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High res aerial photo of AU

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When was that taken? It must have either been before last season or my sense of direction is horrible....I don't see where they are clearing off for the new Coliseum or the new outdoor pool

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When was that taken? It must have either been before last season or my sense of direction is horrible....I don't see where they are clearing off for the new Coliseum or the new outdoor pool

Its a view from the SW edge of campus looking NE. It was a little while ago; the transportation center isn't finished and the foundation for the Foy Deux hasn't been laid yet.

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At the corner of Magnolia and College. :)

Its hard to pick out. If you notice the big semi-circle around the parking lot, follow that road to the right (which would be eastbound). Cross over the first intersection, which is Donahue, and the business building with the pretentious gold dome on top is on the right. Right after it is a big construction lot. This is Magnolia.

Now go find the library (big semi-circular building, probably second biggest building not counting Jordan Hare and Beard Eaves). Samford is just north of it on the left. This is College. Follow College north until you intersect Magnolia, and Toomers will be in the north east corner.

You really can't see anything though, its just a little white square next to some apartments/businesses in a red brick building.

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My guess is that the picture is from the fall of '06

I think it's fall because:

-The color of the trees

-Wear patterns on the IM fields for flag football

I think 2006 because:

-New Foy is started (started spring '06)

-C-Zone is still intact (got bulldozed summer '07)

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