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Chizik's Comments


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Doesn't he say he went to TX to be w/ a proven winner as coach - "He's a man of great integrity, a man of his word, and there are so many things about him I felt I could really learn and help me achieve my goal - to maybe one day be a head coach."

Is he implying that CTT is not a man of great integrity, a man of his word? Seems to me that may be exactly what he's saying. Mmmm. Hope not. Am I out of bounds?

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I read that this morning thinking the same thing. I hope that he was simply choosing to speak well of Mack Brown, but with the history between CGC and CTT my mind couldn't help but wander a little.

He would be the first assistant or former player that said CTT wasn't a man of character if that is what he is implying.


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i think you both are blowing it out of context.  i don't read anywhere of any disrespect to ctt.


i agree, i don't see any disrespect to anything related to auburn at all. he's happy where he is, there is nothing wrong with that. i hope his defense shuts down usc and their all world offense.

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not sure how to read it. I would like to think that he was just speaking well of Mack Brown but I feel like there is some history there that begs otherwise. Could be taken either way I guess depending on which side you fall on.

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I don't think he was slamming CTT, but I know that he blamed CTT for not helping him get a head coaching job...he thought Tubs should promote him more...the funny thing is he interviewed for 2 jobs and didn't get either; because he has the personality of a tree...it was reported on several new stations that he was passed over fro not interviewing well....and do you see him getting mentioned for any of the openings out there?...he didn't get mentioned for Kstate or Colorado and he was trying to get both...so go figure

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What is the "history" between Tuberville and Chizik? How do you "know that [Chizik] blamed CTT for not helping him get a head coaching job?"

I'm not saying any of the above isn't true, I'm just curious how you got the information. Chizik's lateral move to Texas has baffled me, and, apart from this vague idea that somehow he'd be better positioning himself to get a head coaching job, no one's ever really explained it. (And if anyone's come out and said that there was any personal animosity between Chizik and CTT, or that CTT was somehow holding Chizik, I must've missed it.) My guess has always been that either (a) Brown gave Chizik some indication that he'd be stepping down sooner than later; and/or ( B) somehow Chizik thought being a coordinator at a "higer profile" program would make his resume stronger.

Whatever the facts, if Chizik thought he'd do better for himself at Texas, good for him. You can't argue with his performance - he was obviously great at Auburn, and now he's taken an underperforming (relative to its superior talent) defense and is getting the most out of it. I think they've got a shot vs. USC.

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One of the callers to our local radio sports talk show is a friend of mine and a big Texas fan and has a couple of kids attending. He has often talked about the "Unlimited resources" available for the athletic program and made the statement one morning about the very significant increase in salary Chizik received.

Understand, I'm just posting what he said. I've never actually heard or seen what Chizik actually signed for. If anyone has anything, please post it. But my question is this. Would even a $100K per year increase be worth moving to a program like Texas? Coaches move around every few years anyway. Chizik came from Central Florida to Auburn for a few years. He's now moved to Austin Texas. If he did get some kind of real increase in salary, I can't blame him for that.

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One of the callers to our local radio sports talk show is a friend of mine and a big Texas fan and has a couple of kids attending.  He has often talked about the "Unlimited resources" available for the athletic program ...


Sure he wasn't talking about Logan Young University...er, Alabama?
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I agree

ote=war chinook,Dec 27 2005, 01:42 PM]

i think you both are blowing it out of context. i don't read anywhere of any disrespect to ctt.


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