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Brandon Cox


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Florida has been helped out in a lot of games because of turnovers. I'm not saying that is the only way they win games, but that it helps them out a lot.

Brandon has taken a lot of heat these past two weeks for not getting rid of the ball. Someone threw out the stat that he's been sacked as many times this year as all of last year combined. Last year Cox would throw the ball away when being pressured, often times throwing interceptions. I really hope he plays it smart and takes the sack this week instead of trying to force something that isn't there (since everyone is telling him to do so) and having it picked off.

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He should never take the sack. Throwing it away means throw it out of bounds beyond the line of scrimmage or through the end zone. Not to an opponent.

BC takes way to many sacks and usually they are sacks where he has plenty of time. Either find a reciever, move out of the pocket and scramble for a few positive yards, or throw it away.



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Well if you really want Brandon to "play it smart" then he needs to not take the sack nor throw it away, but make a completion. That's the quickest way for Cox to feel the love instead of the heat. :rolleyes:

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Has he Rolled out of the pocket to the right or the left this year yet??? I don't think I have seen him do that as of yet...no roll outs ..no movements with the Off to confuse the D...the O line not opening any wholes to run through...No Receivers that can get open... all i have seen so far is that we have Tight Ends.. Do we even have an O...,, In the words of the JOKER "This O needs an ENEMA" I sure hope somebody shows up ready to Play Sat.



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I agree - I wish he would roll out of the pocket. He does need to throw a completion, but at the same time if the receiver is not open - don't throw it, unless its a deep ball.

sntemp.... I mean do you realize what you just said? Any knowledge of football? When you are in the pocket you can't throw the ball away or else you get penalized, not to mention the risk of an INT. We all remember the GT game last year...

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PCChamp, Thus is why he needs to roll out of the pocket. But interceptions haven't been his problem SACKS have.

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Has BC ever run a bootleg to his right. I know he is a lefty, but arky had a d-end watch for his bootleg and was in his face almost every time. Why not boot to the right and really give both ends and outside lbs something to think about?

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I hope to see a more mobile Cox this week. If he's truely 100%, he should be able to step away from a few defenders and chuck it out or fall for a few yards. Its understandable to be inable to run if your entire leg is taped. Also, a few of those sacks were just blown blocks by the OL. 2 of them from LSU were your run of the mill LB blitz that didn't get picked up. You cant do anything if you're hit as you're taking the 3 step drop.

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