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Why Everybody Loves Bernie...and Donald


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Why Everybody Loves Bernie….and Donald

January 27, 2016 by Fr. Dwight Longenecker

All the innerleckshuls are consternated, frustrated, irritated, annoyed, befuddled, confused and amused by the popularity of the Donald and Bernie show.

“Why are they so popular? What is the attraction? How can so many Americans be in love with an unrealistic, pie in the sky socialist on the one hand and a fake tan, fake teeth, fake hair, fake everything casino owning creep on the other?”

The Republicans actually have an impressive line up of candidates. They aren’t angels, but they’ve got ideas, policies, experience, money, expertise, brains and energy. Even Hillary Billary Clinton comes to the game with experience, expertise and brains. She may be as corrupt as a cesspit, but she’s been around long enough to know how to turn on the lights and get a good team around her to run the country.

But none of that counts because America has stopped thinking. David Frum makes a great case here about why that might be…

The angriest and most pessimistic people in America aren’t the hipster protesters who flitted in and out of Occupy Wall Street. They aren’t the hashtavists of #BlackLivesMatter. They aren’t the remnants of the American labor movement or the savvy young dreamers who confront politicians with their American accents and un-American legal status.

The angriest and most pessimistic people in America are the people we used to call Middle Americans. Middle-class and middle-aged; not rich and not poor; people who are irked when asked to press 1 for English, and who wonder how white male became an accusation rather than a description.

You can measure their pessimism in polls that ask about their expectations for their lives—and for those of their children. On both counts, whites without a college degree express the bleakest view. You can see the effects of their despair in the new statistics describing horrifying rates of suicide and substance-abuse fatality among this same group, in middle age.

Why do conservative, Evangelical Christians think a thrice married, bankrupt Trump is great? Why are liberal young people (who are supposed to be suspicious of old white guys) flocking to Bernie Sanders? Because they’re not thinking, and they’ve turned they’re brains off not because they’re dumb. They’re not thinking because they’re mad.

They’re mad at the corruption. They’re frustrated by the establishment same old same old. They’re fed up with the feds, angry with the immigrants, worried about war, tired of political correctness on the one hand and stupid bigotry on the other.

They’re so mad that they’ll fall for anybody who offers them a quick fix. They believed the “hope and change” mantra of Obama and now they’ll believe the “I’ll Make America Great Again” bromide of Trump.

This is true enough, but there is another sickness at the heart of America.

Everything seems like chaos. We’re living through enormous cultural, technological and societal change and most Americans don’t have the roots to keep stable or a star to steer by.

What I mean is that we do not have a shared creed and belief system. We do not have a shared ambition and aim, and without a vision the people perish.

So what are the angry Americans really looking for? Let’s be honest. They’re looking for a savior. They’re looking for someone who will solve the problems and make things good for them again.

They want someone who will make them happy.

If I’m right, then the situation is even worse than the most pessimistic of the prophets, because when a people stop thinking and cry out emotionally and irrationally for a savior the society is ripe for a dictatorship.

To put it bluntly, when people are ready to sell their soul for a savior….

…that’s exactly what they will do.


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Sadly that provides a really good description of this election. Funny thing concerning Trump is that the establishment has come over to him. These are the very people that everyone is mad at but, so far, it hasn't caused any drop in his support.

That was sssooo spot on accurate that it is scary. We have been swinging wildly for some time tho. I think it started back in 2000. Just MHO.

We are looking for the radio talk show, cable media savior that, to be frank, isnt out there right now and we likely do not want anyway. The electorate is very mad at both parties for the same-ole-same-ole and they want change. I am scared to see what we are about to get. IMHO, HRC, with all the crapola is still the least bad candidate.

I really don't understand the negative spin of people liking Sanders. Putting him in the same sentence as Trump is ridiculous enough.

You serious Clark? Bernie isn't the bombastic jerk that Trump is. At the same time he has absolutely no clue about economic issues. His free everything is completely ridiculous. People who think either one would be good just aren't thinking. They're reacting solely on emotions which is never good.

I really don't understand the negative spin of people liking Sanders. Putting him in the same sentence as Trump is ridiculous enough.

You serious Clark? Bernie isn't the bombastic jerk that Trump is. At the same time he has absolutely no clue about economic issues. His free everything is completely ridiculous. People who think either one would be good just aren't thinking. They're reacting solely on emotions which is never good.

"people aren't thinking"



I really don't understand the negative spin of people liking Sanders. Putting him in the same sentence as Trump is ridiculous enough.

You serious Clark? Bernie isn't the bombastic jerk that Trump is. At the same time he has absolutely no clue about economic issues. His free everything is completely ridiculous. People who think either one would be good just aren't thinking. They're reacting solely on emotions which is never good.

:-\ This is why we can't have serious political discussions.

I think people are just fed up with establishment politicians. Even though Bernie has been in politics for ages he still doesn't seem like a politician. Both Trump and Bernie are electrifying when they speak. I agree that it's not good for us to make emotion-based decisions but after eight years of this administration people have a right to be fed up... I'd take any of the GOP candidates besides Jeb. Jim Webb from the Dem side also didn't seem that bad. Lets see what happens tonight in Iowa. Hopefully a GOP win ;)

I think people are just fed up with establishment politicians. Even though Bernie has been in politics for ages he still doesn't seem like a politician. Both Trump and Bernie are electrifying when they speak. I agree that it's not good for us to make emotion-based decisions but after eight years of this administration people have a right to be fed up... I'd take any of the GOP candidates besides Jeb. Jim Webb from the Dem side also didn't seem that bad. Lets see what happens tonight in Iowa. Hopefully a GOP win ;)

Nothing wrong with being upset with how things are going. That's a good thing. Take your anger and channel it into something or someone worthwhile. Neither of these two fit that bill. There are several good choices on the Republican side. Webb is a good guy but he never stood a chance.

Seriously guys...50% of the Iowa Democrats voted for a Socialist who wants to raise taxes $19T and promises more consequences-free living than Satan. I guess if your only choice was Hillary, that makes sense...but it's a pretty sad state of affairs.


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