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Hastert to do time for Banking Charges to Pay Off Sexual Misconduct with Male Student

DKW 86

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The federal charges don't detail what Hastert allegedly did to trigger the request for compensation, but they do note that he worked as a teacher and coach at a high school in Yorkville, Illinois, before entering politics 35 years ago. Press accounts quoting anonymous sources have claimed that Hastert's "misconduct" involved sexual contact with a male student, but Hastert's attorneys have complained bitterly that those stories came from improper law enforcement leaks.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/dennis-hastert-hearing-214813#ixzz3odkjnDFA

Hastert is one of many reasons I am no longer associating with the Republican Party.

After campaigning repeatedly for Fiscal Sanity, Hastert led a spending binge that threw all restraint to the wind.

Now we find out he molested a student when he was a coach at a high school.


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Establishment Republicans=Democrats when it comes to spending. Same results......

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Establishment Republicans=Democrats when it comes to spending. Same results......

It really is baffling at how they want an ever increasing govt, but unlike the Dems, they don't pretend to be doing it " for the people' .

Apparently, when Hastert said he was turning over a new " page ", it meant something totally different than what most of us thought.

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