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Tiger to retire at Georgia game


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Just read this on Opelika-Auburn News


AU's eagle Tiger retiring

Amy Weaver / Staff Writer

November 3, 2006

Golden eagles will continue to soar above hordes of Auburn University fans at Jordan-Hare Stadium for every football game, but after Nov. 11, it won’t be Tiger.

University officials announced Thursday the retirement of the famed 26-year-old Tiger. A special ceremony will be held 25 minutes prior to the kickoff of the University of Georgia game. Her successor, Nova, will be presented at halftime, as War Eagle VII.

“It’s a celebration of what’s she meant to this community,” said Dr. Jamie Bellah, director of the Southeastern Raptor Center. “It’s pretty obvious she means a lot to the whole Auburn community. She’s certainly an important part of the tradition.”

Bellah said Tiger is “feeling good” since she underwent surgery this June to remove a cancerous tumor on her right leg. She also received local radiation treatment.

“But it’s too early to tell how well we’ve done,” he said. “It’s hard to project how she’ll be next year.”

Between the cancer and her age - Tiger will be 27 soon - Bellah said officials wanted her to retire “on top of her game.” Tiger will remain a resident of the Raptor Center and will still be available for special appearances.

“Tiger has, and will continue to be, a much-treasured part of Auburn University history,” said AU President Ed Richardson. “She will still make guest appearances at games and will remain a vital part of the educational programs of the Southeastern Raptor Center.”

“As long as she is feeling good and able to do those things, she’ll get to do them,” Bellah added.

Serving as War Eagle VI, Tiger has represented the university’s school spirit since 1986 and has been flying before home football games since 2000. She gained worldwide attention in 2002 as a part of the opening ceremonies of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City. Tiger has flown only once this season, at last weekend’s game against Tulane.

Other appearances have been made by 6-year-old golden eagle Nova and 11-year-old bald eagle Spirit. Bellah said they both will fly for the 2007 football season.

Bellah wasn’t certain which bird will fly this Saturday against Arkansas State. He said it is a gameday decision, usually dependent on weather.

During Tiger’s reign as War Eagle VI, the football team has complied a record of 173-69-4, including undefeated seasons in 1993 and 2004. The team won four Southeastern Conference Championships and six SEC Western Division championships.

“I think there is going to be a lot of joys (on Nov. 11) and there might be a lot of Kleenex coming out of purses and pockets,” said Bellah. “I hope Tiger is a good sign for the football team.”

The university is honoring the longtime icon through a special 2007 calendar, “Tiger: A Tribute,” which is available through the AU’s Photographic Services Web site at www.auburn.edu/photo or by phone at (334) 844-4560. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the raptor center.

“Auburn has had golden eagles since the late 1800s, and now Nova will uphold the tradition of promoting Auburn and wildlife conservation,” said Marianne Murphy, who trains AU’s eagles with colleague Roy Crowe. “We are very privileged to have such a unique tradition at Auburn University.”

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Funny, I got a reply e-mail about this from a Raptor Center staff member just a few days ago, when I inquired about any official news related to his. I asked if and when Tiger was being retired and if Nova was going to be War Eagle VII. She danced around those questions like I was asking for plans that threatened national security. :lol:

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I, a grown man almost 60 years old, am sitting here reading about Tiger's retirement with tears in my eyes. What a magnificent creature and a magnificent entity she represents.

War Damn Eagle!

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Thanks Tiger for all Your Memories......I know you will enjoy Retirement..we will miss you on the sidelines but will welcome you with open arms on your return visits.


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Tiger is such a magnificent bird.. I noticed at the Tulane game how vastly bigger she is than Nova or Spirit.. she's done Auburn proud.

I'm also glad to see that they made Nova the next official bird, staying with the Golden Eagle

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I'm also glad to see that they made Nova the next official bird, staying with the Golden Eagle

I don't think that was ever in question. Like the article said, which bird flies depends on the weather, that's all. Our mascot is the Golden Eagle...it never will be the Bald Eagle.

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I'm also glad to see that they made Nova the next official bird, staying with the Golden Eagle

I don't think that was ever in question. Like the article said, which bird flies depends on the weather, that's all. Our mascot is the Golden Eagle...it never will be the Bald Eagle.

Never say never... it may happen we we get the o@#$%& jerseys!

Even joking about such things make me feel like :puke:

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Thanks Tiger, you have been there from the time I began at Auburn in 1986 until now. What a run! I thank you and appreciate your beauty and stature and everything that you and the tradition stand for here at Auburn. I know folks, it seems sappy what I am saying about an eagle, but when you have been out in nature and seen them fly, and seen Tiger, Nova, and Spirit fly, its just a beautiful thing. Thanks again Tiger and thanks to Nova for becoming Tiger VII.

War Eagle!! :au:

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