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$30 trillion in debt looms large


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"The federal government will be flirting with $30 trillion in debt within a decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, blaming an aging population, new spending and tax cuts approved on Capitol Hill, and the growing burden from Obamacare for erasing the progress Washington had made over the past few years.

Analysts said Obamacare will chase more workers out of the labor force over the next five years, adding pressure to an economy still struggling to spring to life more than seven years into the Obama recovery."......

“Beyond the 10-year period, if current laws remained in place, the pressures that had contributed to rising deficits during the baseline period would accelerate and push debt up even more sharply. Three decades from now, for instance, debt held by the public is projected to equal 155 percent of GDP, a higher percentage than any previously recorded in the United States,” the analysts concluded."


Thanks, Obama

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"The federal government will be flirting with $30 trillion in debt within a decade, the Congressional Budget Office reported Monday, blaming an aging population, new spending and tax cuts approved on Capitol Hill, and the growing burden from Obamacare for erasing the progress Washington had made over the past few years.

Analysts said Obamacare will chase more workers out of the labor force over the next five years, adding pressure to an economy still struggling to spring to life more than seven years into the Obama recovery."......

“Beyond the 10-year period, if current laws remained in place, the pressures that had contributed to rising deficits during the baseline period would accelerate and push debt up even more sharply. Three decades from now, for instance, debt held by the public is projected to equal 155 percent of GDP, a higher percentage than any previously recorded in the United States,” the analysts concluded."


Thanks, Obama

We had a budget surplus until your hero Dubya cut taxes, started two protracted wars and passed a budget busting Medicare drug bill-- thanks Blue! It's on you!

TT..,.you like to ignore the fact that under Obama, the deficit has risen more than all the previous Pres. put together.

Too many folks fell on their swords to raise taxes in 1993-- once Bush cut those rates, we will have to collapse before congress will do that again. Those tax rates ushered in a strong economy and a budget surplus. We need more revenue, less spending. Don't see anyone truly pushing strongly for either on either side of the aisle. Republicans want to cut some spending to add to defense.

My great granny's panties the man has been gone for 7 freakin years, can we come up with another excuse, can't Obama just act unilaterally or wave his magic wand or something and make the deficit disappear? Yes that's sarcasm.

TT..,.you like to ignore the fact that under Obama, the deficit has risen more than all the previous Pres. put together.

Too many folks fell on their swords to raise taxes in 1993-- once Bush cut those rates, we will have to collapse before congress will do that again. Those tax rates ushered in a strong economy and a budget surplus. We need more revenue, less spending. Don't see anyone truly pushing strongly for either on either side of the aisle. Republicans want to cut some spending to add to defense.

There never was a budget surplus under Clinton.

We'll spare no expense when it comes to weddings and hospitals, or deposing foreign leaders we don't like, though.

When red team and blue team both get serious about this problem rather than just using it as political hay when you're not occupying the exectuive branch, let the rest of us know.

We'll spare no expense when it comes to weddings and hospitals, or deposing foreign leaders we don't like, though.

When red team and blue team both get serious about this problem rather than just using it as political hay when you're not occupying the exectuive branch, let the rest of us know.

Why hate on wedding singers & cake makers ? :laugh:

So the big deficit under Obama is all Bush's fault. Thanks for letting me know that :hellyeah:

According to Tex, Obama bears no responsibility whatsoever for current deficit spending. He argued last week, presumably with straight face, that it was actually Reagan's fault. FTR, Reagan added $1.86 trillion to the national debt and before Obama is done he will add over $10 trillion. Be advised, dont try to convince Tex that Obama has spent more than ALL US Presidents before him combined. He will just twist himself into a pretzel explaining why that is republicans' fault and, in keeping with being a true Obama devotee, he really believes it.

TT..,.you like to ignore the fact that under Obama, the deficit has risen more than all the previous Pres. put together.

Too many folks fell on their swords to raise taxes in 1993-- once Bush cut those rates, we will have to collapse before congress will do that again. Those tax rates ushered in a strong economy and a budget surplus. We need more revenue, less spending. Don't see anyone truly pushing strongly for either on either side of the aisle. Republicans want to cut some spending to add to defense.

There never was a budget surplus under Clinton.

Actually there was during the last 2 years of his Presidency when, like Obama, his party had lost the majorities in both Houses of Congress. Clinton had the political savvy and good judgement to drift quietly back to the "center" and sign off on those budgets written by a majority republican Congress. You may remember it, it was called the republican Contract with America and was the brainchild of John Kasich and Newt Gingrich among others in the HoR. It delivered 2 years of budget surpluses and that hasn't happened since.

There wasn't. The ' surplus ' was only on paper, and only PROJECTED, if certain numbers held fast.

They didn't.

There never was a surplus.

But any thing coming CLOSE to a surplus has to be credited to the GOP take over of Congress in '94. Otherwise, we'd see similar to what Barry has given us, which is a doubling of our debt.

There wasn't. The ' surplus ' was only on paper, and only PROJECTED, if certain numbers held fast.

They didn't.

There never was a surplus.

But any thing coming CLOSE to a surplus has to be credited to the GOP take over of Congress in '94. Otherwise, we'd see similar to what Barry has given us, which is a doubling of our debt.

You're probably right but I do think they actually balanced the budget for a couple years which is a far cry from digging a $10 trillion deeper hole

So the big deficit under Obama is all Bush's fault. Thanks for letting me know that :hellyeah:/>

According to Tex, Obama bears no responsibility whatsoever for current deficit spending. He argued last week, presumably with straight face, that it was actually Reagan's fault. FTR, Reagan added $1.86 trillion to the national debt and before Obama is done he will add over $10 trillion. Be advised, dont try to convince Tex that Obama has spent more than ALL US Presidents before him combined. He will just twist himself into a pretzel explaining why that is republicans' fault and, in keeping with being a true Obama devotee, he really believes it.

You're a pathetic, delusional liar.

So the big deficit under Obama is all Bush's fault. Thanks for letting me know that :hellyeah:/>

According to Tex, Obama bears no responsibility whatsoever for current deficit spending. He argued last week, presumably with straight face, that it was actually Reagan's fault. FTR, Reagan added $1.86 trillion to the national debt and before Obama is done he will add over $10 trillion. Be advised, dont try to convince Tex that Obama has spent more than ALL US Presidents before him combined. He will just twist himself into a pretzel explaining why that is republicans' fault and, in keeping with being a true Obama devotee, he really believes it.

You're a pathetic, delusional liar.

Wow....now a mod is breaking the rules by calling another poster foul names. And you banned War Tim from this forum didn't you. Some example eh Titan.

So the big deficit under Obama is all Bush's fault. Thanks for letting me know that :hellyeah:/>

According to Tex, Obama bears no responsibility whatsoever for current deficit spending. He argued last week, presumably with straight face, that it was actually Reagan's fault. FTR, Reagan added $1.86 trillion to the national debt and before Obama is done he will add over $10 trillion. Be advised, dont try to convince Tex that Obama has spent more than ALL US Presidents before him combined. He will just twist himself into a pretzel explaining why that is republicans' fault and, in keeping with being a true Obama devotee, he really believes it.

You're a pathetic, delusional liar.

Wow....now a mod is breaking the rules by calling another poster foul names. And you banned War Tim from this forum didn't you. Some example eh Titan.

My post is a factual response to his. And I don't delete or edit others posts, even when they post delusional lies, at least not on this forum where that is the norm for some of you.

For the handful of thoughtful, serious folks that may read this forum, here's a fairly long, but interesting article related to the challenges of our dysfunctional political system dealing with this issue:


We'll spare no expense when it comes to weddings and hospitals, or deposing foreign leaders we don't like, though.

When red team and blue team both get serious about this problem rather than just using it as political hay when you're not occupying the exectuive branch, let the rest of us know.

Why hate on wedding singers & cake makers ? :laugh:/>

Brain was moving faster than my fingers. That was supposed to be "bombing weddings and hospitals." I suspect you figured that out, though.

For the handful of thoughtful, serious folks that may read this forum, here's a fairly long, but interesting article related to the challenges of our dysfunctional political system dealing with this issue:


really? Post a treatise written by the NYT and absolve your hero of any responsibility of presiding over the most egregious betrayal of the public's trust in history? is that how it works up in here? Obama is the President. You know, the guy who is in charge? If a republican was sitting in that seat you'd be pointing an accusatory finger at him laying the entire debacle at his feet. Lets be honest, Tex, you've already tried to blame Reagan and Bush for Obama's accumulation of national debt.

So the big deficit under Obama is all Bush's fault. Thanks for letting me know that :hellyeah:/>

According to Tex, Obama bears no responsibility whatsoever for current deficit spending. He argued last week, presumably with straight face, that it was actually Reagan's fault. FTR, Reagan added $1.86 trillion to the national debt and before Obama is done he will add over $10 trillion. Be advised, dont try to convince Tex that Obama has spent more than ALL US Presidents before him combined. He will just twist himself into a pretzel explaining why that is republicans' fault and, in keeping with being a true Obama devotee, he really believes it.

You're a pathetic, delusional liar.

Wow....now a mod is breaking the rules by calling another poster foul names. And you banned War Tim from this forum didn't you. Some example eh Titan.

Maybe you should stop "paraphrasing" what Tex said and just quote him. That way, you can avoid lying, even if inadvertent.

You're as bad as Raptor.

For the handful of thoughtful, serious folks that may read this forum, here's a fairly long, but interesting article related to the challenges of our dysfunctional political system dealing with this issue:


really? Post a treatise written by the NYT and absolve your hero of any responsibility of presiding over the most egregious betrayal of the public's trust in history? is that how it works up in here? Obama is the President. You know, the guy who is in charge? If a republican was sitting in that seat you'd be pointing an accusatory finger at him laying the entire debacle at his feet. Lets be honest, Tex, you've already tried to blame Reagan and Bush for Obama's accumulation of national debt.

Man you have ODS really, really bad. :no:


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