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Obama’s claim he called Benghazi an ‘act of terrorism’ = 4 Pinnochios

DKW 86

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Obama’s claim he called Benghazi an ‘act of terrorism’ = 4 Pinnochios

Wow, The NYT, the WAPO, Time Magazine all turned on Obama this week and they werent even talking about the really bad stuff with the IRS...

i can actually see the IRS stuff getting a full blown Congressional Committee probe, ala Watergate. The BS that this was a few folks in the Cleveland office just went up in smoke too.

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Waiting for the other shoe to drop does not cover this administration. Feels like a rack of shoes turned over in the last week....

Benghazi talking points being changed 12 times

IRS targeting the TEA party

IRS targeting jewish groups

IRS targeting groups for smaller government

IRS targeting groups teaching the constitution

DOJ conducting surveillance of AP reporters and offices

Now the Russians have detained an American for recruiting Russians as spies

No wonder the president cried during his press conference..

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oops, should have checked my link, was thanking folks for the AU Meeting last nite on fb this am.

fixed now

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