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Mine for voting for her.

It's a miracle that I was even given the opportunity, seeing that she almost died shaking the hand of an 8 year old Bosnian girl. *snicker*

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Mine for voting for her.

It's a miracle that I was even given the opportunity, seeing that she almost died shaking the hand of an 8 year old Bosnian girl. *snicker*

That was one brave 8 year old. No flak jacket, looked cool as a cucumber. B)

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Mine for voting for her.

It's a miracle that I was even given the opportunity, seeing that she almost died shaking the hand of an 8 year old Bosnian girl. *snicker*

That was one brave 8 year old. No flak jacket, looked cool as a cucumber. B)

With all the sniper fire flying over their heads, it almost sounded like birds chirping on a spring morn....

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I used to think hyperbole was hiperbowl.

I remember thinking it was odd that my philosophy teacher making an issue of youth in asia.

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It's oxygen depletion, I tell you. Living in the rarified air of being named after Sir Edmund is more than the girl can handle. :rolleyes:

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I think we all make mistakes, Tex.

On a lighter note, check out this new exclusive footage of the First Lady's trip in question. It really backs up every claim she makes:

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All that being said, she apparently won't be content until she has run through the halls of the DNC with buckets of gasoline, lighting a match so that the entire building immolates. To wit:


And this:


Have the scales dropped from your eyes? Now you see why our hatred for her isn't quite so irrational after all.

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Have the scales dropped from your eyes? Now you see why our hatred for her isn't quite so irrational after all.

I never thought I would say it about her, but she is closer to the mainstream than BO. :P

Actually I have said it before, sorry.

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