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Josh Moon replies to letters


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It's time for the mailbag.

I know, you thought it was gone, didn't you? You didn't think there were enough people out there willing to be ridiculed, did you?

Bad news: It's not and there are. Turns out, there are so many people willing to take a good word lashing that I could probably bang out one of these mailbag columns every day...

Up first, Patton:

I will now attempt and trans­late your SEC Media Days arti­cle: Wah. Wah. Wah. Wah. Wah. Wah. Wah. I am an Auburn fan. Wah. Nobody cares about Auburn. Wah. When Auburn had media days, four people showed up. One was Tommy Tuberville. The other three were his wife and two kids.

Well done. I like it. My turn: Waaaaaahhhhhh. Stop making fun of me. I'm one of the Ala­bama fans who quit my job so I could go to the Wynfrey to watch Nick Saban talk to peo­ple who aren't me. You proba­bly noticed me, I'm the one who fainted when Saban touch­ed my hand in the lobby. I cracked my head and got blood on my hounds-tooth cap, but it was worth it. :roflol:


When Saban leaves Ala­bama, will it be because of him jumping to another job, as my Auburn friends claim, or will it be because Alabama fans scare him off? After hearing him de­scribe himself as shy, I just don't know how long he'll be able to handle all the 'Bama fans.

Let me give you a tip, Wil­liam. Whenever someone like Saban -- a guy making $4 mil­lion per year working in very public positions -- describes himself as "shy," it means one thing: He's a jerk.

As for your question, I think Saban will leave about the time his act wears thin on the peo­ple around him at Alabama.

Finally, we'll close with Holly:

Exactly what makes you think that the few people who showed up at the Wynfrey reflect the whole of the Alabama fan base? I certainly do not appreci­ate the comment that AU fans were not out in droves "because they have jobs." Who do you think you are? How dare you? But then, you must be an Au­burn fan. That's a typical, snot­ty response from your kind isn't it? Auburn will NEVER have the tradition that Alabama has and Auburn fans are the MOST OBNOXIOUS there are, bar NONE. <irony alert>

Hey, I think I've tracked down Collette Connell -- the in­toxicated woman who greeted Saban at the airport in Tusca­loosa. If this isn't Collette, it's a relative. Because only someone in that gene pool would believe Auburn fans are more obnoxi­ous than the standard 'Bama fan.

I hate to break this to you, "Holly," but the obnoxious race is not a close one. Oh, and I dare because it's what I do.


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