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Dem Senator's Intern in Big Trouble

Proud Tiger

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This kind of stuff is scary to say the least:


I don't post it with political bias, it could just as easy been an intern/young staffer staffer to a GOP person doing something nasty. My real point is people who haven't worked the Hill have no clue how much influence young interns/staffers have. MOST are good but many are snotty nosed kids from liberal schools who want to recommend how their guy votes on measures he or she hasn't had time to read. Then they can go back to school and brag to their profs how much influence they had. I saw it first hand for the five years I worked in DC and spent a lot of time around them, including at social events.

CAVEAT to my friend channoc.......I sure am not talking about the good staffers like you were and fortunately are the majority.


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