had the choice between Ron Roberts who has had one good season as a DC at Baylor with ZERO recruiting experience of elite recruits and Charles Kelly who had several years at FSU as an excellent DC and is the #1 recruiter in the nation of elite talent and has been one of the best recruiters for over a decade.

    CK's credentials are superior to RR's.  But if you want to do the "aw, shucks, coach is gonna hire the best for the job" attitude, then you can't see the forest for the trees.

    HF is dumbing down our coaching staff.  Why would he do that ?

    And here is what they were saying about him at FSU.  It wasn't pretty.  I lived in Tally off and on around that time and there were issues...


    So I will just say that Freeze needed a dude that works for him.  I am sure there were others that were hitting him up but he just didn't trust or didn't like how they did their job.  Time will tell how we do.

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  15. 6 hours ago, GwillMac6 said:

    Why is it so hard to believe he chose Marcus Davis over his “first choices” Grant Heard and Jacob Peeler who he had already hired before at a lesser program. You really think they would come to Arkansas state/ole miss but not AU? They work at ucf and mizzou. Come on now….

    I don't know why you are coming with this take.  I never said it was hard to believe.  I never said Davis was a bad choice.  If Davis had been his first choice couldn't he have been hired sooner?  Why not interview Ike he was already in place?  I believe that his first choice fell through and Davis was his backup choice.  Not a real big deal. 

  16. 3 hours ago, cbo said:

    All most of us are saying about Davis is that he might be great, but he has very little experience and he probably wasn't the first choice. That shouldn't be a controversial statement. 


    He wasn't the first choice that is evident.  Our CIH didn't even get an interview.  I am sure someone was lined up but backed out and CHF had to scramble and use the analytics company.  It happens everywhere.  Sometimes when hiring a candidate may have a lot of options and if you don't move quickly someone else comes in with an offer or their current employer matches.  No shame in it.  Hopefully CMD will continue to be hungry and excel in both recruiting and coaching.  He has a big hill to climb as he is unknown...

    • Like 1
  17. 3 hours ago, Viper said:

    So you're content with what has been proven of him (the escort phone calls and illegal recruiting tactics)?


    I've praised T. Bowden.

    So you call out Freeze for calling escorts but are just fine with Bowden cheating on his wife while he was the coach? 

    So are you ok with Dye's & Bowden's illegal payments to players? Oh yeah also forgot Tubbs in the payments... 

    Thanks for clearing that all up...Ok with some but not with others...

    (Freeze just got caught)

    • Facepalm 1
  18. 2 hours ago, AEAugirl said:

    Also not something we got, but something we like to give.  Well Told etches the coordinates and mapping for pretty much any town in the US on different bar glasses.  I’ve given these to friends for West Point, UT Austin, Ohio State, etc.   They do beer glasses and other items too but they are so unique and a really special gift. 


    I have seen this on metal and framed.  Map of the area.  My sister has one and her house has a star on it.  It is pretty neat being that she lives on a lake. 

  19. On 12/22/2022 at 3:15 AM, TeamZero77 said:

    It's amazing!! Like you stated, just 3 weeks ago we were anywhere from #52 to #58 depending on which recruiting service you chose. I was listening to Clemente earlier today and he said that back in the spring after Auburn investigated Harsin and decided to keep him, this class was in the low #90's. 😳 

    Not only did the Auburn program, coaching staff, etc. need this great Signing Day but we, the Auburn fanbase, needed a great day like we had today. 

    Hopefully today went a long way towards healing some wounds in our fanbase. WDE

    I heard a dude on 24/7 say that they had us in the 60's when we hired Freeze and were 19 post Wednesday.  No matter how you slice it, that is some great work in just 23 days with all else that was going on, i.e. meetings, recruiting people to stay instead of jumping into the portal unless you just didn't fit his system.  Then going on the road to all of those recruits and parents, getting them down to AU.  Not to mention, he has a family and it is the holidays and they have to move.  He is still recruiting the portal peeps and trying to get them in here for a visit but also having to look at their tape.  That is a tremendous amount of work.  Not to mention when he compliments a group of women that someone else complimented in helping the recruiting, he gets blasted for it by some degenerates.  I have nothing but admiration for the dude on how he is taking it all in stride.  Now he just needs to wrap it up and get us going into next year.  Put on your shades as our future is brighter.

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