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Posts posted by AUgrad97

  1. 45 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

    I don't believe you understand how much wealth a truly big booster possesses.  Not sure you have considered generational wealth and, taxation.

    Yes. I understand exactly how much big donors are worth.  My point was that when you make 10 MM a year and are worth 100MM-200MM+ yourself you are not in awe of 500+. It’s changed from 25 years ago significantly. 

  2. 24 minutes ago, icanthearyou said:

    When the PTB has a coach they respect and, we have a coach who respects the PTB, the power will be in balance.

    It seems so simple.  Hard to believe it has come to this.

    This use to be the case but not so much anymore.  The salaries of todays top coaches puts them in a similar league to many of the big donors.  When a coach is making 7-10MM a year they tend not to take too much outside advice.  

    there was a time that worked. The game behind the game has changed.  Show me a school where the head coach is in full control and you will see a successful program.  Time to wake up and understand the game has changed before the hole is dug so deep you never recover.  

    • Like 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, I_M4_AU said:

    I would speculate that Greene sold this *player* on Harsin rather than the *player* out right backing Harsin.

    There in lies the issue. The leadership has to get the money 👍🏼 Before they make a decision. And the only way the money is ALL IN is if they will continue to have influence. 

    Unfortunately, Auburns debt to coaches that are no longer on staff is larger than any school in the nation. Someone has to pay that bill. Those someone’s have leverage to stay in power as long as that debt exits.  Unless a new bank account comes on board or the leadership stands up to the old school nothing will change.  Someone has to stand up and do the right thing for the long term success of the program. 

    • Thanks 2
  4. 8 minutes ago, DAG said:

    Personal integrity went away a long time ago when we started compromising the term student athlete and the fans went along with it. You cannot have it both ways.

    I definitely can see where you are coming from with this take.  But I still there there are coaches who would give their soul to coach Auburn and lead a group of young men to develop character on their way to winning lots of games.  Maybe I am living in a fantasy world.  

    • Haha 1
  5. What are the top reasons a player picks a school?

    1. Early Playing Time
    2. Personal Development for the Pros
    3. Championship Contender
    4. Head Coach or Position Coach
    5. Geographic Location/Facilities


    Right now today Auburn only can truly offer #1 as a highlight of why to pick Auburn.  

    I personally feel like 1, 2 and 3 are what kids have to be sold to come on board if they have lots of options.  So for #2 to happen there has to be a high talent ceiling and the right scheme and coaches to develop.  #3 is going to be more important to your true Alpha Dogs.  The ones that are not afraid to compete for their position.  But they are generally the best of the best and have the right kind of attitude for leadership and success.  Does one of those even exist on the team today??   We have some very talented players but who is also an Alpha leader and guys want to follow them?



  6. 57 minutes ago, drɘxɘl said:

    Gary Patterson has only had a fair number of mistreatment claims and comparisons to Bob Knight and such.  He may not be so high on everyone's integrity meter.

    I think we might could dig hard and it would be very difficult to find a coach with any significant length of coaching not have some complaints along the way.  We are definitely transitioning from the old school mindset to this more soft new age fluff.  It's not my thing.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not a tear the paint off the wall swear supporter by any means but being held accountable with firm leadership seems to be slipping away in all areas of life.  

    Not sure why, but I always really liked Gary.  I think Pat would be a quicker fix because of his offense mindset but I think Auburn needs someone willing to give 5-10 years of themselves and who wont jump ship just because their stock rises.  That goes back to them having to likely have some Auburn blood.  There needs to be some intangibles outside of money to keep them loyal.  That points to character, 2nd chance on life or alumni as the focus areas.  

    Is there any ex players that could come in and command respect and be able to recruit who could surround themselves with loads of talented position coaches and coordinators.  They could just focus on managing the program and not be a proven commodity as a coach.  Interesting to think back on past players and who might could move the needle.

  7. I know this may sound like a crazy question on the surface, but I am curious to hear others thoughts on the direction of the program and how long term success is achieved.  There have been several names tossed around and recommended as a solution to the current program and leadership of the team.  Some of these names come with elite talent but they also come with some significant baggage.  If you stopped the emotional response of "we have to win today" and went with a more logical long term solution, I am curious if that would change minds about the kind of leader we should be going after.

    • Do we want someone who is a flashy name and immediate program impact?
    • Do we want someone who we fell like will have no loyalty at the end of the day and jump at the next best thing to come along?
    • Do we want someone during a time of needing stability, strength and respect who brings a lot of baggage that does not reflect those key needs?
    • Are you willing to lower your flash and immediate impact wants for someone you can TRUST to build a program for the long haul?
    • List your top Flashy Impact Hire and your top Long Term High Integrity Choice.


    I will start with mine...

    Flash Hire- Lane Kiffin (Will recruit well, will build a dynamic offense, will develop QBs, will be an immediate impact to the program)

    Integrity Hire-Pat Fitzgerald or Gary Patterson  (Both have proven that loyalty and dedication are at their core.  They bring a little different perspective but they both have been successful with limited resources.  They have established recruiting history and command a lot of respect among other coaches around the country.

    • Like 1
  8. I believe there are a lot of good choices out there that would be interested in a no-handcuffs opportunity.  I keep saying and I know it's beating a dead horse but the Who is not the critical piece here.  It's reprograming the internal structure and power grab to be able to hand that over to a trusted coach.  Auburn has to be able to convince the right coach they will be given the keys and fuel to the car without having it pre-programmed where the car is going.  


    That's not a flashy discussion and even more challenging to impact as a fanbase, but without that piece, the who does not matter.  We will be set up to fail again.  We need to hear the leadership say we are going in a different direction philosophy wise and structure to let someone have full control of the program and the team.  

    • Love 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    Care to elaborate on your last sentence 

    Let's just say that he has made some questionable choices since coming to the Plains.  Some of those start in the locker room.  It's one thing to be the Alpha.  But it's not a good look when a large portion of the "Betas" follow another leader.  I am not going to beat up Harsin.  I think he is a very good coach.  I think he has a lot of great qualities.  I just never thought he was a good fit for Auburn.  Too rough around the edges for what I think was needed at the time.  

  10. Just now, gr82b4au said:

    Well we have to be careful or we will get beat. Harsin CANNOT lose this game or he will not make it to the bye week. 

    I hope this does not come off the wrong way.  But if Harsin has any chance of staying he does not need to coach in fear.  He has had all spring, summer and fall to find out who can do what.  Here we are heading to game 4 and we still don't know.  He still doesn't know.  Sure he can play it safe this week and rotate TJ and Ashford and pull off a win 27-16.  What does that actually accomplish for heading into a game with LSU and we want even discuss UGA.  Time to take of the training wheels and do what he is paid millions to do and find the leaders, find the stars and motivate them to perform.  That doesn't happen if he is tip toeing around making a mistake or just trying to get a win against an opponent that is much less talented. 

  11. 1 minute ago, NWALA Tiger said:

    U just described Bryan Harsin minus the recruiting edge

    I would argue he likes two of those qualities in our league.  Recruiting which is at the utmost level of importance today and commanding attention.   It's one thing to yell loud and come across as intense.  But its completely different to have people respect you and follow your lead.  Harsin has made more than his fair share of mistakes in just a little over a year.  Some of which don't make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside when it comes to good moral, ethical and strong leadership characteristics.  


  12. I personally feel like we need to use this game to explore what we do have.  Whether its Ashford or its Calzada behind center.  Put together a balanced plan for this week and let those two guys loose to perform.  Ashford needs calls that allow him to use his feet but keeps us pushing the ball downfield.  If Calzada is healthy enough to play, then put him in and open things up.  


    We need the defense to step up and show some fire.  There is no excuse for not going all out with effort and intensity.  

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