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Posts posted by gabo4au

  1. Flipped over to golf channel just in time to see our guy lose a hole by 4 putting a par 5!! I just turned it back off, too much history of playing poorly in championships across all sports to watch! Argh, War Eagle and hopefully I'm surprised when I look at the results tomorrow.

  2. 1 hour ago, e808 said:

    Eventually gonna have to move past the thinking of before the Bruce Pearls years because it wasn’t all bad. Before the bad stretch you had Barkley, Porter, Morris and the Person brothers. Bruce has made the jungle a place no one wants to play but with the right coach who has energy and passion the building will keep that energy. 

    Not saying fire CBP but making a statement to fear of years before him 

     I was there when Barkley was there... We're going to have to move past the thinking that those were the golden years. It really wasn't anything close to like it is now. It's very hard to pull a program out of the depths, much harder than maintaining. Turning around a perpetual losing mindset is the stuff of legends. It amazes me that everyone wants to minimize what CBP has done. We have a few good seasons because of CBP and everyone thinks we can be Duke or Kansas with a new coach.. But maybe they're right, we've had a bunch of new FB coaches and become Duke and Kansas in FB, so there's that. 

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  3. Congrats to the team and to Coach Pearl for a great season and winning the SEC tourney. Let's all remember that BBP (Before Bruce Pearl) we were a perennial cellar dweller in the SEC. He's been incredible to our program.


    I always thought that getting even to the sweet 16 in the NCAA was a stretch based on the way we played all season. Cutting down the nets at the SEC tourney was epic in my opinion.


    Given two choices... Choice 1 - SEC tourney champs and out of the NCAA in round 1. Choice 2- out of the SEC tourney in the semi's or something and making to the sweet 16.. 


    I'll take choice 1 all day. Cutting down the nets in any significant event is better than going half way in some other event. Few people ever remember that you went to the sweet 16, except hard core fans. Winning the SEC tourney puts up a banner and trophies in the case.


    I for one will celebrate a great season and the future looks pretty good for AU in many sports, but basketball included.

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  4. My wife went to MI ST. AU is the most stable and consistent place on the planet compared to that!! Saban was there and did well, and left. Then they had Bobby Williams, Morris Watts, John L Smith, then Mark Dantonio for some stability for a bit. Then Mel Tucker, who they paid 95 million and was a total dumpster fire culminating in getting fired for sexual harassment.

    The scandals, payoffs, and crazy stuff is far worse than anything that has ever happened at AU. So yes, it happens everywhere. Most people don't live it every day like they do their own alma mater or "team," so they don't realize what all is going on at other places. All this stuff is actually very common. Even look at bammer during the years between bear and saban, they had all sort of crazy stuff go on.

  5. On kickoff, I have no idea why anyone returns any more. Most of what can happen is bad... Tackled short of the 25, penalty (which is very common), someone gets hurt. I would call fair catch or down it in the end zone every time. Very few times does anyone get past the 25 without a problem, and it's not just us it's everyone. STOP trying to run it back!

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  6. 32 minutes ago, DAG said:

    It is the coaches job to 

    A). Have a sound game plan (which was not the case per Freeze's words)

    B). Decipher who has that mentality and bench them or rid of them.

    After that, it is up to the players. Seems like one or two of the prerequisite had not been met and I am sure the players aren't going to respond. Would you work hard at your job if your boss is telling you he is searching for your replacement now?  The minority of folks might due that but generally no, people do not act like that. It starts with the top and bleeds down to the young adults. The head coach basically said he was too busy recruiting to even have insight on the game plan. You don't think that is going to establish some sort of response? You saw how UGA responded to not being in the playoffs yesterday. That is how a coach keeps players engaged .


    I hear you and mostly agree. However, if I have a job, even if I'm not motivated and someone else hits me in the mouth, I'm going to get fired up and respond. It's a personal thing. But I think that's a mentality of my generation, not necessarily everyone else's generation. For me either I'm not going to play or I'm going to play hard. There is no situation where I play, but don't give it my all.


    And I'm not giving GA that much credit.. FL ST had all their team missing and their players played unmotivated like AU's players, they didn't care.. So to say that the reason GA won was because they had their players motivated, hmm... maybe they did, maybe they didn't, with FSU's situation it's really hard to know.

    • Like 1
  7. I don't understand the mentality these days.. Everyone says it's the coaches fault and I agree there needs to be improvement in the coaching. But how do you motivate them? I realize it's their job and they get paid a lot to do it, but it's a really challenging thing these days.


    As a player, as a person, you just stand there over and over and let the guy on the other side own you! If You're a linemen, how to you look in the mirror and say "the reason I let that guy go through every play of the game was because of coach? The reason I got dominated physically was because coach didn't get me fired up? The reason I got busted in the mouth and slammed to the ground was because of coach?" A Maryland team that isn't any more talented that our team just came in and physically whipped our butts the entire game. As a person who do you just take that? I don't care if you're 18 years old or 88 years old, how do you not put forth effort when someone else is hitting you in the face?? How do you coach guys who won't respond to that? It's not just a problem of our coaches, it's a problem all across football, many of the bowl games had this problem. CHF called it the "me" mentality, "if I'm not playing for a championship, then I'm not putting forth effort, just trying not to get hurt." I don't get it.

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  8. 4 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    They have a one time donation tier. So you can make a one time $5 or $10 donation. Or $1 if you want. Go to the website below and click on 

    “Other ways to give” 



    Thanks for that, not very visible on their site. I still think they need something "subscription" that is lower than 17, I would hit a $5/month button right now if it were available. I don't need any of the "articles" and things they list as services, I would just give the money for the team. I pay $17/month for a Spotify family plan. which includes 6 accounts with ad free music, pretty much everything ever recorded. I guess musicians just aren't worth much! haha (and as a musician, I can relate!)

    • Like 2
  9. 2 minutes ago, Gowebb11 said:

    Still plenty of work to be done in my opinion. Apparently OTV is slightly over 2,000 members with a goal to be over 5,000. This board alone boasts over 26,000 members.  Long term it’s critical to keep growing. Obviously the deep pocket guys can do the most  for football but with all of the other sports that need support, it’s critical to have a lot giving a little. We need more people off the sidelines and into the game. (pun intended) WDE 🦅 


    Problem is the lowest OTV membership is $17/month. They need a tier as low as $5/month. I pay for several subscription services that are less than $10/month, surely it's profitable to deliver "no service" and make money off a $5/month membership. Hard to get a "lot giving a little" when there is no "little" tier.

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  10. 1 hour ago, bishoptf said:

    Eh I disagree with most of what you are saying, there are only so many players you can have on a team, and it still takes a coach that can coach the players. I mean there are plenty examples out there, dumbo fisher had top 5* recruits and didnt win much, so while there are programs with more money that doesnt always translate to more wins, it helps but its about getting the right players for your type of football, being able to identify talent etc...so I know lots of folks think its the end of a era but truth be told IMHO it just levels the playing fields, the likes of bama and others have been paying player for years so it just levels that out...Having a lot of money doesnt mean your going to be on top, good coaches that can coach and evaluate talent will be able to compete

    I'm for paying the kids, its their life and body they are running out there, and why should the universities and media companies make $$$$ and not the players, so yeah I agree its going to hurt smaller schools but really they never had much chance as it was today. It think it will be fine but the way the treat players will be different than in the past since the players have more leverage these days but again good for them.


    I hope you're right. Personally I only see a couple of examples of schools with 5* recruits that haven't won, YET. And I don't see any schools without 5* recruits that are winning. Is there one national champion in the past 20 years that didn't have 5* recruits, AU in 2010 might be as close as you get and they had consistent top 10 to top 15 classes back then. And Cam was a JC transfer which wasn't included in the team rankings.


    The top recruiting schools are always the ones in the playoffs, been that way for as long as I've watched college FB.  Go to 247 sports and look back as far as their history can go. Every team that's been in the playoffs has been a top 10 recruiting school, and not just for one year but for many years. I'm all for kids getting some money, but I'm not for them getting as much as the pros. And I'm certainly not for a free for all without any caps. Even pro football has a salary cap.

  11. 52 minutes ago, johnnyAU said:

    I was there, and as great as that would have been, we were all (fans/coaches/players) too emotionally drained and stunned to do it. They left everything out on the field. 


    That's too bad. As a kid growing up, one of my first games at Jordan-Hare. I don't remember the game, but AU lost a close one. On the way out of the stadium everyone started chanting "it's great to be an Auburn Tiger."

    Till this day, that is very high on the list of most awesome things I've ever witnessed at a sporting event! Imagine fans, at the lowest point, rallying around the team, the players, the school to voice how awesome it is to be a part of Auburn.

    I could easily see a recruit, even today with all the social media, saying that it was different and even gave them goosebumps.

    As fans, we need to make this a big time tradition at AU. We need cell phone video of this at every loss! To be posted across every social media platform. For Football, Basketball, Baseball, and every other sport. If people on this board want to make a difference, make it a point to build this as tradition.

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  12. As Auburn Alumni and Fans, we have to always strive to be better. We all need to call out people who act ridiculous. No excuses like saying "every fan base does this," or it's "bammers" or whatever. It's unacceptable and we all need to police it and make it unacceptable to do this and be an AU fan.

    I wasn't at the game, but I sure hope someone started the chant "It's great to be an Auburn Tiger" as the fans were walking out of the stadium. That's the way to act when something like this happens.

    I'll just leave this here, live your life by it or change Universities!

    I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.

    I believe in education, which gives me the knowledge to work wisely and trains my mind and my hands to work skillfully.

    I believe in honesty and truthfulness, without which I cannot win the respect and confidence of my fellow men.

    I believe in a sound mind, in a sound body and a spirit that is not afraid, and in clean sports that develop these qualities.

    I believe in obedience to law because it protects the rights of all.

    I believe in the human touch, which cultivates sympathy with my fellow men and mutual helpfulness and brings happiness for all.

    I believe in my Country, because it is a land of freedom and because it is my own home, and that I can best serve that country by "doing justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with my God."

    And because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.

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  13. 2 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    I don't see this happening.  The thing is that the billionaires and donors from these types of schools don't give a lick about football or college athletics in general. If they are donating, it's to build new academic buildings, establish new research programs, towards scholarships or whatever. This is stuff that gets their names in the paper, gets buildings named after them, gets them invited to  really fancy luncheons etc. They don't care anything about paying large salaries to 5* college football players every year to come to the school to win a sports championship. Much of the time the leadership and student bodies of these schools don't even care about their football programs much, and wouldn't even WANT their top donors to be pouring a bunch of money into their athletics programs vs other things. Success to them is research dollars, big endowments, and top academic ratings. They don't need nor want athletic dominance. 


    If you want to see if a program can be built up just from having a lot of money poured into it then watch SMU. Their donors basically "purchased" their new spot into the ACC by agreeing not to take much of a share from the ACC for almost a decade and having donors simply fund the athletics department in the meantime. SMU has a ton of money behind it and has some very motivated rich alumni who want to win in football (they are even somewhat historically famous for it). According to 247, SMU currently has the 77th ranked recruiting class today....and it's "legal" to buy players. 

    I'm sure you're right about those Universities. However, it only takes one billionaire sports fan and if you've got more billionaire's there's a chance you find your Phil Knight. Like SMU.. USC, Texas, Miami, MI, OR, and a few others do have a lot of rich alumni who will pour their money in. It's going to be a challenge to compete with them. Another thought is that schools with larger enrollments, hence a larger alumni pool, can get more donations. Schools like A&M, Texas, FL, OH St, Rutgers have more than twice as many students as AU. Which means they have more than twice as many alums. If each of them gives $1, they have twice as much money as we do.

    But on the bright side, there are enough good athletes coming out of high school to support quite a few good teams. Can we maintain top 20 NIL $'s or top 30? Time will tell. We've always been near the top of what I would call the 2nd tier in Football. We're not quite in the top tier, but we're close. If our NIL administration is creative and works at it, we should be able to stay there.

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  14. Yea, unfortunately in the days of NIL, bammer is like a few other schools (including AU) in that they aren't the top  of the heap when it comes to wealth. Yea, both of us can put together some pretty good money because we have a lot of fans that care about football. When bammer loses Saban and can't outright pay players as much as some other places, it's going to be difficult.

    Compared to the wealth of Texas, USC, A&M, Notre Dame, MI, OH ST, and a few others we're way behind. I've heard that we're all giddy that we have something close to 30mil in NIL money, way ahead of the projected amount. But schools like Oregon... Phil Knight will write a single check for that amount! He's spent far more there on facilities and other things and Nike basically gets advertising off his contributions.

    If you go look up the number of "billionaire alumni" from schools. You'll see that most of the top 10 are ivy league schools, the only traditional football powers in the top 10 are USC, Texas, and Notre Dame. A single billionaire could donate 10+ million every year and not even miss it. I don't think AL or AU is anywhere in the top 100 for billionaires.

    As time moves on it's going to become more and more about getting paid for the players. It's a travesty, there are even a few schools that have traditionally not been that great that could become power houses. Northwestern, Rutgers, Rice, Stanford, or any Ivy league school that decides they want to do that.

    The next 10 years will be interesting to see how it shakes out. I think we need to be aligning with a Pro team! Do a partnership with a pro team where the pro team selects our coaches, defines our schemes, and pays us money to get players. Basically become a "minor league" team for a pro team. Or corporate sponsors, or some tie in to big business. Things like that could keep enough money flowing to offset not having outright "sugar daddy" donors. I believe tomorrows top teams will be the ones who do this the best and can raise enough money. It's now another league of pro ball, we haven't yet seen enough cycles to really show the impact. Although we already see TX, USC, and a few others rising higher than they have in many years with just a couple of recruiting classes. Problem is, once someone does the corporate affiliation thing, the wealthier schools will join in and just have more money. I don't know, but to me it doesn't look great for either AU or AL. Although not as bad as it does for most "group of 5" schools. It's going to become harder for those schools to pick a couple of really good players and keep them if they can't pay them. They find a gem, they lose them in the portal to someone with money.

    We might also see colleges doing what some pro teams have done. Spend a bunch for a bit to see if they can win a championship and if they do, sell it all off. That will actually would be easier in college because you don't have to sell it off, just stop paying for the next batch. It's all short term contracts. 

    Crazy times..

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  15. McPherson would start! Maybe a few others. 

    Maybe the reason the coaches decided to rush 2... was because when they rushed 5 or 6 throughout the game, they got nowhere near milroe. Why not put those extra players back and maybe have a chance of a breakup. Probably should have rushed 0! Dare the guy to take off running and come up and try to stop him.

    If we had done that and he scored, this board would have melted down. If we had rushed 5 or 6, not got there and they scored, this board would have melted down. If we rushed two, with a spy, and they scored this board DID melt down. Basically anything short of a win and this board would have melted down. And with a 99.9% chance of winning, it's understandable.

    I'm sure 10 years ago, the bammer boards had lots of melt downs with many people shouting for saban's head! Same in 2019, when they had an illegal substitution! I bet the rest of their fans are pretty glad it didn't happen.

  16. Auburn grad jumping up and down on a sewer manhole cover yelling 26, 26, 26... 

    Bama guy comes up and says, "what are you doing you idiot, have you lost your mind?"

    Auburn grad says, "It's a lot of fun, I promise you, you give it a try." 

    Bama guy jumps half heartedly up and down a few times yelling 26, says "it's nothing"

    AU grad says, "you're not jumping high enough, try again"

    Bama guy jumps higher, AU grad quickly pulls manhole cover off and the bama guys drops in the sewer. 

    AU grad puts it back, gets back on it, and starts jumping up and down yelling "27, 27, 27"

  17. 1 hour ago, KillenTime said:

    You still have to get the teams prepared to play and have a sound strategy to match your strengths.  We haven't seen that at all even against the teams where the talent is equal or close to equal.  Flip coaching staffs and we win that game easily on Saturday.  Horrible coaching all year - talent or not. 


    Talent is equal or close to equal at Arkansas, Miss St, Cal....  We're about right on schedule for wins this year, most people even on this board predicted anywhere from 6-8 wins.

    Yep we had a terrible loss, yep we have a terrible roster left by years of recruiting neglect and transfers out, yep CHF has somewhat neglected the coaching aspect this year to try to focus on rebuilding the recruiting.

    Based on history, it's the right thing to do. No teams are ever consistently highly rated that recruit poorly, no coach has ever been consistently successful with lesser talent. And every coach that has had consistently good talent has been successful.  I for one, will embrace the first coach in decades that is at least trying to do the one thing that can make us successful, recruit. There is nothing else that will make us successful, spending all your time this year on game prep and ignoring recruiting might have gotten us 8 wins... woohoo.

    Even if you don't like that approach, it's the one approach we haven't tried! Clearly we've proven that "coaching them up" just doesn't work, as have many other schools. Give it a chance. 

    Here are all the national champions since 2000. Georgia, Alabama, Clemson, Ohio State, Florida State, Auburn, Florida, LSU, Texas, Southern California, Miami, Oklahoma. Which one of those teams had poor recruits and "coached them up?" Yea, I don't see any in there either...

    • Like 2
  18. People want to say things like "he has a history of these types of things... "  yada yada. So does every coach! Name me one coach who doesn't have a few gafs on his record and I'll show you a coach that hasn't coached very long. Belichick has been hailed as the greatest coach on earth...

    Someone mentioned the 5 star recruits... That's what it's all about! Every school that has 5 star recruits is competing for the playoffs, every year! And it's been that way since time began. There have been years where a school with 5 star recruits wasn't in the top 10, or has had disappointing seasons which generally means they finish lower than 5th! But they are always up near the top. 

    CHF will be no different. Nor would Gus or Harsin or anyone else we've had as coach. Give any of them a team full of 5 star recruits and we'll be in the mix. The years Gus was in the mix, we had good recruits. The years he wasn't in the mix, we didn't have good recruits. Simple as that.

    So CHF, just keep on recruiting.... That's the only way. All competent coaches will have good seasons if they have good players. Belichick with Brady, Gronk, good Oline, good defensive players... Wins super bowls. Without those players, NO. That's literally all it's about.

  19. Well, I hope it continues. I will have to say that my Wife is a Michigan St graduate and so is all her family. As such, I think I watched every PT game he played there. He was a strange one to figure out at times. At MI ST, he had games like this one where he seemed very accurate and always on point, and he had games where he could not throw it anywhere near whoever he was trying to throw it to. Even if he had time to throw, there were just some games where he could not get his accuracy under control and other games where he was spot on every time.

    I hope that's behind him and his struggles at AU were just not being comfortable with the system, fingers crossed..

    • Thanks 1
  20. 3 hours ago, Shoney'sPonyBoy said:

    All evidence points to your underlying theory.  Look at Mike Bobo.  Everyone complained about him for the entire time he was calling plays here.  Now he's at Georgia and calls an entirely different type of game.  And you're right, that's just one example...it happens like that over and over and over and over and over.

    The only thing that keeps me from going all in on that theory is that I can't figure out exactly what someone "higher up" would do that would dictate how our football OC did his job.  Does Bobby Lowder meet the HC in a dark parking garage and whisper hoarsely, "Make sure everyone in the stadium knows what you're about to call...that's how we do things here at Auburn and it would be a shame if you didn't get with the program."

    How does the "meddling" theory look, exactly?


    Fans always want to blame the coaches or the administration or meddling by the trustees, or whatever. Seems like AU has proven that's not the cause of the problem. We've had many different coaches and many different administrators, all who have previously done well and have gone on to do very well, but have had the same abysmal results at AU.

    So what is the one thing that we don't generally blame? Players! Yes, it's hard to lay fault on the young kids, who are trying their best. But the reality is that most of the coaches we've had are very successful when they are guiding and working with good talent. But none of them can make a sows ear into a silk purse. Many of the coaches, like Gus have been very successful at AU when they had good talent, only to look completely inept when there is no talent.

    The only hope of a way out is to do EXACTLY what CHF is doing! Go all in to recruit better players! It's the one thing we haven't done for years!

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