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Cali TIger

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Posts posted by Cali TIger

  1. 36 minutes ago, AUGoo said:

    My wife found this on some social media thing:


    I love Auburn.

    I love that a team didn’t listen to the masses who said they didn’t stand a chance. 

    I love an injured, backup quarterback who just kept grinding to help give his team a chance. #IBelieveInASoundMindAndASoundBody

    I love a backup place kicker who shouldered enormous pressure in a monumental game.

    I love the fight and grit of these young men who played their hearts out and left everything on the field. #IBelieveInWorkHardWork

    And…..I love our Auburn Family who stood in support and appreciation of the efforts and will of these young men.  These pictures were taken after the game was over, yet the Auburn faithful stood and showed their respect and love for these young men.

    And, because Auburn men and women believe in these things, I believe in Auburn and love it.

    So, when I say I love Auburn, I speak the truth.  Auburn is not just coordinates on a map, a name on a sports schedule or the institution listed on a diploma.  Auburn becomes part of you, your beliefs and your actions.  It is a state of mind and way of life that I have grown to embrace.  

    Am I disappointed in the score?  
    Absolutely, 100%….YES.  I don’t like to lose anymore than the next person.  

    Am I thankful that I am part of something that is bigger than me or a final score?  Absolutely, 100%…..YES.




    This sounds cult-ish.

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