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Over 400 and Under 300 Club


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Averaging over 400 yards in offense and holding the opponent to under 300 yards is normally considered a good benchmark in college football. So which is more important, averaging over 400-yards in total offense or holding your opponent to under 300-yards?

From 2000-2007, 295 teams have averaged over 400-yards in offense during the course of an entire season. Of those 295 teams, 59 finished with a non-winning record. The 259 teams that averaged over 400-yards in total offense compiled a win percentage of .653.

During the same time span, only 101 teams held their opponent to under 300-yards per game during the course of an entire season. Only 14 of the 101 teams, finished the season with a non-winning record. The 101 teams also compiled a win percentage of .731.

Which teams from a major conference showed up in the above 400 and below 300 club this decade?

Offense (400 Yards +):

Texas Tech ........... 7

Minnesota ............ 6

Purdue ................. 6

USC ...................... 6

Texas ................... 6

Northwestern ...... 5

California ............. 5

Clemson .............. 5

Florida ................. 5

Defense (Below 300-yards):

LSU .................... 6

Oklahoma .......... 6

Miami ................. 5

Virginia Tech ...... 5

Alabama ............. 4

Auburn ............... 4

Kansas State ...... 4

USC .................... 4

Ohio State .......... 4

Perhaps this is the very reason why Tuberville has always been defensive minded and conservative on offense. Of course, USC has proven a team can accomplish both on a consistent basis, which has made them the elite program of this current decade. The hiring of Tony Franklin might be a step in the same direction for the Auburn Tigers.

From 1961-2007, Auburn is 87-1-2 when they gain at least 400 yards in offense, while holding their opponent to under 300-yards in the same game. The lone loss came to Arkansas in 2001.

During this current decade (2000-2007), 33 teams have finished a season averaging over 400 yards in offense, while holding their opponent to under 300-yards per game.

Year Team .............................. W L T Pct

2000 Florida State ................... 11 2 0 0.846

2000 Kansas State .................. 11 3 0 0.786

2000 Oklahoma ...................... 13 0 0 1.000

2000 TCU ............................... 10 2 0 0.833

2000 Texas ............................. 9 3 0 0.750

2000 Toledo ........................... 10 1 0 0.909

2000 W. Michigan .................... 9 3 0 0.750

2001 Florida ........................... 10 2 0 0.833

2001 Miami ............................ 12 0 0 1.000

2001 Nebraska ....................... 11 2 0 0.846

2001 Texas ............................ 11 2 0 0.846

2002 Alabama ........................ 10 3 0 0.769

2002 Kansas State .................. 11 2 0 0.846

2002 Miami ............................. 12 1 0 0.923

2002 Oregon State .................. 8 5 0 0.615

2002 Southern Cal .................. 11 2 0 0.846

2003 Kansas State .................. 11 4 0 0.733

2003 LSU ............................... 13 1 0 0.929

2003 Memphis ........................ 9 4 0 0.692

2003 Michigan ........................ 10 3 0 0.769

2003 Oklahoma ...................... 12 2 0 0.857

2003 Oregon State .................. 8 5 0 0.615

2004 Auburn ........................... 13 0 0 1.000

2004 Georgia .......................... 10 2 0 0.833

2004 Oklahoma ....................... 12 1 0 0.923

2004 Southern Cal ................... 13 0 0 1.000

2005 Ohio State ...................... 10 2 0 0.833

2006 Boise State ..................... 13 0 0 1.000

2006 Clemson ......................... 8 5 0 0.615

2006 LSU ................................ 11 2 0 0.846

2006 TCU ................................ 11 2 0 0.846

2007 LSU ................................ 12 2 0 0.857

2007 Southern Cal ................... 11 2 0 0.846

That's a combined record of 356-70-0 or win pct of .836. For some reason, Oregon State and Clemson could not make it work. Kansas State, LSU, Oklahoma and Southern Cal appear on the list 3 times each. LSU won 2 MNC out of their 3, Oklahoma won 1 MNC but competed for 2 more and USC won 1 MNC.

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Stat, Quenton Riggins and Stan White did a review one time about AU winning percentage versus 150 yd rushing games. I wonder if the best O stat is that or total yards. 150 yds rushing leads to ball control and clock management. Is there a breakdown for WHERE (rush vs pass)these teams got the 400 yds of O?

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Stat, Quenton Riggins and Stan White did a review one time about AU winning percentage versus 150 yd rushing games. I wonder if the best O stat is that or total yards. 150 yds rushing leads to ball control and clock management. Is there a breakdown for WHERE (rush vs pass)these teams got the 400 yds of O?


It obviously depends on how dependant the offense is upon the running game.

From 1972-1985, Auburn's running game accounted for 72.2% of the total yards gained. In this case, 150 yards rushing would be low since the offense was so dependant on the running game. From 1972-1985, AU was 91-41-3 when they rushed for at least 150 yards.

From 1986-2007, AU's running game accounted for only 44.1% of the total yards gained so 150 yards rushing would be a plus. During this time period, AU is 129-15-2 when they rush for at least 150 yards.

Hope this answered your question.

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