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4th President of the United States


"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress. ... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America." -- James Madison, 4th President of the United States,

the man many called the father of the Constitution.

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Kind of prophetic, wasn't he? We absolutely do not have the limited Federal Government that the Founding Fathers thought they were putting in place when they wrote the Constitution...

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So who calls Madison the Father of the Constitution, instead of, say, Hamilton, who agreed with him, or Jefferson, who took an opposite view?

The role of Government means many things to many people. Some want the government to be everyone's mommy; some want it to be like a harsh father; some think it should be like the local cop, or the global cop, or a role model to be imitated, or a nuisance that should just go away.

Here's a thought: What if we looked at the government as a coach of the American Team? A leader who would demand the best from us, unite the people into a team bigger than the sum of its parts, and would help us get into shape and become the best that we can be?

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Here's a thought: What if we looked at the government as a coach of the American Team? A leader who would demand the best from us, unite the people into a team bigger than the sum of its parts, and would help us get into shape and become the best that we can be?


So, the Gov't is going to make us run laps until we are in shape and the best that we can be?? Government cannot be a leader, only people can. And BTW, we have a pretty darn good leader now, leading tens of millions of people across the Middle East to freedom. So, not only is our leader inspiring us to be the best that we can be, he is inspiring those that want to defeat us to join our team instead. Not even CTT is that good of a leader...

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Here's a thought: What if we looked at the government as a coach of the American Team? A leader who would demand the best from us, unite the people into a team bigger than the sum of its parts, and would help us get into shape and become the best that we can be?


So, the Gov't is going to make us run laps until we are in shape and the best that we can be?? Government cannot be a leader, only people can. And BTW, we have a pretty darn good leader now, leading tens of millions of people across the Middle East to freedom. So, not only is our leader inspiring us to be the best that we can be, he is inspiring those that want to defeat us to join our team instead. Not even CTT is that good of a leader...


Democratic governments seem to want more government control and Republicans wat less government control.

It shouldn't be the government's responsibility to tell the people that they're fat or what they should or shouldn't eat.

It shouldn't be the government's responsibility to give EVERYONE healthcare. It shouldn't be my obligation to pay for people's destructive behavior such as SMOKING, DRINKING, DOING DRUGS, EATING EXCESSIVELY,living a life of crime and getting roughed up because you didn't pay the piper,

The government has been hypocritical over Viagra being covered by Medicare, but not birth control

And Piglet, what you said wouldn't go over to well with SOME people because somewhere somebody's rights would be infringed upon :poke:

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It shouldn't  be the government's responsibility to give EVERYONE healthcare. It shouldn't be my obligation to pay for people's destructive behavior such as SMOKING, DRINKING, DOING DRUGS, EATING EXCESSIVELY,living a life of crime and getting roughed up because you didn't pay the piper...

So, what if there was someone on your team who had one of those bad habits, and it affected his ability to play the game. What would the coach do?

Your fellow Americans are on our team. When they play badly, whether due to circumstance or their own bad habits, the result is the same--the American Team doesn't do as well. And in one respect, the coach metaphor doesn't work: In America, we don't get to kick people off the team. We're by and large stuck with the less than perfect ones.

There's an extent to which we direct our own destinies, and an extent to which we're responsible for each other. That's what being a team is.

And to the one who said, oh so the government is gonna make us do laps, I think that's maybe a better metaphor for what the government should be doing than either neglecting the people entirely (what the conservatives want) or giving them handouts for free and encouraging them not to be their best (what the liberals want). Think it over. If we don't love our brothers, who will love us?

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So who calls Madison the Father of the Constitution, instead of, say, Hamilton, who agreed with him, or Jefferson, who took an opposite view?


Here's a link, go read it. :big: I would imigine that it was the people of his time. :)


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It shouldn't  be the government's responsibility to give EVERYONE healthcare. It shouldn't be my obligation to pay for people's destructive behavior such as SMOKING, DRINKING, DOING DRUGS, EATING EXCESSIVELY,living a life of crime and getting roughed up because you didn't pay the piper...

So, what if there was someone on your team who had one of those bad habits, and it affected his ability to play the game. What would the coach do?

Your fellow Americans are on our team. When they play badly, whether due to circumstance or their own bad habits, the result is the same--the American Team doesn't do as well. And in one respect, the coach metaphor doesn't work: In America, we don't get to kick people off the team. We're by and large stuck with the less than perfect ones.

There's an extent to which we direct our own destinies, and an extent to which we're responsible for each other. That's what being a team is.


The coach would throw money at it and let it fix itself :poke::rolleyes:

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