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Hillary Clinton: Career Criminal


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They keep finding out she lied to federal authoritites, and yet nothing ever happens

This woman isn't qualified for garbage collection in small town USA.

Our 3rd world status was well established when that woman at the IRS was allowed to retire with full benefits instead of actually making the obvious known that she was operating under orders from the WH. This DoJ is w/o parallel the most politicized DoJ in my lifetime and there have been a few that could be harshly criticized but nothing like this one. The fact that Hillary, who committed perjury under oath, is hailed as having "done a great job dismantling the Benghazi hearings" is a testament that those on the left value lying sniveling corrupt politicians over everything else. Anything to have their way.

Does ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE, honestly believe Hillary would still be at large if she were a Republican? Hell this DoJ is even investigating the school where the clock boy went for their actions but they'll never investigate Hillary's corruption because she is one of theirs. Obama said.."we are the ones we have been waiting for and we're going to protect our allies and punish our enemies" I had no idea he was NOT talking about foreign policy because I didn't realize he viewed Republicans with far greater disdain than he does terrorists.

Sadly, I'll be surprised if a damned thing happens to that proven lying unethical scumbag, Hillary Clinton...what an absolutely horrid excuse for a human being who says she represents ALL women but obviously those who Bill sexually molested don't count!

I'm going to love watching the meltdown if she becomes President.

So, you have no problems with HRC?

No thinking person or patriot wants to see her become President.

I'm going to love watching the meltdown if she becomes President.

So, you have no problems with HRC?

Nope. She's a war hawk. I doubt I'm even going to vote.

That is not how you sounded above. So, you support no one this election?

I'm going to love watching the meltdown if she becomes President.

So, you have no problems with HRC?

Nope. She's a war hawk. I doubt I'm even going to vote.

That is not how you sounded above. So, you support no one this election?

Not really.

I'm going to love watching the meltdown if she becomes President.

So, you have no problems with HRC?

Nope. She's a war hawk. I doubt I'm even going to vote.

So the corruption doesn't bother you. Let no Democrat ever complain about corruption, oh wait, they are corrupt.

I'm going to love watching the meltdown if she becomes President.

So, you have no problems with HRC?

Nope. She's a war hawk. I doubt I'm even going to vote.

I would urge you not to just sit out an election. Vote, even if it is for a 3rd party candidate or write-in, but please exercise your right to vote.

April 30, 2015

The Clinton Foundation as a money-laundering scheme

By Thomas Lifson

When you put together all the revelations about the Clinton Foundation and its affiliates that have cascaded our way (and continue to arrive), one explanation makes sense. It was a money-laundering scheme designed to obtain and camouflage foreign money paid to the Clintons to curry favor, including favorable treatment by Hillary Clinton’s State Department.

Sean David of The Federalist makes the case:

The scheme works like this: collect millions of dollars in foreign money, dump it into a foreign charity, pretend that the law prohibits you from ever disclosing the identities of those foreign donors to the foreign charity, then have the foreign charity bundle all the cash and send it to the Clinton Foundation. Then, when the time comes–whether it be a Clinton Foundation conference or a lavish Clinton Foundation trip overseas–make sure those individuals get some me-time with the Clintons.

As The Federalist detailed earlier this week, the Clinton Foundation spun off the bulk of its charitable medical activities back in 2010. By 2013, the main Clinton Foundation entity — the Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton Foundation — housed only a handful of charitable initiatives, the largest of which existed solely to serve the Clintons, via their conference series and the Clinton presidential library, rather than truly charitable causes. In 2013, for example, the Clinton Foundation spent less than 10 percent of its budget on charitable grants.

The foreign-to-domestic laundering scheme satisfies a number of key Clinton objectives. First, it gave Secretary of State Hillary Clinton total plausible deniability about the millions in foreign cash that were being funneled into her family’s non-profit coffers. She wasn’t on the board of CGEPartnership, and wasn’t even named to the board of the Clinton Foundation until 2013, so how could she have known about this? Second, it gave Hillary’s allies the ability to claim that wealthy foreign individuals were not sending cash to the Clinton Foundation.

How? Because they were sending cash to the Canadian CGEPartnership. And while Bill Clinton’s name is obviously in the organization’s name, he never actually served on its board while Hillary was Secretary of State. Instead, Clinton retained control of the organization by placing Bruce Lindsey on CGEPartnership’s board. Lindsey, a long-time Clinton confidant and adviser, currently serves as the chairman of the board of the Clinton Foundation. He was also the Clinton Foundation’s CEO for over a decade.

If you look holistically at the entire scheme’s setup, at the massive flow of foreign cash, at the refusal to disclose donors, at the secret (and now destroyed) private e-mail servers, at the blatantly bogus excuses, at the falsified tax returns, everything about it suddenly makes a lot more sense.

From soup to nuts, the entire operation was constructed in order to provide a facade of plausible deniability for Hillary Clinton.

If the standard to be applied to understanding all of this is evidence sufficient to convict in court, then, thanks in no small part to the destruction of evidence, it might be (or might not be, considering the criminal conviction of Bob McDonell) difficult to close the case. But if the standard is one of whom the American voters will honor with our highest office, then the facts are persuasive.

Good read, thanks for sharing but I have this nagging suspicion that more than "me-time" is expected from these "bribes".

Given the Clinton's penchant for corruption, I'd say they have prostituted themselves out by accepting prepayment for undisclosed future consideration.

I have a serious problem believing foreign parties are "giving" the Clintons $millions of dollars for "me-time" In fact, I would have less of a hard time believing that those contributing already know what their contribution is going to get for them should Hillary win this election. I would call it a calculated gamble on the part of the contributors.


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