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Bill Maher nails it!


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On Trump v. Cruz:

People don’t think or vote logically. They like Trump. He excites something in the lizard part of their brain, and he knows how to touch a certain sensitive point in the kind of people who are nothing like him, and have absolutely nothing in common with a billionaire.


There’s a reason why everyone hates Ted Cruz. There’s a reason why the big question about Ted Cruz is always, “When he shaves in the morning, how does he avoid spitting in the mirror?” To think of this guy being the president of the United States, this ambition and love of power combined with being on the wrong side of every issue, it’s avery scary prospect.

On how Trump makes a Bernie Sanders win possible:

Donald Trump has defied everybody’s predictions, and he’s still there, and he only seems to get stronger. The guy eats third rails for breakfast. I mean, what would he have to say? He’s already said, “Carly Fiorina, you’re too ugly to be president! John McCain, you’re not a war hero! Hey, would you like to see my impression of a guy with cerebral palsy?” I mean, what would he have to do, fart in Jesus’ face or call Ronald Reagan a homosexual? I have no idea what this guy would have to do to make his crowd turn on him. He’s like a movie monster who only gets stronger with the stuff that you’re using to try to kill him. So with this atmosphere, I think anything is possible—and that means Bernie Sanders is possible.

On the racism animating the current GOP:

They created this monster in the party and now it’s taking over. They did the same thing with the Christian Coalition almost 30 years ago, and now they’ve redone it with the Tea Party. What they should’ve done when the Tea Party first emerged was to say, “You’re your own party; you’re not the Republican Party. The Republican Party is Bob Dole, George Bush I. Not these cranks.” But of course, they can never resist people who vote for them.


[The Tea Party is] born, bred, and raised from racism. Of course. There’s a number of things that prove it, but Obama has mostly completed their agenda. He cut taxes on 98 percent of Americans. He cut the deficit by two-thirds. He reduced the size of government, which is something that Bush and Reagan never did. And yet they stillhate him. What could it be? I am always racking my brain! Is it because he’s skinny? What could it be! That’s of course what it is. There was no Tea Party during Bush despite the financial collapse, the bailout of the banks, the bailout of the automobile industry—all of this “socialist money” out the window, the thing that they supposedly hate, and yet no movement of concerned white taxpayers sprouting up. But suddenly, a month after Count Chocula takes office, they break out the three-cornered hat!
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My extreme dislike of Obama started when he chose to push through the stimulus package within his first month in office without even pretending to let any republicans be a part of it. I didn't vote for him, and I thought he was ridiculously underqualified to be president, but I still hoped that he would try to represent all of the people. Right out of the gate he chose to enact the largest spending bill in history (I think, please correct me if I'm wrong) without even pretending to be non-partisan. What was his comment? Something like "The winner gets to make the rules." If his race made him act that way then my dislike for him is racist. Otherwise, it is just because he is an ignorant, narcissistic elitist. But yeah, you and Maher can just keep calling us racist.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

To suggest such is to ignore the actual issues, and demagogue the growing illegal migration problem as well as militant Islam. ANd Maher absolutely agrees that militant Islam is very real. So I really don't get what his deal is.

[The Tea Party is] born, bred, and raised from racism. Of course. There’s a number of things that prove it, but Obama has mostly completed their agenda. He cut taxes on 98 percent of Americans. He cut the deficit by two-thirds. He reduced the size of government, which is something that Bush and Reagan never did. And yet they still hate him. What could it be?

So much of what Bill believes simply is not true.

Obama raised taxes on most Americans. ( ObamaCare alone is a fine example )

He DOUBLED the national debt, and it was CONGRESS , lead by the GOP, who widdled down the deficit.

He GREW the size of Govt, with more regulations and those enforcing said regulations.

What could it be ? It could be capitulating to those who want to kill us. It could be going after our 2nd Amendment rights. It could be burning $ on the fairy tale that is AGW, will boondoggles like Solyndra. It could be putting the UAW before other secured creditors, as he did w/ the GM take over. Gee Bill, the list goes on and on, and not ONE DAMN THING has to do w/ his skin color.

This racism s*** is just an easy out for simpletons who don't want to bother w/ the hassle of going through the DETAILS of talking issues, and instead just toss out bumper sticker slogans and empty rhetoric.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

Exactly. The problem is neither as small as Tea Partiers would have you believe nor as large as progressives would. But how anyone can look at the GOP primary and some of the rhetoric from the fringe and not think racism is at play is just not dealing in reality.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

Exactly. The problem is neither as small as Tea Partiers would have you believe nor as large as progressives would. But how anyone can look at the GOP primary and some of the rhetoric from the fringe and not think racism is at play is just not dealing in reality.

Funny, you don't hold the anarchist on the Left in anywhere near the same level of influence, and yet they are so more vocal, funded and organized than any fringe hayseed yokels on the Right. Sure, there's the pin head element , hold overs from the sheet wearing b.s. of the past, but what Maher is trying to insinuate is that the TEA party stems primarily or anywhere approaching in large part to Obama being black.

It has not 1 damn thing to do w/ it. It's his POLICIES, not his skin color.

But trying to have an intelligent conversation w/ those who want to believe that racism has a play in what drives opposition to Obama , is an act in futility. It's what they want to believe, and nothing will sway them from what they WISH were true.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

Exactly. The problem is neither as small as Tea Partiers would have you believe nor as large as progressives would. But how anyone can look at the GOP primary and some of the rhetoric from the fringe and not think racism is at play is just not dealing in reality.

Funny, you don't hold the anarchist on the Left in anywhere near the same level of influence, and yet they are so more vocal, funded and organized than any fringe hayseed yokels on the Right. Sure, there's the pin head element , hold overs from the sheet wearing b.s. of the past, but what Maher is trying to insinuate is that the TEA party stems primarily or anywhere approaching in large part to Obama being black.

It has not 1 damn thing to do w/ it. It's his POLICIES, not his skin color.

But trying to have an intelligent conversation w/ those who want to believe that racism has a play in what drives opposition to Obama , is an act in futility. It's what they want to believe, and nothing will sway them from what they WISH were true.


If you actually think racism doesn't drive a hefty chunk of the right's opposition to Obama, I can safely assume a few things: that you pay absolutely no attention to state politics, (assuming you're an Alabamian)

and have somehow managed to not see the chimps superimposed over the Obamas' faces, closet Muslim, birther, "don't renig in 2012" bumper stickers, rampant breaches in decorum mostly from southern politicians who knew it would play well, and a litany of other instances, and you've never engaged in a conversation with any of these "political newcomers" who didn't seem to care about much of anything before 2008 and can't intelligently discuss any current issue.

I doubt any of that is true, though. More likely, you need to plug your ears and act like there isn't an issue because of common hatred. Me, I choose to state my opposition to statism without getting in bed with the teatards.

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If you actually think racism doesn't drive a hefty chunk of the right's opposition to Obama, I can safely assume a few things: that you pay absolutely no attention to state politics, (assuming you're an Alabamian)

( I do pay attention to politics, but I'm not in AL. )

and have somehow managed to not see the chimps superimposed over the Obamas' faces, closet Muslim, birther, "don't renig in 2012" bumper stickers, rampant breaches in decorum mostly from southern politicians who knew it would play well, and a litany of other instances, and you've never engaged in a conversation with any of these "political newcomers" who didn't seem to care about much of anything before 2008 and can't intelligently discuss any current issue.

( Saw many more chimp characterizations of W than I have of Obama, to be perfectly honest. And the fact that there are such bumper stickers in no way verifies that any of that drives or is a big part of the TEA party political platform. Because it isn't. And btw, remember those " F The President " stickers , when W was in office ? Same damn thing. )

I doubt any of that is true, though. More likely, you need to plug your ears and act like there isn't an issue because of common hatred. Me, I choose to state my opposition to statism without getting in bed with the teatards.

it's a cheap out, and a common lie, to dismiss the very real and valid objections to the current resident in the W.H. as nothing more than low brow racism. Lowest common denominator, much like the war on women, or " hatred " for immigrants, while ignoring the ILLEGAL aspect of it, as if there's no problem with having 15 million or more here who didn't come in the front door and sign the newcomer book, as they were suppose to, LEGALLY.

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If you actually think racism doesn't drive a hefty chunk of the right's opposition to Obama, I can safely assume a few things: that you pay absolutely no attention to state politics, (assuming you're an Alabamian)

( I do pay attention to politics, but I'm not in AL. )

and have somehow managed to not see the chimps superimposed over the Obamas' faces, closet Muslim, birther, "don't renig in 2012" bumper stickers, rampant breaches in decorum mostly from southern politicians who knew it would play well, and a litany of other instances, and you've never engaged in a conversation with any of these "political newcomers" who didn't seem to care about much of anything before 2008 and can't intelligently discuss any current issue.

( Saw many more chimp characterizations of W than I have of Obama, to be perfectly honest. And the fact that there are such bumper stickers in no way verifies that any of that drives or is a big part of the TEA party political platform. Because it isn't. And btw, remember those " F The President " stickers , when W was in office ? Same damn thing. )

I doubt any of that is true, though. More likely, you need to plug your ears and act like there isn't an issue because of common hatred. Me, I choose to state my opposition to statism without getting in bed with the teatards.

it's a cheap out, and a common lie, to dismiss the very real and valid objections to the current resident in the W.H. as nothing more than low brow racism. I don't dismiss them- hell, I share a great many of them, as does Maher, as do many others. I'm just not willing to look at people like, say, the Trump supporters- lowest common denominator voters in every sense- and their willingness to steadfastly defend any and everything he says and does much like Obama supporters circa 2008 and say "nope, no racism here. Party on." Lowest common denominator, much like the war on women, or " hatred " for immigrants, while ignoring the ILLEGAL aspect of it, as if there's no problem with having 15 million or more here who didn't come in the front door and sign the newcomer book, as they were suppose to, LEGALLY.

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1787 - You just ignored everything I said, and then repeated yourself.

How is that suppose to be helpful or even intellectually honest, at all ?

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1787 - You just ignored everything I said, and then repeated yourself.

How is that suppose to be helpful or even intellectually honest, at all ?

That's ironic. :rolleyes:

Intellectual dishonesty? Coming from the guy who said: "Funny, you don't hold the anarchist on the Left in anywhere near the same level of influence,..

Your stock in trade is intellectual dishonesty. :laugh:

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1787 - You just ignored everything I said, and then repeated yourself.

How is that suppose to be helpful or even intellectually honest, at all ?

That's ironic. :rolleyes:

Intellectual dishonesty? Coming from the guy who said: "Funny, you don't hold the anarchist on the Left in anywhere near the same level of influence,..

Your stock in trade is intellectual dishonesty. :laugh:

Nothing remotely dishonest about what I said, what so ever. I was speaking of the Occupy goons, the so called " 99% " folks who were a phonied up artificial grass roots movement to contrast the TEA Party Americans.

No, I didn't spell it out explicitly, because I didn't think it needed to be said, but even had i done so, I doubt very much it would have registered with you, or that you'd even entertain the idea. Never mind agree w/ it.

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The left simply loves to shout down anyone who sincerely disagrees with them or their ideology....if you disagree you're either a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe a xenophobe or any other politically incorrect stereotype that people are afraid of being labelled.

It is the way the early Communists drove out their opposition. Well that or just killing those who wouldn't be shouted down.

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1787 - You just ignored everything I said, and then repeated yourself.

How is that suppose to be helpful or even intellectually honest, at all ?

That's ironic. :rolleyes:

Intellectual dishonesty? Coming from the guy who said: "Funny, you don't hold the anarchist on the Left in anywhere near the same level of influence,..

Your stock in trade is intellectual dishonesty. :laugh:

Nothing remotely dishonest about what I said, what so ever. I was speaking of the Occupy goons, the so called " 99% " folks who were a phonied up artificial grass roots movement to contrast the TEA Party Americans.

No, I didn't spell it out explicitly, because I didn't think it needed to be said, but even had i done so, I doubt very much it would have registered with you, or that you'd even entertain the idea. Never mind agree w/ it.

Oh, so the main point wasn't to falsely imply 1787 said that but to compare the Tea Party with the "occupy protestors"?

Well, excuse me for my partial response. While the lie about what 1787 said was dishonest, the comparison of the occupy protestors with the Tea Party was merely stupid.

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The left simply loves to shout down anyone who sincerely disagrees with them or their ideology....if you disagree you're either a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe a xenophobe or any other politically incorrect stereotype that people are afraid of being labelled.

It is the way the early Communists drove out their opposition. Well that or just killing those who wouldn't be shouted down.

That's BS and you know it. Unless you are trying to imply that racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia are part of the conservative agenda. Then you would be right.

People with these beliefs do exist. You don't have to claim them as fellow travelers though.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

of course there is racism but Im not going to attempt to quantify it however, I think it entirely appropriate to ask you this question. Do you think Obama has been the post racial president he sold himself as being? I ask because, if I may offer my take, I think his divisive rhetoric has exacerbated the tension between the races and set back race relations at least 25 - 30 years.

A second question would be, do you think there will ever be a time when racism wont exist? I do not because man is imperfect and no amount of social engineering will ever rid the planet of it. If that's the case why maintain a fall back position on every policy disagreement as bring rooted in racism? Simply answer, because thats politics and unfortunately thats the way the game has been played by this administration..

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The left simply loves to shout down anyone who sincerely disagrees with them or their ideology....if you disagree you're either a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe a xenophobe or any other politically incorrect stereotype that people are afraid of being labelled.

It is the way the early Communists drove out their opposition. Well that or just killing those who wouldn't be shouted down.

That's BS and you know it. Unless you are trying to imply that racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia are part of the conservative agenda. Then you would be right.

People with these beliefs do exist. You don't have to claim them as fellow travelers.

Nope, its not. I understand you disagree but that doesn't make it BS. In fact, its absolutely true. Hillary whines about sexism, Obama whines about racism. Open border proponents whine about xenophobia and Islamaphobia....its a constant harangue from the left.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

of course there is racism but Im not going to attempt to quantify it however, I think it entirely appropriate to ask you this question. Do you think Obama has been the post racial president he sold himself as being? I ask because, if I may offer my take, I think his divisive rhetoric has exacerbated the tension between the races and set back race relations at least 25 - 30 years.

That's absurd. In the first place, Obama never "sold himself" as a post racial president. Much of America hoped that he would be, but that is in the hands of the country, not Obama.

And what "divisive rhetoric" are you talking about? Show us an example.

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The left simply loves to shout down anyone who sincerely disagrees with them or their ideology....if you disagree you're either a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe a xenophobe or any other politically incorrect stereotype that people are afraid of being labelled.

It is the way the early Communists drove out their opposition. Well that or just killing those who wouldn't be shouted down.

That's BS and you know it. Unless you are trying to imply that racism, misogyny, homophobia and xenophobia are part of the conservative agenda. Then you would be right.

People with these beliefs do exist. You don't have to claim them as fellow travelers.

Nope, its not. I understand you disagree but that doesn't make it BS. In fact, its absolutely true. Hillary whines about sexism, Obama whines about racism. Open border proponents whine about xenophobia and Islamaphobia....its a constant harangue from the left.

So are you trying to say you support racism, xenophobia and Islamaphobia?

Do you accept the fact that these problems do exist? They are real?

You seem to have some incident in mind where these terms were miss-applied. How about sharing with us.

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There is zero racism animating the GOP.

Eh. There's some. It's not the one animating factor that Maher tries to make it out to be, but it's there and it's not some infinitesimal amount.

Exactly. The problem is neither as small as Tea Partiers would have you believe nor as large as progressives would. But how anyone can look at the GOP primary and some of the rhetoric from the fringe and not think racism is at play is just not dealing in reality.

Funny, you don't hold the anarchist on the Left in anywhere near the same level of influence, and yet they are so more vocal, funded and organized than any fringe hayseed yokels on the Right. Sure, there's the pin head element , hold overs from the sheet wearing b.s. of the past, but what Maher is trying to insinuate is that the TEA party stems primarily or anywhere approaching in large part to Obama being black.

It has not 1 damn thing to do w/ it. It's his POLICIES, not his skin color.

But trying to have an intelligent conversation w/ those who want to believe that racism has a play in what drives opposition to Obama , is an act in futility. It's what they want to believe, and nothing will sway them from what they WISH were true.

Yep last time I checked race card charter members Jackson and Sharpton are Democrats.

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My extreme dislike of Obama started when he chose to push through the stimulus package within his first month in office without even pretending to let any republicans be a part of it. I didn't vote for him, and I thought he was ridiculously underqualified to be president, but I still hoped that he would try to represent all of the people. Right out of the gate he chose to enact the largest spending bill in history (I think, please correct me if I'm wrong) without even pretending to be non-partisan. What was his comment? Something like "The winner gets to make the rules." If his race made him act that way then my dislike for him is racist. Otherwise, it is just because he is an ignorant, narcissistic elitist. But yeah, you and Maher can just keep calling us racist.

Actually a huge part of the stimulus was tax cuts instead of investment, in an effort to gain Republican support. Thank God there were enough Democratics in Congress at the time to prevent the depression the Republicans were insisting on.

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