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Article about 'textbookgate' at UAT


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Comment from Antoine Caldwell:

"I was thinking, 'Why over books do you have to miss games?' " Caldwell said. "You've got guys that are fighting in clubs or guys breaking into cars that are still playing on Saturdays.

No doubt there was dissention on that team. Doesn't look like the players are very smart by not thinking they did anything wrong.

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Who broke into a car? Is that something that went unreported?

That article is slightly aggravating. It paints them as martyrs trying to help out their friends in need. If that's the case, give them a few bucks that your booster buddies gave you. The books weren't theirs to begin with.

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Said Coffee, "I was trying to help out friends. There wasn't any money involved. The books were returned after they used the books. I was trying to do good, actually.

"Unfortunately, there's a rule saying you can't do stuff like that and I got caught. I felt like I was in the right the whole time. But a rule is a rule."


Asked if he knew he was doing something wrong by getting the books for friends, Coffee said, "I knew but it was sort of something like, 'Well, I'm not being sneaky about it or do this or do that, no covert operation.'

So wrong is ok as long as you are not sneaky??

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This is article is exactly the problem. These guys don't feel like they did anything wrong. They have a sense of entitlement and don't care if they broke the rules.

Caldwell hasn't had a history of getting into trouble, and graduated in 3 years. So he's surprising.

Coffee and Rogers are not surprising.

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Guest Tigrinum Major

Glenn Coffee paints himself as a modern day Robin Hood.

He was just trying to help his friends out.

I am surprised and delighted to see BamaGrad piling on these miscreants. It does my heart good.

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"At the time I did not know it was wrong," Caldwell said.

How in the world can one not know he's wrong? He was not the one paying for those books. The university was paying for those books. That's theft from the university. It's wrong, wrong, wrong.

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At least Caldwell had this to say:

"No money was involved," he stated emphatically. "I was getting books that were not on my (class) schedule for someone else, for one other person. At the time I did not know it was wrong, I did not know there were rules against it. If any of that was into play, I wouldn't have done it, I wouldn't have taken a risk. I'm not blaming anybody else. I just made a mistake. I just did something I wasn't supposed to do.

"Now that I look back on it, I see there are rules in place for things like that."

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At least Caldwell had this to say:

"No money was involved," he stated emphatically. "I was getting books that were not on my (class) schedule for someone else, for one other person. At the time I did not know it was wrong, I did not know there were rules against it. If any of that was into play, I wouldn't have done it, I wouldn't have taken a risk. I'm not blaming anybody else. I just made a mistake. I just did something I wasn't supposed to do.

"Now that I look back on it, I see there are rules in place for things like that."

At least.

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Comment from Antoine Caldwell:

"I was thinking, 'Why over books do you have to miss games?' " Caldwell said. "You've got guys that are fighting in clubs or guys breaking into cars that are still playing on Saturdays.

No doubt there was dissention on that team. Doesn't look like the players are very smart by not thinking they did anything wrong.

To answer Mr. Caldwell's question, he got suspended because the NCAA said that he was suspended. If it could have been kept "in house" you can rest assured that none of these guys would have missed one second of playing time.

To my knowledge, the NCAA doesn't have a rule against fighting in bars and breaking into cars. Therefore, if you play at UA, as long as the NCAA says you can play, you are cool.

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Comment from Antoine Caldwell:

"You've got ... guys breaking into cars that are still playing on Saturdays.

Who broke into a car?
Maybe he's thinking of people trying to headbutt their way OUT OF a patrol car? :big:

At least Caldwell had this to say:

"No money was involved," he stated emphatically.

What, does he think textbooks grow on trees? (Okay, maybe paper does.. :rolleyes: ) He may have received no money personally, but the books still cost the University money. Money was involved and even if he only did what he describes, he basically took part in a conspiracy to steal from the University.
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"It's probably one of the proudest moments I've had here, just knowing how the season went and missing those games and feeling like I was one of the biggest reasons why this season turned into a letdown the way it did," Caldwell said.

Are you kidding me, hes proud that he (thinks) that he was the reason for his team losing 3 games, wow what a team player.

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"It's probably one of the proudest moments I've had here, just knowing how the season went and missing those games and feeling like I was one of the biggest reasons why this season turned into a letdown the way it did," Caldwell said.

Are you kidding me, hes proud that he (thinks) that he was the reason for his team losing 3 games, wow what a team player.

Simply part of the sabear proce$$.

Next up?....He will add sprinkles to their ice cream cones.

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"It's probably one of the proudest moments I've had here, just knowing how the season went and missing those games and feeling like I was one of the biggest reasons why this season turned into a letdown the way it did," Caldwell said.

Are you kidding me, hes proud that he (thinks) that he was the reason for his team losing 3 games, wow what a team player.

You gotta finish it out:

"Not saying that I was just that valuable to the team or that I'm trying to raise myself up, but I feel like there was so much that I could have done to help this football team in those games. Little things that weren't done that could have been done if not only me but the other four guys were there as well."

No, Mr. Caldwell, that's exactly what you were saying. It was a proud moment to realize that you were such an important part of the team that they LOST when you weren't there. Way to go! :thumbsup:

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"I am a broke college student".......

Darn it! If ONLY he had some more books that he could sell ILLEGALLY.....................

This guy is just flat out begging for two scoops of Rocky Road! ! !

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"I am a broke college student".......

Darn it! If ONLY he had some more books that he could sell ILLEGALLY.....................

This guy is just flat out begging for two scoops of Rocky Road! ! !

and he would have gotten it too if it wasn't for that pesky ncaa

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