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Taking 11 year old daughter to her first game......


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Well, some of you may remember me.  I am from Iowa, and I made my first trek down to the plains in October last year for the Ole Miss game.  I got to experience some awesome traditions and football.  Rolling Toomer's has to be right up there as a surreal experience.  Anyway, my 11 year old daughter will be coming down with us this year.  I want her to have an unbelievable experience like I did for my first game.  I would love for her to be able to roll Toomer's as well.  Would you focus more on a for sure win or more on a great experience? 

I have considered LSU, Ark, A&M and GA.  I was hoping to get your thoughts as more "insiders". 

Can't wait for trip #2!

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I think A&M would be a cool experience. First time playing each other as SEC opponents, quality fan base, no bad history between the two fan bases so it should just be an overall great time. I personally plan on introducing myself and making their fans feel as welcome as possible. Plus it is an SEC team that most expect us to beat, so you would most likely get to roll Toomer's and it would be a pretty big celebrated win. I believe we will beat at least one of the other three teams and if y'all were there for that, it would be not only be a great game atmosphere, but Toomer's would be crazy. If I could only pick one game to go to a year it would be the uga game though, it is always the game I look forward to the most. No matter what game you choose, I know your daughter will have a great time!

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    I'm with you Iron_Chin_Chiz...UGA is the game we never want to miss! We've been going to this game in Athens as well as Auburn since 1981. It's just a great rivalry. Just wish the Georgia fans would get over our 2010 season.

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I would probably avoid the LSU game, because their fans are pretty digusting and crude, and you probably don't want to ride all the way back to Iowa smelling like corndogs....

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Best game day experience would either be UGA or LSU. LSU game will be hot so consider that. UGA game is always my favorite game of the year. A&M seems like it will be like an Ole Miss or Miss State type of atmosphere. Arky is gonna be down. If you had to choose one, I would pick.....flips coin......UGA.

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    I'm with you Iron_Chin_Chiz...UGA is the game we never want to miss! We've been going to this game in Athens as well as Auburn since 1981. It's just a great rivalry. Just wish the Georgia fans would get over our 2010 season.

Agreed it is a great rivalry. Glad we are at least keeping it for the forseeable future. uga fans are just jealous of our season. Lately, when they have the talent to make a potential run, they choke. We will see this year though. I have never gotten to go to the game in Athens, was very close to going last year but ended up being glad I didn't  ;)

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There's a certain magic in the atmosphere at an SEC game.  I like the UGA rivalry, myself.  But the newness of playing TAMU will be exciting too.  I don't think you'll go wrong with any of your picks.

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I think we decided on A&M just because it's the first meeting vs Auburn in the SEC.  A little history in the making for her to witness :-)

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LSU fans are great as long as they are sober. The trouble is that I haven't met many sober LSU fans.

Since it's her first time, I would recommend either TAMU or UGA. I really don't think UGA is going to be able to come into Jordan-Hare and do anything but roll over, and the atmosphere in Auburn during Georgia week is electric (most outside of Auburn and Athens don't realize how big this rivalry is...I've had a UGA fan ask if the Iron Bowl is really as big as Auburn-Georgia).

However, TAMU is the more sure fire win, and until this season they were my favorite non-SEC school mainly because I have several classy A&M friends, so that will probably be the more pleasant atmosphere, and letting her experience the beginning of a new rivalry for her first game would be fairly poetic. I'd say that's your best bet.

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i would say a&m ...

i have taken all three of my kids every year since they were born.  all 3 attended their first games at about 7 months old.  you gotta look at it from the 11 year olds' fun perspective.  if she doesn't have fun, then you won't have fun.  she will have fun regardless of the win or loss.  the only potential miss is rolling toomer's.

as an adult, i would say uga.  if your daughter had been to a game or 2, then uga.  the atmosphere for that rivalry is awesome.  but your daughter could be a little overwhelmed by it.  the a&m atmosphere might be a touch more subdued, which could be a positive for her first time.  the a&m fans are solid.  with it being their first trip to auburn, the atmosphere will be up more than it might be in other years.  i think it will be a solid game.  the newness of the schools playing each other will make this exciting.  i think it will end up as a nice nighttime espn game if i had to guess.

avoid the lsu game at all costs.  to high of a risk of being put off by an obnoxious lsu fan, thus lowering the overall experience.

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It depends a little on how into football you AND your daughter are. I've taken our daughter to many games and the big things for her are .....eating at BBQ House and watching Aubie. Now that she's 10 she is a little more into the game itself and doesn't get bored as easily but I prefer taking her to lesser games (not LSU/ARK/$puat/UGA) because I get pretty focused on the game and hate to miss a series to escort her to the bathroom or get a drink, etc...plus ticket prices for the big games can be a little high $150-$200ish. You may also want to factor in day vs afternoon vs night games for a heat and bedtime standpoint.

In your case I'll vote for A&M also, not a traditional rival so tix SHOULD be a little less than other games and all the A&M folks I've ever met were real nice but should still have a big game atmosphere.

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As a side note regarding TAMU, how are their ladies? I always like to measure up opposing teams' girls against Auburn's (never comes close obviously). I had no idea up until about a year ago that it was such a huge university.

I definitely think with having a young daughter there, TAMU is a good call. Still a big game, very winable, shouldn't be too much hostility like at a uga or lsu game. Some of that stuff would freak me out if I was 11.

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I think we decided on A&M just because it's the first meeting vs Auburn in the SEC.  A little history in the making for her to witness :-)

This was going to be my suggestion, although as it's been pointed out they're all great choices. I just think it will be a great environment and a great first game for her (hopefully first of many). She can see the storied rivalries later, there'll only be one first SEC game against A&M.

And on a side note. As another poster said how they're going to welcome and greet the Aggies, let's all do so. Let's welcome them into the SEC and show what class acts we are. Let's make them feel welcome and apart of our great conference. And then send them home with a loss. Atleast they can say "But atleast the fans were great. And how awesome was that eagle flight?!?!".

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Iowa, you couoldn't go wrong with either game. However, I would think that the A&M game would be a more respectable civil atmosphere that the LSU game. If you want to see areal SEC rivalry type atmosphere definantly go to the LSU game. If you have never witnessed it, it's something to see.

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i would say a&m ...

i have taken all three of my kids every year since they were born.  all 3 attended their first games at about 7 months old.  you gotta look at it from the 11 year olds' fun perspective.  if she doesn't have fun, then you won't have fun.  she will have fun regardless of the win or loss.  the only potential miss is rolling toomer's.

as an adult, i would say uga.  if your daughter had been to a game or 2, then uga.  the atmosphere for that rivalry is awesome.  but your daughter could be a little overwhelmed by it.  the a&m atmosphere might be a touch more subdued, which could be a positive for her first time.  the a&m fans are solid.  with it being their first trip to auburn, the atmosphere will be up more than it might be in other years.  i think it will be a solid game.  the newness of the schools playing each other will make this exciting.  i think it will end up as a nice nighttime espn game if i had to guess.

avoid the lsu game at all costs.  to high of a risk of being put off by an obnoxious lsu fan, thus lowering the overall experience.

I like going to LSU games, but I would never take an 11 year old to one (unless I was careful to point out how much corndog behavior is stupid), and I'm not sure I'd want to go to Baton Rouge. Only reason I can think of that I would want to is to be there to support the team, but I don't think they need my help that badly...

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True. And park far away from the staduim. They will cut your tires and key your car, home or away.

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True. And park far away from the staduim. They will cut your tires and key your car, home or away.

That's why you park at TigerTown and ride the transit bus in. ;)

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It's hard to go wrong with LSU. It's almost always a tough, hard-fought game and something crazy usually happens.

A&M is intriguing though. UGA should be a good team, and it would be AUsome to watch Auburn stomp a mudhole in them personally.

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I'm making my 12 year old read this thread.  We will be making our trek for our annual game this year, and I am leaving the decision up to her this year.  This thread has some good arguments for every game.

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Iowa, I would say pick whatever game is most convenient for you and your daughter.  We will not lose in JHS this year.  I met with your long time Attorney General this year in Des Moines over a legal issue we have with the state. He is a class act and represents your great state very well.  Also, loved the capital city - very clean and very nice people.  AU's very own Jimmy Buffet was performing the night we were there.  Iowans obviously know good music.

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If all of those games are doable on your schedule, I would say A&M. She will leave being able to say that she saw their first ever meeting as SEC teams, Auburn won, and she got to roll Toomer's corner. All while being surrounded by classy people. There is too much already built in to Ark, LSU, GA to be able to guarantee the classy part. Especially if AU wins. There will be a ton of disrespectful comments if AU wins those last three.

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And go out early during the day; tailgates will be set up and get started at 8 to 9 for Gameday on ESPN. Find one you like, explain that you're there for your second game and this is your daughter's first, I guarantee you that you won't have to worry about food. Auburn is renowned for being friendly; several threads on rival boards have been dedicated to how nice it is coming to Auburn.

I have a really good friend who grew up an Alabama and Florida fan (father got his undergrad from Bama and law degree from Florida) but got smart and married into a big time Auburn family. She said the first time she went to Jordan-Hare, she wanted to hate it, wanted to believe it was better at the Swamp or T-town (pretty sure she'd been to both of those), but just couldn't stop herself from smiling. Seems like she was actually wearing Florida gear to an AU-UF game, but she was amazed at how friendly everyone was with her anyway. She still cheers for the turds and crocs, but I think it's more to have something to go back and forth with her husband about.

Speaking of which, now that I'm thinking about it, I'd like to send a shout out to her husband; I won't put his name on here, because I don't know how he'd feel about it, but he's a soldier who has had at least one tour in the middle east and, again, he is also an Auburn man.

Anyway, point is that you won't have trouble making friends. :thumbsup:

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