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Cam: 680 theFan Atlanta had ESPN Legal Analyst on this morning


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They (Christopher Rude and especially Perry Laurentino)  have been taking the position every morning that even if Cam didn't know he would eventually be ineligible according to NCAA rules.  The ESPN Legal guy definitely wasn't taking the company line.  He said that there was no way NCAA would rule Cam ineligible for his father's actions (even solicitation) unless there is evidence Cam knew.  He then went on to say that eventually the Miss State crew would have to answer why they are the ones who are in on this (must not be their first time) and  why they went public when they did.  It was obviously not what the regular guys wanted to hear and they moved quickly to next subject.

Guess their screener got fired shortly after this...


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They (Christopher Rude and especially Perry Laurentino)  have been taking the position every morning that even if Cam didn't know he would eventually be ineligible according to NCAA rules.  The ESPN Legal guy definitely wasn't taking the company line.  He said that there was no way NCAA would rule Cam ineligible for his father's actions (even solicitation) unless there is evidence Cam knew.  He then went on to say that eventually the Miss State crew would have to answer why they are the ones who are in on this (must not be their first time) and  why they went public when they did.  It was obviously not what the regular guys wanted to hear and they moved quickly to next subject.

Guess their screener got fired shortly after this...


Ha - I love it! I am here in Atlanta and I do not like those guys - I am just sorry I missed it! Let the backtracking and CYA begin!! :)

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Smackdown I love it. These guys are playing to the sensational for listeners here in dawg land.  At this point anything that will explain the beating uga took last weekend is welcomed by the rabid puppies. The next year will be so nice in GA, now on to the team in the west.

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They (Christopher Rude and especially Perry Laurentino)  have been taking the position every morning that even if Cam didn't know he would eventually be ineligible according to NCAA rules.  The ESPN Legal guy definitely wasn't taking the company line.  He said that there was no way NCAA would rule Cam ineligible for his father's actions (even solicitation) unless there is evidence Cam knew.  He then went on to say that eventually the Miss State crew would have to answer why they are the ones who are in on this (must not be their first time) and  why they went public when they did.  It was obviously not what the regular guys wanted to hear and they moved quickly to next subject.

Guess their screener got fired shortly after this...


It's really hilarious that Ala, GA and LSU fans keep yelling with such certainty that he's ineligible, and then when someone with knowledge and objectivity about NCAA rules and interpretations is interviewed, they almost always say Cam can't be declared ineligible based on current information. Then those same fans go more howler monkey about how the NCAA and SEC is covering up for Auburn. Quite funny really.   :laugh:   :wareagle:

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