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A perfect example of why Democrat voters are so uninformed and ignorant


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The US House of Representatives (including 6 Democrats) voted to hold Lois Lerner in Contempt: "Total coverage by ABC, CBS and NBC? Just a 15-second brief on Thursday’s edition of ABC’s Good Morning America."

The hoax of Global warming: "In total ABC, CBS and NBC (from Tuesday morning through Wednesday morning) spent a whopping 27 minutes and 37 seconds on the Obama administration’s climate change scare-mongering."


Meanwhile, science arrives....


This past winter and its record cold temperatures can be given full credit for AGW becoming "climate disruption." They even say now that the record cold is attributable to green house gases. No way to win with 3 year olds either. :-\

Meanwhile, science arrives....


This past winter and its record cold temperatures can be given full credit for AGW becoming "climate disruption." They even say now that the record cold is attributable to green house gases. No way to win with 3 year olds either. :-\

No way to win when you have idiots that believe in the BS.

The biggest and most obvious thing about those who favor this liberal agenda is their tendency to believe that nobody can do anything as well as the govt. They also consistently use the appeal to authority fallacy when arguing climate change which is long on faith but short on reliable believable data. They argue that deniers take money from those who oppose the climate change theories all the while ignoring that "scientists" continue to set points of no return deadlines that inevitably come and go without incident then they claim they need more money to continue they research. So, the scientific community that is completely dependent upon govt funding for their continued research is to be unconditionally believed but those who are NOT receiving that funding are not credible because they're biased due to receiving funding from private sector interests who don't believe the theory.?

Additionally, the same scientists who tell us the earth is 4.5 billion years old expect us to believe that the model they've constructed using 100 years of weather records is sufficient evidence to tax the living s*** out of industry and the citizenry through administrative controls. You can be sure of this...the whole charade is about passing a carbon tax PERIOD, full stop! It would result in loss of individual freedoms like nothing ever before experienced.


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