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Today, Atticus Finch would be a villain?

DKW 86

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Today, Atticus Finch would be a villain

And this is where the story, in contemporary terms, goes off the rails. Atticus Finch didn’t #BelieveAllWomen. He didn’t take an accusation at face value. He defended an alleged rapist, vigorously and unremittingly, making use of every opportunity provided to him by the norms of the Anglo-America system of justice. He did it despite considerable social pressure to simply believe the accuser.

In a gripping courtroom scene, Finch cross-examines Mayella Ewell, the 19-year-old daughter of an abusive drunk from a dirt-poor family who is Robinson’s accuser. With all the vehemence and emotion she can muster, Ewell insists that Robinson attacked her after she got him to break up a piece of old furniture at her house.

Without mercy, Finch takes apart her account. In contemporary internet argot, he “destroys” her. He brushes right by her tears. He doesn’t care about her feelings, only the facts. He exposes contradictions in her story and shreds her credibility, especially with the dramatic revelation that Robinson doesn’t have use of his left arm when he stands up at the defense table (he is alleged to have hit her with his left hand).




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When you didn't read the book, but are determined to be seen as an iconoclastic intellectual. Rich Lowry is a complete ass. 

4 minutes ago, AUDub said:

When you didn't read the book, but are determined to be seen as an iconoclastic intellectual. Rich Lowry is a complete ass. 

Yes, he is, but even an ass can have a point every now and then. Please note my Question Mark in the title. I didnt actually buy it either. I kind of think of this as right-wing boilerplate at some point. He had to leave out the entire race angle and many many other details.

4 minutes ago, DKW 86 said:

Yes, he is, but even an ass can have a point every now and then.

I don’t see it. What I do see is a prominent conservative getting it ass backwards. 

They are really bad at this. 

I read the book way back when. Due to watching a PBS special on American Literature, I decided to re-read it and finished it Friday.

Without speaking to the credibility of the author of the above article, yes, Finch would be a villain today. He dared question the credibility of a woman who made unsubstantiated accusations. Clearly, a villain in these times.

18 minutes ago, Mikey said:

I read the book way back when. Due to watching a PBS special on American Literature, I decided to re-read it and finished it Friday.

Without speaking to the credibility of the author of the above article, yes, Finch would be a villain today. He dared question the credibility of a woman who made unsubstantiated accusations. Clearly, a villain in these times.

Meanwhile Bob Ewell gets to be either SCOTUS or POTUS. 

25 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

Meanwhile Bob Ewell gets to be either SCOTUS or POTUS. 

Talk about getting it backwards....trying to equate an ignorant trailer trash redneck with a fine family man that has devoted his life to public service is complete horse***t...and oh, by the way, I think the laymans term for Kavanaugh is the guy is a "freakin genius"....but yeah; he's like Bob Ewell..  You ass clowns still can't come to terms with the simple fact that every allegations you threw out was a lie.  Pure and simple; your side tried to manipulate the hearings process and put forward three "accusers" who all, by any objective standards; simply lied their ass off.  And somehow; the guy you lied about is the villain here?  Wow, just wow.   You lost because you deserved to lose.  You peddled lies at every step of the process and in the end the People saw thru your lies.  Funny what happens when we trust the people.... 

45 minutes ago, japantiger said:

Since you provide no rebuttal, I take this as conceding all my points

I'd tell you where to "take it", but I'd get gigged. :moon:

From one "ass clown" to another. ;)

2 hours ago, japantiger said:

Talk about getting it backwards....trying to equate an ignorant trailer trash redneck with a fine family man that has devoted his life to public service is complete horse***t...and oh, by the way, I think the laymans term for Kavanaugh is the guy is a "freakin genius"....but yeah; he's like Bob Ewell..  You ass clowns still can't come to terms with the simple fact that every allegations you threw out was a lie.  Pure and simple; your side tried to manipulate the hearings process and put forward three "accusers" who all, by any objective standards; simply lied their ass off.  And somehow; the guy you lied about is the villain here?  Wow, just wow.   You lost because you deserved to lose.  You peddled lies at every step of the process and in the end the People saw thru your lies.  Funny what happens when we trust the people.... 

I love a good mantrum. 😁

5 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

When the mantrum doesn’t work, accuse the other side of folding. 


Just point out where I'm wrong Elle...I await your well worded thoughtful response on pressing questions of Kavanaugh's hundreds of prior judicial rulings ... since I know you won't do that, let me make it easy and refer you to some high profile points brought up by your side in the hearings process that I think still warrant some in depth analysis:...how about Boofing...I'm sure you can write a pungent critique....orDevil's Triangle...hint; triangle means 3 glasses...or maybe  you could read the scholarly work entitled "Ice; Drink Freshener or Bar Fight Weapon of Mass Destruction".....put up or shut up Elle....you guys just made s*** up and got called on it...and the best part is Lindsey Graham called you on it and embarrassed you ....and what did your side do?  Started throwing out Gay jokes about Lindsey...way to take the high road .... "I'm shocked, shocked I tell you" that you guys would do that....said no one ever....

Advice, Friends, and Memes: ASSDCITED PRESS
 ETo my
 friends on th
 other side,
 you can't
 lose the
 election and
 pick judges.*
 Sen. Lindsey
 Graham (R-SC)
Yesterday at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Sen. Lindsey Graham had some words of advice for his Democratic colleagues in the Senate.


4 hours ago, japantiger said:

Just point out where I'm wrong Elle...I await your well worded thoughtful response on pressing questions of Kavanaugh's hundreds of prior judicial rulings ... since I know you won't do that, let me make it easy and refer you to some high profile points brought up by your side in the hearings process that I think still warrant some in depth analysis:...how about Boofing...I'm sure you can write a pungent critique....orDevil's Triangle...hint; triangle means 3 glasses...or maybe  you could read the scholarly work entitled "Ice; Drink Freshener or Bar Fight Weapon of Mass Destruction".....put up or shut up Elle....you guys just made s*** up and got called on it...and the best part is Lindsey Graham called you on it and embarrassed you ....and what did your side do?  Started throwing out Gay jokes about Lindsey...way to take the high road .... "I'm shocked, shocked I tell you" that you guys would do that....said no one ever....

Advice, Friends, and Memes: ASSDCITED PRESS
 ETo my
 friends on th
 other side,
 you can't
 lose the
 election and
 pick judges.*
 Sen. Lindsey
 Graham (R-SC)
Yesterday at the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, Sen. Lindsey Graham had some words of advice for his Democratic colleagues in the Senate.


Have you read To Kill A Mockingbird?

4 hours ago, GiveEmElle said:

Have you read To Kill A Mockingbird?

Wouldn't you assume that anyone who has finished high school has read that book? I read it at least twice, oddly, the most recent time being last week. I've also seen the excellent movie at least twice, probably three times. Why would you think anyone capable of typing on a keyboard hasn't read To Kill a Mockingbird?

8 hours ago, Mikey said:

Wouldn't you assume that anyone who has finished high school has read that book? I read it at least twice, oddly, the most recent time being last week. I've also seen the excellent movie at least twice, probably three times. Why would you think anyone capable of typing on a keyboard hasn't read To Kill a Mockingbird?

What I would assume is that you would have the intelligence to understand that my question was directed to the person whose post is quoted above my question. 

And because I work at a high school I’m very aware that students don’t do assigned reading. Cliff notes and Spark notes are easy outs to pass a test without reading. Oh and you have some students that quite frankly don’t give a damn about reading much less reading a classical novel. I’m also aware that TKM is also one of the most challenged and banned classical novels. So no, I don’t assume everyone capable of typing on a keyboard has read TKM. 

53 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

So no, I don’t assume everyone capable of typing on a keyboard has read TKM. 

Why do liberals have such a negative opinion of the American people? I guess it goes along with the "We need more government control because y'all don't know what's best for you" line of thinking, but it is puzzling.

22 minutes ago, Mikey said:

Why do liberals have such a negative opinion of the American people? I guess it goes along with the "We need more government control because y'all don't know what's best for you" line of thinking, but it is puzzling.

Why do republicans have such a problem with facts? I just told you that not every student reads assigned novels. Any HS lit teacher can tell you this. I’ve also told you that TKM is a highly challenged and banned novel. You can fact check this with a google search. But ignore facts and come up with a weak insult. There are millions of books in this world so assuming the entire  American public has all read TKM is insane. SMH


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