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School Phobia cost taxpayers $45,000.


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Should the taxpayers pay? Or should the parents be required to take care of this individual for the rest of her life? It was their decision. Not only that, they are wasting the money.


A girl in Pennsylvania by the name of Rebecca Maykish decided that she didn't like school ... in the fourth grade. So her mother said, fine you don't have to go. And so she hasn't. Now at the age of 17, the local taxpayers in the Palmerton government school district have paid tens of thousands of dollars to compensate for those days off.

Since 2004 the Palmerton government school board has authorized the payment of more than $45,000 to help Rebecca make up for her days of missed school. So her mother used the money for at-home tutoring and educational software. But she also used the taxpayer money to pay for Rebecca's modeling classes, subscriptions to teen magazines, and trips to New York and Toronto for summer camp.

Rebecca's money comes from the compensator education fund, which is supported by local property taxes and controlled by the school board. The funds are given to students "whose school districts have failed to give them an appropriate education," as required by the federal Americans with Disabilities Act. You see, Rebecca suffers from "school phobia." The thought of school makes her sick with anxiety. So she has just stayed home. It was 2004 when the state ordered the district to set up the compensatory education fund. They agreed to compensate Rebecca for 1,000 hours of missed education, at a rate of $45 an hour.

One way or the other .. this girl will spend her life sucking on the taxpayer teat.

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Because her daughter has gone the past year without any formal education, Barbara Maykish said she thinks she might need another compensatory education fund.

Just give us more money. That will make it all right. I could claim my kids don't like school and then home school them while making money. Hell, according to this, I don't even have to home school them to get the money.

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