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Pelosi imposes Democrat only rule in the House


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From Drudge


Wed May 16 2007 14:43:59 ET

After losing a string of embarrassing votes on the House floor because of procedural maneuvering, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has decided to change the current House Rules to completely shut down the floor to the minority.

The Democratic Leadership is threatening to change the current House Rules regarding the Republican right to the Motion to Recommit or the test of germaneness on the motion to recommit. This would be the first change to the germaneness rule since 1822.

In protest, the House Republicans are going to call procedural motions every half hour.

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Doesn't surprise me. This is the "change in course" that the "American people" voted for this past November.

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Doesn't surprise me. This is the "change in course" that the "American people" voted for this past November.

They didn't vote for this! This is not what Democrats campaigned on.

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Doesn't surprise me. This is the "change in course" that the "American people" voted for this past November.

They didn't vote for this! This is not what Democrats campaigned on.

Anyone with half a brain knows that Rham Emmanuel and Nancy Pelosi used the so called "moderate, blue dog Democrats" like Heath Shular to win the majority with every intention of marginalizing their influence once they became Congressmen. Christian Conservatives stayed at home. Moderate conservatives voted for the blue dogs. Libertarians voted for libertarians. Dems and liberals voted straight party line. As a result, Madam Speaker is ruling the house with an iron fist.

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I wonder how McCain will handle it when the Dems change the filibuster rule to a simple majority.

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More proof that the Dems are every bit what they accuse the GOP of being, and much, much worse.

Imagine the fairness if the Dems control the White House.

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Doesn't surprise me. This is the "change in course" that the "American people" voted for this past November.

They didn't vote for this! This is not what Democrats campaigned on.

If democrats campaigned on and showed their true colors, they wouldn't be elected.

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Strangling the rights of the legislative minority. They learned well from their predecessors, didn't they?

Vote them all out. Well, all but like 2 or 3.

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Strangling the rights of the legislative minority. They learned well from their predecessors, didn't they?


The Democratic Leadership is threatening to change the current House Rules regarding the Republican right to the Motion to Recommit or the test of germaneness on the motion to recommit. This would be the first change to the germaneness rule since 1822.

Sorry, but the GOP never played dirty like this. The Dems are working under the delusion that the House and Senate BELONG to them, by Divine Fiat, and that they can do pretty much as they please. Again, the Dems are far worse than what they accuse the GOP of being.

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