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Posts posted by Coltonspain24

  1. 6 hours ago, Beaker said:



    he means ' in general'.   Gus runs packages and thus tips his hand.  I agree and  I hate this.   Good defensive coaches spot this stuff immediately.  That is why Jeremy Pruitt was hollerin' and calling our plays last yr in the Tenn game.   How did that turn out?   Yeah, the same Tenn program that lost to a 2-9 Ga State team last week.  Packages cost us that game (convince me I am wrong).



    Coach the players so they are more versatile and less specialized.  


    Yes I mean just in general thank you for the assist lol. They handcuffed Ryan Davis the same way instead of continuing to run those slants and drag routes. Those disappeared in 2017 after the Alabama game. Like you said gotta do something different with them and be versatile with the play calling if just to make the defense think twice lol.

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  2. 13 hours ago, around4ever said:

    Coach, I think I saw a lot of the same things you saw.  I am not sure Gus's play calling got a lot better later though.  Part of my complaints since Gus has been here is the personnel, formation and motions sometimes dictate the play called.  Many times I can call the play by those.  So I'm positive that DCs who know much more than me can prepare  the defense for that. Otherwise, your analysis is spot on. 

    Agree with you 100% on the personal stuff. Like never letting Schwartz run anything but speed sweeps and deep posts so the defense knows exactly what’s happening when he steps on the field.

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