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Mims44 last won the day on November 10 2016

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  1. @homersapien You got 300 years on this Earth Homie, you gotta learn to laugh
  2. In my experience, except for the cases where it was actual abuse... the parents are more traumatized in the long run than the kid. I'll hear parents give every detail of a whooping they gave their kid, then ask the now adult child about it and they either don't remember it at all or they tell it through the lense of their father/mother. Someone previously mentioned the "This hurts me more than it hurts you" line... and in the long run, for good parents at least. That is true. 😕
  3. Quiet Dub, we all know Biden spoke the words "Let my people.... experience crazy inflation!" And the economy god made it so.
  4. That is a good point. @DKW 86 Did you circle beat that neighbor of yours?
  5. I get your point of view for sure... but dang man, I'd have been too astounded to even punish him Kid is 6, realized he needed to be somewhere, saw his usual ways of getting to that place was unavailable. Still got himself 100% ready and then went out of his home to procure transportation for himself and got where he needed to be. I've always tried to avoid that. Not a "never spanker" but usually used as a deterrent towards danger. Kid may not have proper respect for the cliff he's near, but if he hears he'll get a spanking if he gets close to the edge he'll not likely walk to the edge.
  6. I mean, I get that 100%. But you'd think some one or some government group would be like... In case this epidemic isn't the end of the world, lets take advantage of oil prices bottoming out. And for all I know we did, and then just used a crap ton more right after 🤷‍♂️
  7. You'd think in Feb 2020 we coulda maxxed that out easy with the insane price drop oil experienced.
  8. Not a fan of the dude by any means, but some of the blame you're laying on him ain't him. Last storm we had knocked a tree down that smashed my mailbox, should I blame Joe for that too? He's head of the executive branch, not emperor. This is by no means a "You" thing, it's become an American theme to blame the president for anything and everything that happens during his term for awhile.... Thanks Obama! Also, calling the days he can't work cause the dementia hittin' too hard a "vacation" day seems disingenuous.
  9. So sad this dude died without ever finding his wifes killer.
  10. Does Putin disgust you? Not when I do it, but other peoples do.
  11. Ok, that makes a lot more sense. I read it as TN being a state that rejected medicaid and found it confusing I agree there needs to either be a large grace period or just raise the whole thing. Lotta people I've known sit near the top end of it, and if they get a 2k/year raise they could move into having to pay 6k+/year in insurance. It's a rough spot to be in.
  12. I am a bit confused.... everyone in TN is covered by TennCare Which is medicaid.... We care for poverty stricken/unemployed people constantly. For anything and everything they have. If anything I would say there is more need to help those that are lower middle class, as they are paying for their own insurance and usually 1 major medical issue away from financial ruin.
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