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I am glad the FBI is involved in the investigation


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If the NCAA was investigating this on their own I would be a little worried as they have a way of making things work out in funny ways. Having the FBI involved should make sure that everything is handled properly. When they come down on the guilty parties it will obviously discredit them taking away the NCAA's ability to take their word for it and spin it against Auburn. Just my opinion... 

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If the NCAA was investigating this on their own I would be a little worried as they have a way of making things work out in funny ways. Having the FBI involved should make sure that everything is handled properly. When they come down on the guilty parties it will obviously discredit them taking away the NCAA's ability to take their word for it and spin it against Auburn. Just my opinion... 

^^^ Totally agree ^^^  :wedance:

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I see your point but I am not sure that the FBI and the NCAA are investigating the same things.  There are lots of NCAA violations that don't break federal law.  I don't think the soliciting of money for Cam would be something that interests the FBI.

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I see your point but I am not sure that the FBI and the NCAA are investigating the same things.  There are lots of NCAA violations that don't break federal law.  I don't think the soliciting of money for Cam would be something that interests the FBI.

I don't either, but those the FBI interviews may not know what they are investigating and slip up and tell the truth. Fear of visiting the big house would, I think, probably make a olt of people tell the truth whe they might otherwise not.
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The FBI involvement will probably slow down the NCAA's completion of the NCAA investigation. The NCAA will not want their findings to conflict with or contradict anything the FBI might uncover. If the feds pursue prosecution, the evidence presented will become public and could potentially be embarassing to the NCAA. 

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What I was thinking goes along the lines of the previous two replies. At the very least having the FBI involved instead of solely the NCAA keeps everyone on the up and up I think, at least that is my premise.   

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I see your point but I am not sure that the FBI and the NCAA are investigating the same things.  There are lots of NCAA violations that don't break federal law.  I don't think the soliciting of money for Cam would be something that interests the FBI.

Didn't I read a quote from Bond's attorney saying, the FBI are involved to look into the shopping of players?

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I see your point but I am not sure that the FBI and the NCAA are investigating the same things.  There are lots of NCAA violations that don't break federal law.  I don't think the soliciting of money for Cam would be something that interests the FBI.

Didn't I read a quote from Bond's attorney saying, the FBI are involved to look into the shopping of players?

If he said that he was wrong.  The FBI has much better things to do than worry about the recruitment of high school athletes. 

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The FBI is investigating agents, IMO.  I have heard they were working on the UNC case (in regards to the agents).

When the Cam Newton stuff came up, with Roger's name involved, I think the FBI obviously had an interest to talk to Bond, who could further provide evidence against Rogers.

I think the NCAA is following Roger's trails...and it is leading them to other schools.

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The NCAA usually is not in a rush to do anything IMO, but with the FBI being involved it will speed things up. I am sure they are passing along what they find to the NCAA. The FBI will find HOW they want to build their case, and take time doing that, but they will get the facts a lot quicker than the NCAA IMO.

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I just wish we really knew what the FBI was investigating.  Its probably related but we really don't know.

IMO it has to be the pay-for-play thing. The NFL and the NCAA are tired or crooked agents and runners and want to bust just one to make an example of him.. Rogers is an employee of an agent. This is the core of this entire case for both Cam and Auburn. Not that Auburn is involved, but this is all about Cam which puts us right in the center of this thing.

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