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Weight Lifting-Workouts


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I usually do hiit instead of cardio. Cardio causes muscle wasting whereas hiit preserves muscle and goes after fat. Hence the comparison of olympic sprinters' body comp to olympic marathoners body comp. I do 25, 20/15 second split sprint intervals. Only takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, but you will feel like you just ran 10 miles.

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I usually do hiit instead of cardio. Cardio causes muscle wasting whereas hiit preserves muscle and goes after fat. Hence the comparison of olympic sprinters' body comp to olympic marathoners body comp. I do 25, 20/15 second split sprint intervals. Only takes about 10-15 minutes to complete, but you will feel like you just ran 10 miles.

When I do HIIT, I do sprints at about 90% max on the treadmills for a solid minute. Then a decently paced walk for two minutes. I usually repeat about 6-8 times. If I ever do endurance training, it is just a light jog, never going past 5.0 on the treadmill, and staying there for 20-30 minutes.
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I don't take any pre work out supplements. Since I am trying to shed some fat, I also try not to eat for at least a couple of hours post work out (I know the debate but have found it works for me). When I am trying to build muscle, I use a protein shake up to 30 minutes post workout. I use a clean protein like Dymatize 100. A professor who has done protein studies and has visited the factories recommended a few good ones, so I went with his top recommendation. I try to eat clean which has really helped with energy sustainment. If you are trying to build muscle there are a few suggestions that I would have to sit down and gather my thoughts on but since each person is different you diet would also have to be looked at. I only recently (past couple of years) got into my diet and wished I had done it long ago. The only reason I do it now is because my wife decided to change careers and went back to school to get another degree in Diatectics and is about to finish her Masters in Sports Nutrition then sit for her RD exam. Meeting some of her professors brought me some interesting insight into fueling my body. So hopefully we can be real healthy in our retirement years. I meet some folks my age and they look and act much older due to poor diet and virtually no exercise...

Maintaining a healthy diet is definitely something I struggle with still. Sometimes, I'm too busy to cook square meals and then I either go hungary or I get a cheeseburger at McDonald's, and neither is good for my workout program. Every Sunday I grill about thirty pieces of grilled chicken and that has helped a lot as I can eat that whenever I get hungary throughout the week.

I tend not to eat cooked food (per say) but tend to eat more raw food for dinner, typical day is some rolled oats for breakfast, cup of 0% fat Greek Yogurt with Granola couple of carrots and a piece of fruit for lunch, and a green shake for dinner...will eat a couple of dried plums for a snack and maybe a few assorted nuts...I get plenty of protein, greens, etc in this daily diet...but I am not a foodie so it doesn't matter much to me...
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That's pretty strong going a full 60 seconds @ 90%. Not many people can do that.

Shoot yeah, I'm obviously guesstimating the percentage, but I use two treadmills. One set on 4.2 speed and power walking. The other I'm pushing 8.7- 8.8 speed. Both treadmills are continually running. I get done with one and hop on the other.
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Have also done HIIT in the past and was also well pleased with the results. Not working out right now, due to re-fracturing a previously injured vertebrae, and was never into the body building aspect. My goal was to increase strength to weight ratio and increase anaerobic capacity for canoe racing. From what I remember (without the link) interval training even when done in a low intensity setting will help burn more calories. Meaning if you run at different intensities, varying at different intervals, you'll burn calories at nearer the higher rate. Even during the periods of lessened intensity.

*edit - more bang for the buck

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Thanks, I did the 30/30 set today. I'm not going to completely abandon 60/120s though. I'm going to start mixing up the intensities each session.
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Jeff, that's a good idea to mix it up from everything I have read about it. Keeps you gaining! I'm interested to hear about how that split works for you.

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Jeff, you may be interested in the book Warrior Cardio by Martin Rooney. He is involved with training MMA types. There is an understandable section about the science of Warrior Cardio and the different pathways of ATP replenishment. Great color photos and descriptions of the exercises which include barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell and bodyweight. His section on what you call HIIT he refers to Hurricane Training. He favors a treadmill for the "main portion" and progresses to including some bodyweight exercises as well as barbell exercises as a part of the circuit. For about $20 on Amazon, I think it is well worth the price.....especially if you are looking for some variety in your HIIT workouts. As an aside, he has a real cute video or two on his YOUTUBE channel featuring one of his daughters.

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Jeff, you may be interested in the book Warrior Cardio by Martin Rooney. He is involved with training MMA types. There is an understandable section about the science of Warrior Cardio and the different pathways of ATP replenishment. Great color photos and descriptions of the exercises which include barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell and bodyweight. His section on what you call HIIT he refers to Hurricane Training. He favors a treadmill for the "main portion" and progresses to including some bodyweight exercises as well as barbell exercises as a part of the circuit. For about $20 on Amazon, I think it is well worth the price.....especially if you are looking for some variety in your HIIT workouts. As an aside, he has a real cute video or two on his YOUTUBE channel featuring one of his daughters.

Have you done it yourself? What were your goals and did you meet them?
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You know what they say Taylor, high intensity training makes you better at whatever sport you play, cardio only makes you better at cardio.

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Well, I just know when I go to basic training I'm going to lose all of my mass. Drop from prolly 225 back to around 200. Just trying to get in the best shape of my life. I leave around New Years. So I have time to really getting into cardio. I just love to lift some free weights. Curls. Squats. Bench. All that good stuff

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Well, I just know when I go to basic training I'm going to lose all of my mass. Drop from prolly 225 back to around 200. Just trying to get in the best shape of my life. I leave around New Years. So I have time to really getting into cardio. I just love to lift some free weights. Curls. Squats. Bench. All that good stuff

I really wouldn't worry all that much about cardio for real. You will get into shape one way or another. Either now or then. If you dip, chew, or anything like that though, go ahead and quit now while your stress is down.

How often do you work out each muscle group each week?

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Almost 64 I play basketball twice a week and try to lift weights 3 times a week also play old Boys Rugby. I am usually the oldest player.

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I will have to come to the defense of my friend, the kettle bell. I feel it is a great tool for strength and conditioning. However, I also feel qualified instruction is very important for safety and proper technique. Take a look at You Tube /Jody Beasley beast tamer. That Is a 48 KG/106 lb kettle bell he is using for the pull up, pistol squat and one arm press at BW around 185 lb. He is my KB instructor/trainer here in B'ham. If you were ever interested in KB training I would seek out a SFG or RKC certified level I or level II instructor.

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I will have to come to the defense of my friend, the kettle bell. I feel it is a great tool for strength and conditioning. However, I also feel qualified instruction is very important for safety and proper technique. Take a look at You Tube /Jody Beasley beast tamer. That Is a 48 KG/106 lb kettle bell he is using for the pull up, pistol squat and one arm press at BW around 185 lb. He is my KB instructor/trainer here in B'ham. If you were ever interested in KB training I would seek out a SFG or RKC certified level I or level II instructor.

Saw some kettle bell action in the new Auburn summer workout video. Kettle bell swings and the Turkish Get ups in particular. I have never got into the Turkish Getups because they just felt awkward to me.

Overall, the video made me wish that my gym had some of the equipment that those boys have. Still, I have to remind myself it's not all about machines. The most basic and still one of the most effective workouts, the pull-up, was an event that some of our players went boast mode on as well. Doing pull-ups with 45 pound plates is no joke.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

I assume you have already completed basic, but wanted to add that when I joined the army we had a weightroom adjacent to our barracks. allowed us to weight train in our "free time" it was nice to have. but, this was also 1989 Fort Knox. not sure if it is still made available or not.

I hope all is going well for you, Taylor. Thank you for your service! my advice.....stay in until you can earn a retirement. awesome bennies. I kick myself daily for leaving after my first contract. attempted to go back with a commission at 40, but suffered devastating knee and shoulder injury the Friday before I was scheduled to leave for OCS the next Monday.......... take advantage while you can!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love how this thread got moved from the all things considered thread for no blatant reason at all. I guess working out isn't as worthy of a topic as, oh I don't know, beer....

I am 60 pounds from the thousand pound club. Hope to get there within the new year.

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