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Posts posted by TexasAtxAub

  1. On 8/17/2021 at 9:46 AM, homersapien said:

    Our trucks are bigger. ;D


    C'mon Homie. You know in certain states trucks win over political party. Plus a true lib as yourself should know its all about the Prius, The Fit, or a Subaru with freaking 50 plus bumper stickers on the back.

    Conservative large flags........ Liberals wall of bumper stickers.

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  2. 1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    The Taliban will ensure Abortions are outlawed.

    And enforce mask mandates and vaccination.

    1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    They'll make sure women are taught purity and to wait for (forced) marriage before opening her legs to allowing a man to defile her.  

    Along with mask mandates and vaccination.

    1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    Foreign influences and mixing of other cultures and religions wont be allowed.

    Like if  you're a Japanese baseball player that needs an interpreter.


    Or thinking of heading to Miami..


    Or, want an interview with the Mayor of Chicago


    Or white and chosen to support your country


    Or Hispanic and a police officer


    1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    A "Well armed militia" patrols the streets making sure troublemakers and undesirables are kept in line

    Like in Chicago



    1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    Religion is considered the most important aspect of daily life and is the primary reference in regards to laws and how Government should operate. 

    There are those for sure.

    1 hour ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    They sure as heck wont allow "liberal or progressive" influences to corrupt the minds of people in their schools and Universities.

    And substitute science with propaganda and rhetoric



    I think you over-corrected man... come join those of us in the middle.

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  3. 8 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    Does your girlfriend also know that lawncare work is statistically a more dangerous and deadly job than being a law enforcement officer? 

    in 2019 

    11 : 100,000 fatalities for Police officers

    19.8 : 100,000 Fatalities for Grounds Maintenance workers 



    Does this mean that being a police officer isn't a dangerous job, or do we need to look at all this in context? 


    No, the MAGA Klan isn't going out and committing mass murders, but they are repeatedly attacking the center of U.S. government and have a lot of mentally unstable members using violent rhetoric when talking about the US government and how they feel the U.S. should 'correct' itself. It also happens that these same mentally ill people are huge 2nd amendment fans and are armed to the teeth.

    Just because you don't believe this is an issue that deserves attention until they actually start killing people or blowing up buildings doesn't mean it isn't an issue that others shouldn't take seriously. The CIA/FBI does believe that it deserves attention as they've labeled right wing domestic terrorism one of the biggest threats to the U.S. at this time. 

    Oh she loves that argument. Known it for years and heard so many times. Especially with her dad, uncle, and little brother owning a landscape business.

    Yes statistically per capita it works. And the deaths are usually transportation related, poor safety awareness (use your equipment right.. self inflicted), and health (good ole cardio vascular). With the exception  some auto accidents we are talking about death by inanimate objects and human ignorance or error. No emotion.


    But then when you want to talk to about Trump supporters it leaves being purely statistical and involves politics, emotions, mental health. Lebron James pulled the same bull**** with officers:


    "You have no idea how that cop that day left the house," James said. "You don't know if he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, you don't know if he had an argument at home with his significant other, you don't know if one of his kids said something to him and he left the house steaming. Or maybe he just left the house saying that, 'Today is going to be the end for one of these Black people.' That's what it feels like. That's what it feels like. It just hurts. It hurts."


    Officers face that same kind of stuff when they approach individuals, and that is a major part of the danger of their profession.

    You want to work it statistically then work it statistically across the board. Wanna toss in the intangibles then do it across the board. But don't do that oh she is a Hispanic female and you know those Maga attitudes and she is in real danger from terrorist. Then when she put on her uniform and pulled over/answered suspicious calls and had to approach individuals in high crime areas go oh no big deal, she's safer than a guy mowing a lawn.

    Your probably one of those oh hey you're brown and female and your being oppressed I support you, oh wait your in blue? you know you never gonna be white people.

    • Facepalm 1
  4. 2 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    Ticket them. But to start, I’d order mask mandates in public places and schools. That would be a good start. Not actively and openly calling for the opposition of what should be  the most basic, easy, and least intrusive tactic to help matters (masks). I’d stand behind private businesses that enforce mask mandates and vaccine proof. 

    Would it stop covid completely? Probably not. But it would at the very least present a valid corse of action. And at the very least ensure that my state is doing everything in its power to prevent a state of complete chaos and emergency.

    To answer your question. I’d ticket them. Unless they were being openly defiant and refusing to follow the rules. Then I’d arrest them for public endangerment.

    Private business in Texas can do mandates all they want.

    Austin did a 500 fine. Which initially worked, but then people figured out they were not fining people (1 ticket in 1 month). You can see noone was worried (and clearly see no enforcement by officers in the 6th street videos). Even a year ago Adler admits he doesn't have the police resources to enforce one, the biggest benefit of the mandate was education, and almost echoes Abbott with a community expectancy statement.


    Austin Mayor Steve Adler understands. He knows enforcement is tough, especially when there are not enough police officers. For him, the goal is education.

    “We have the fines and we can use them and they’re there for a reason, but it’s better not to. It’s better to have a community to expect that of themselves and one another,” Adler said.


    Austin now has even fewer officers, your worst rates of vaccination and adherence are in the ethnic populations unfortunately. Look how angry some of you are, you don't think vaccinated people wearing  masks won't call the police? and many of them would be legitimate calls. But the cries of racism will ring out. Plus Garza and Garcia are tossing out about 77% of misdemeanor cases for the year so far.

    The SO didn't enforce it. She walked by a group of guys one night and said "evening gentlemen let's be safe and wear our mask". Their response was racial gender pig. She laughed it off cause she didn't wanna risk getting spit on (cause she had no desire to take them in or fine them) and have to deal with the COA work comp mandates. Getting a supervisor, getting the paperwork, going to the hospital, hoping not to get a liberal ER physician with an attitude that would delay putting orders in or argue if a draw was necessary (mandated by COA to return to duty) and wasting her entire shift.

    And this is in a liberal/Democratic city.

    The way it worked enforcement wise last time, I don't think mandate would have any bite truthfully.


    • Facepalm 1
  5. My girlfriend, ex law enforcement, would like to remind you that more people have been killed by landscaping than by Trump supporters. They really aren't that dangerous.

    This guy loves kid, is a great person etc etc.... well except he knowingly bought his felon boyfriend the gun that killed Officer Ellah French.

    This is the guy that it is contributing the the double digit shootings and deaths in Chicago every weekend.

    Can we start addressing and taking out all of the trash. I'd like the next time I go get food on 6th street not to have my night interrupted by people randomly shooting 14 people also.

    • Facepalm 3
  6. 10 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    It is! I agree that they should have that choice. But they’re contributing to others deaths by not taking proper precautions to help protect others. Trust me, Bird. If it was just them being affected, I’d openly advocate for nature to take its place. I have a toddler who can’t help protect himself with a vaccine and a pregnant wife carrying a baby that also can’t protect his/herself. And other people have loved ones in that same boat. So until everyone can be given an opportunity to protect themselves and their loved ones, people need to fall in line, even if they’re being made to, imo.

    So what is the punishment? I showed you 6th Street for Halloween 2020. Social distance mandate in effect, mask mandate in effect, and no vaccine yet.

    Do you ticket these people, do you arrest them? What do you do with those that violate the mandate.

    You are the gov of Texas, what do you do to those individuals?

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    I’m sure he will have the best available care. Meanwhile in his most hospitals are so overwhelmed and overcrowded in Texas that they are  their turning patients away. And Abbott is looking to other states for healthcare professionals. But hey, at least the government won’t make them wear masks.

    It's called diversion and it is based on level of care needs (they aren't being denied care, even the article uses it as a catchy headline then properly addresses). These are patients using EMS and are sent to other facilities. We actually had patients brought in from San Antonio/New Braunfals that were non-covid last week (foot/hand injuries, hyperglycemia, even sore throats.) You would be surprised what some people use an ambulance for. Seen people use an ambulance and walk out with prescription for over the counter allergy meds. Then get mad that the ambulance won't take them home lol.

    But yes, space is an issue and there is diversion. The patients hold in the ER then the next day you see a large number of DC's and those patients are moved upstairs. I've now worked ED's at two facilities over the past 3 weeks and one was on diversion once (accepting all other days) and the other I have not seen go on diversion. I also saw one that could of opened 26 more beds in the ER, but didn't have the staff to cover it.

    You can't just turn patients away though, it breaks EMTALA. Your getting diverted (in which case EMS has already screen/stabilized/triaged), or you're physically walking into an ER where again by law you will be triaged/stabilized/treated.

    Here is the demographic make up of two of your largest hospitals in the state of Texas with extremely high diversion rates:


    Hispanic - 57.6%
    African American - 24.3%
    Caucasian - 10.3%
    Asian and other - 7.8%



    These unfortunately are populations that are not getting vaccinated and they are populations that from readings and personal experience mandates are not going to work on for many. In all seriousness, they will come in for Covid systems and won't wear their mask in the hospital. There are as many of them that won't act as there are the anti-mask/vac whites.

    I guess you could force vaccination mandates and go into those areas (but we know how that will turn out). Far as mask mandate, you can do it but there will still be significant portions that will ignore it. Go back on lockdown? That has lead to riots in Germany, England, France, Australia, etc. I do think full shutdowns would result in riots now in the US.

    And I agree it sucks. Dems/Rep both ****** it up and their followers will bully the other side about it. It should be a pure Public Health issue with people getting vaccinated and not being bitchy cause they have to wear a mask while getting milk.

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  8. Don't forget these people. Like I said.. people are gonna do what they want when it involves their lifestyle on both sides.


    A resurgence in COVID cases didn’t stop Lauri Chavez from traveling to Austin from San Jose, California. She found out the Pride parade was postponed after she flew in and said she was disappointed.

    “Let’s celebrate our gay pride. It’s our proud moment. So if we get infected or not that’s our own choice,” Chavez said.

    She’s had COVID-19 once and is still not vaccinated, but to her, it should be everyone’s own decision whether or not to get it.

    “How people say my body my choice, that’s what people say, so that’s how I feel,” she said.

    While the City of Austin remains in Stage 5 risk-based guidelines, Melendez said masks will be encouraged at Highland Lounge.

    “After going through COVID the first time we learned a lot of different ways to make sure that our patrons don’t feel attacked by having to wear masks.”


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  9. 10 hours ago, homersapien said:

    So, you think the poster was serious and you assume he is a Democrat?  :laugh:

    Why would he think someone was Democrat. It shows a Democrat accusing musicians of causing actions.? Post was half-serious, but it does show how people will make things fit their agenda. ZZ Top encouraging violence lol. Even you have to find humor in that.

    Or how about the Biden bus on 35? People went nuts about that.

    1) Regardless of any political affiliation, if its an SUV in the Austin area on I35 with California tags involving a lane issue...... its the people from California.

    2)It was funny to see people get upset about the cars, flags, and yelling given the nature of the SEC.

    3)Wonder why you never heard any more on that, cause you know if it was the Trump side fault it would of been everywhere. Probably because:


    The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles.

    “The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.


    And I voted for neither party this time, voted Hillary in 16 though. Well damn, I voted for Beto also. So I am an independent that has voted more Democratic or write in during the last 4 elections.



  10. On 8/15/2021 at 8:25 AM, DKW 86 said:

    What exactly was the point of that?

    The point would be I think (considering it was posted on Tequila and Tres Hombres), that the person in the OP most likely (well actually given his image issues does) have mental health issues.

    Just like this guy is most likely to have mental health issues, should we start digging through his social media for BLM stuff. Perhaps he was going for the suicide by cop idea  (gf had 2 of those tried on her the past year and half) for the cause. Or was he going for the ambush kill of an officer (using this to attract them) which is up something like 500%.


    I'm going mental issues for both, and examples of why mental health should be considered more in gun laws, and why straw purchasers should face stiffer penalties.

  11. 11 hours ago, homersapien said:

    Clearly, we need another wall, only not so far south.

    Where you gonna build the wall Homie lol.

    Recent statistics:

    Believe you are in NC right? Population 12 and up that have one dose at this time reported: 60%


    State of Virginia: Population 12 and up receiving 1 dose at this time reported: 62%


    State of Texas, land of the anti-vaccination as reported at this time 12 and up receiving 1 dose: 64%

    I got my sisters opinion today as she is a govt employee with 3 kids in K-12. She is like me, mandate or no mandate doesn't matter. We know what to do and she has consistently been teaching her children the same. Accountability for our own health. Her kids actually did better when she decided to just keep them home, cause they complained about constant interruptions and time spent trying to get other kids to keep their masks on or worn properly.

    Anyway, be safe man. News stories out of NC (sorry if that isn't wear you live, some reason I think it is) seems like you might not be very far behind Texas in regards to spread and bed issues. Its possible my old organization might be in that area also.

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  12. 5 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

    Abbot isn't just against vaccine mandates either, he's signed an executive order preventing schools and  government offices from requiring masks...an order that Dallas school district is trying to defy. 

    It's a stupid game that Abbott is playing and all of Texas is paying the price for it.

    Wont stop Red blooded Repubs from blaming all of it on migrants and brown people though. That's the catch all scapegoat for Conservatives when anything goes wrong in America. 


    And it wont stop Texas Dems from grabbing a case of Miller Light and ignoring recommendations/mandates or telling people to shelter in and not gather while they go to weddings in Cabo either. Yes, Abbott is anti-mandate across the board.

    The biggest problem for Texas is it's vaccination rate that ranks 36th nationally. Which goes back to the OP statement that Abbott is anti-vaccination, which is not true. It even cut out the measures trying to encourage vaccinations.

    Yes, many of your "no big govt" and rural conservatives are going to shift blames. When you look at Dallas, Bexar, Harris, and Travis you will see terrible vaccination rates in the African American and Hispanic areas with them shifting blames. My GF's father almost lost his life last year cause he wouldn't get vaccinated despite her pushing him, and he isn't a Republican and is one of those brown people. His decision had nothing to do with politics. She actually did vote Republican though.


    Over 99.5% of your Texas covid deaths are in the un-vaccinated since Feb. Texas Republicans and Democrats both need to do a better job in overcoming obstacles in the unvaccinated. Claiming its all migrants doesn't help, and that plane stunt didn't help in regard to vaccinations. Least Delta fears are driving people to get vaccinated.


    For me, as I said people are gonna do what they want to in regards to their lifestyle. I wear my mask at work all day, I got vaccinated, and I wear my mask into businesses again.


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  13. I don't post here anymore, in fact even forgot my password, still read though here and there. Was curious about this though.

    2 hours ago, AuCivilEng1 said:

    anti vaccine environment

    Is there a reason you left out the rest of the information in Abbott's statement? He isn't anti-vaccine, he is mandate though.


    The Governor is also directing TDEM and DSHS to increase vaccination availability across the state and encourages all Texans to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Texans can visit covidvaccine.texas.gov to find a provider near them. Texans can also utilize TDEM's State Mobile Vaccine Program by calling 844-90-TEXAS and selecting Option 3 to schedule a mobile vaccine clinic to vaccinate groups of of friends, families, employees, volunteers, and more. Homebound Texans can also call 844-90-TEXAS and choose Option 1 to request a mobile vaccine team to come to their home.

    "The State of Texas is taking action to combat the recent rise in COVID-19 cases and ensure that our hospitals and communities have the resources and support they need to mitigate the virus," said Governor Abbott. "Texans can help bolster our efforts by getting vaccinated against COVID-19. The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective, and it is our best defense against this virus. Texans can visit covidvaccine.texas.gov to find a COVID-19 vaccine provider near them."


    Not a big Abbott fan, didn't vote for Trump, didn't vote for Biden either. Abbott is correct though that it is a "time for personal responsibility". Or maybe he is like me and has Clapton tickets and will change his mind post concert (like Lightfoot and Lollapalooza lol).

    I work ER in a healthcare facility in Travis county, a county that voted something like 80% democratic in the election. I see who is coming in wanting testing, who is getting positives, and who despite that being their reason for coming won't keep a mask on, and start trouble with staff and other patients. I also know the make up of my ICU/TCU/STICU beds. Several car accidents, cardiac numbers are back to norm, and like many cities we are seeing a significant increase in our GSW's and stabbings (I see what every person that enters that ER is there for). I had to get swabbed last week cause of an incident with a patient and their mask (and they were not Trump anti vacc/mask). Fortunately it was the resp/sinus infection that's been sweeping through Austin and not a breakthrough.

    If you want to know why Texas is trying to import healthcare workers, it is because of pay. Many of the clinical staff (especially nurses) left for travel assignments in other states cause of the pay. We've been working short staffed across the board the entire year. In fact the organization I currently work for (for a very short time longer,I got a new gig myself) just now upped their nursing pay. This is hitting nursing, techs, administration... everything across the board. You got front line healthcare workers getting a joke bonus and 35 cent raises while HEB was giving $3.00 plus permanent raises along with a significant bonus. Their stating pay also increased. Hell the P-Terry's by me (chicken/hamburger stand) is starting with no experience at $18 an hour. That is more than the median pay for many lab/medical techs. I took 2 weeks from an individual going to Costco today. Better hours, they are staffed, will time and a half them every Sunday, and is paying 8 dollars an hour more.

    Then in Austin who are you gonna get to enforce all those mandates? They are losing officers left and right. Never stated here before but my GF is one of them, finished the post grad work she was doing and got out. Really glad about that, even more so after seeing the weekend event in Chicago. Along with the officers they are losing they de-funded 3 cadet classes so they have no replacements. Their response time to level 1 events has increased by like 40%.

    What I've learned in the past year plus is this, regardless of beliefs, political affiliation, whatever..... many people are still gonna do what they want to do in regards to COVID if it impacts their lifestyle. Like I said Austin, Tex.... liberal city..... like 80% plus democratic vote. 6th Street 2020, no vaccine available, social distance in effect, mask mandate in effect:


    Ya'll be safe.

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