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Nip...Nip...N I P ! ! !


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I have all but given up on the weather cooperating. I noticed a few leaves on top of my car this morning and decided to chalk it up to the heat. Heading to the office, I happened upon someone that was ignoring the "burn ban" that we are currently under. The smell of LEAVES burning started me in the right direction. Later in the morning, I passed a road crew that was cutting grass on the highway (THAT smell really started the NIP wheels in motion). Then, well, IT happened. I saw TWO cars that are already flying their AU Flags in preparation for the first game. (uat flags do not count. Those bozos have been flyin' 'em since sabear said "I do".)

Why fight it?

I, WarTim (The Official AU Nation Caller of the Nip), do now officially declare that the NIP is upon us!

Rejoice! I say again, REJOICE!

WDE and bring on Kansas State ! ! ! !

p.s. Esquire, you may now fire up the grill and get those wings started ! ! !

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Anyone want any orange juice?

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I got out of my car this morning at work and there was a slight breeze in the morning

air and I thoughts of the "NIP" started running thru my head.

I was not going to post anything about what I felt in the air this morning

for fear being accused of pre-mature "NIP" -elation...... :P

but low and behold

I logged on here tonight and the great caller of the "NIP" WAR TIM had declared

what we all have been waiting for.

WDE Now bring on them Kansas State Pussycats!!!

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It's about time. If you were gonna use dead leaves you could have done that 2 months ago.


Ye shall not question the Calling of the Nip.

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Left work early yesterday to run some errands so I didn't see the NIP called. But, got together with a couple of L.A. Lower Alabama AUNation compadres last night for the first time so I knew there was something different going on.

War Nip and War Tim

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being triple digets today in GA makes it hard to believe the NIP in in the air... But since

War Tim Call It.....OOOOHHHHHH HELLLLLL Yea ...Hot Lanta Just got a Bit Cooler...

did some one say bring on the thunder, thunder, THUNDER CATS HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...WDE .. I can't wait 2 more weeks baby 2 more weeks

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Can you seriously call the nip when it hasn't dipped below 90 degrees yet?

I think you just gave in to all the pressure.......

Obviously not a temperature-related nip-call, but... can one ascertain the inner-workings of Tim's psyche when considering all the nip-factors when declaring the nip? I say no. Besides, the pic Autiger518 posted can't be denied, though that was posted post-nip, instead of pre-nip. WDE!!!
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A Nipless Nip has been called, the first ever recorded. All Hail the Nip!

The Meaning of Life query has now been replaced with the Proof of the Nip query! All Hail the Nip!

War Tim - May I request that you place ice packs on your chest and upon removing them, take and post a pic of your ample bosoms in full nippiness to demonstrate the arrival of the Nip! All Hail the Nip!

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