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Apparently temper tantrums run in the family

The SandMntTiger

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What an angry little bunch that family is.....

Kevin Scarbinsky‏@KevinScarbinsky

Plaintiff attorney confirms civil lawsuit against Nick Saban's daughter, Kristen. Stems from alleged 2010 assault of a sorority sister.


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Hmm, I'd let her...ah..nevermind. If that happened, I'd have to meet Lil Nicky face to stomach.

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Does anyone remember the movie " Who's afraid of Virginia Wolff?" starring Elizabeth Taylor?  After reading this, I feel like I did after watching that movie; that I've been drinking all night, with the awful aftertaste in my mouth, and a big hangover just around the corner.  Man, there was a lot of drinking going on that night!!

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There's been a few times where I've been at the same bar as her. She doesn't come across as very nice, and no one ever seems to want to talk to her. I get the feeling she's not well liked.

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How did Turdville keep this fight away from the media?  Oh, never mind... We all know that  :devil: controls all media around turdville.  Nothing is printed unless he approves.

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Man does today have great potential or what? Woodbammer leavin town, possible that Foster flips today, and now after weeks of ridiculing Auburn players and recruits with half truths over minor indescretions..... Well lets just say, glass houses updykes, glass houses.


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How embarrassing for saban... Let's all not forget about the photos that were released not too long ago. Reminds me of a song by Buckcherry.

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Breaking news:  After receiving the news of his #1 LB recruit flipping to his biggest rival, Saban offers his daughter a scholarship to play MLB. 

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If I were that Sarah girl I would grab as much money as I could from her "daddy war bucks" father. Then leave the state before the REC comes after me.

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Simple, out of court settlement with a non-disclosure agreement as an attached rider requirement. End of press coverage when no details can be released. Just make the world go away.

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Conveniently no charges were filed with the police department by university officials

The person that was assaulted declined to press charges. Not much they can do.

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