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HALF-Truth: The Whitewashing of Rather-Gate

DKW 86

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Seems Les Moonves, the guy that had to mop up after the Rather-Gate fiasco has come out quietly letting the world know what a load of crap the new Redford movie is.

Look, I wont go into re-hashing all that was in the story, but Rather went on 60 Minutes, late in the 2004 Campaign, and alleged some ultimately proved fraudulent things about Bush43. The documents supplied were never authenticated even though he claimed they were until the "authenticators" went on video proclaiming the truth that they were never said to be true. The documents were made using Times New Roman font, when the military used Courier almost exclusively. The documents had embedded SUPERSCRIPTS which are a feature found in Word, not on typewriters in 1975. And on and on... Rather's career came to an end over very very shoddy work, as it should have.

Redford, and Blanchett (a personal favorite of mine) are doing what hollywood does best, selling a fictional fantasy.

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Rather had a history of going on the offensive with republican candidates and presidents. He got caught reporting with false evidence and that was his undoing. The fact he was 75 years old and his ratings were bad to start with did not help him. CBS got rid of him trying to solve multiple problems.

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