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Boots on the Ground

Proud Tiger

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Obama has said repeatedly there will not be any combat boots on the ground fighting ISIS. Anyone care to make a prediction how long it will be before he tries to rationalize his decision to do so? Gen. Dempsey sure left that option open in his testimony to congress this morning.

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The president is trying to reassure his base and left leaning libertarians. It's called election year rhetoric. We have boots on the ground now.

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He'll deny he said that or blame us for not understanding what he really meant. Knda like it was our fault we believed him when he said we could keep our doctor.It's never his fault. Never takes responsibility for anything.

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Dunno about boots, but it's almost midweek, and I've not seen anything being blown up over there on the cable news shows.

What's the hold up ? Shouldn't we be at least be seeing some drone strikes by now ?

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He can't possibly attack all of those peace loving innocent Muslims .......

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"Boots on the Ground"'. What a misused and misunderstood term.

No matter what the dufus politicians, bureaucrats, and reporters in nice safe Washington offices say or refer to you as. If you are an American in the US military carrying a weapon in Iraqi or some other hole of country in that area, you are boots on the ground.

In the same manner, keep in mind the frontline World War II US Army infantryman's comment on rear echelon personnel as quoted by Stephen Ambrose, "Any SOB behind my foxhole is rear echelon."

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While the American public begins beating the war drums and congresscritters start their predictable rhetoric, just remember sequestration says hi. The Budget Control Act of 2011 had a devastating effect on the force. Open up your wallets because this is going to get expensive.

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Freedom has never been free, and for sure that goes for freedom from terrorism and evil people.

Lofty statements are not going to fund the military. Contact your representative to roll back the cuts to the force.

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He'll deny he said that or blame us for not understanding what he really meant. Knda like it was our fault we believed him when he said we could keep our doctor.It's never his fault. Never takes responsibility for anything.

Hell he didn't even draw that red line in the sand for Bashir al Assad either....nor did he withdraw the troops from Iraq. Dude has the mindset of a 3 year old with his.."I didn't do it" mentality

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"One would have thought that given the administration’s strategic blunder in not enforcing its “red line” over the Syrian regime’s use of chemical weapons, officials would be gun-shy about publicly using the term. Hold aside too, for the moment, the difficulty in reconciling the incremental dispatch of special operations forces to shore up Iraq’s rump Shia state with the administration’s “no boots on the ground” mantra. The number of special operations forces now in Iraq tally more than 1,000 soldiers by public accounts, and they presumably are wearing boots, not wingtips.

President Obama is falling back on his playbook from the Libya intervention, in which his administration famously “led from behind.” Obama in 2011 told the American people that “no boots were to be on the ground” in Libya. Coalition airpower proved enough to tip Qaddafi out of the halls of power and into the streets to be killed by a mob. Tragically, the coalition intervention in Libya was insufficient to stem the breakdown of civil order, the birth and expansion of Islamist militias, and the killing of Americans in the Benghazi consulate."


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He is resembling Hitler more every day.

You might want to walk that statement back. You certainly don't know your history.

Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too. If anything, Obama resembles the anti-Hitler, maybe Chamberlain.

These boys don't know enough history to make logical insults. ;D

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He is resembling Hitler more every day.

You might want to walk that statement back. You certainly don't know your history.

Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too. If anything, Obama resembles the anti-Hitler, maybe Chamberlain.

These boys don't know enough history to make logical insults. ;D

No you stupid libtard. He was Chamberlain LAST week. THIS week he is Hitler. Try to keep up!

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