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Top 10 Worst Calls of the BCS Era


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"It was one of those typical SEC smashmouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.

There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.

Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.

Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.

The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title."


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Apologize you freakin' douchebag. LSU cheats with the best of em'. Caught on tape.


Get real you asshat. 4 Auburn calls in the 2006 game vs. 1 LSU call in the '04 'bama game?

You want to talk about cheating? Here's Auburn cheating for you:



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"It was one of those typical SEC smashmouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.

There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.

Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.

Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.

The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title."


Do you know the definition of "irony?" Let me give you a hint -- it has absolutely nothing to do with using an actual iron. Ooops, sorry! There I go, assuming a typical ignorant corndog cares if his game day jersey is wrinkle-free. Anyways, back to the irony part. Did you happen to read the bio of the guy who wrote this tripe? Let me help you out -- it's never a good thing to accuse a referee of homerism when you yourself are an even bigger homer (that's what grownups call irony):

Brian's Bio

Brian Scott is a New Orleans, LA based freelance writer covering political, social, historical, and sports-related themes. Brian has joined the Bleacher Report because he is quite simply a fanatic of the great game of College Football. As an LSU Alumnus (1997) and LSU Football season ticket holder he naturally follows the LSU Tigers very closely, but also chooses to objectively ( :roflol::roflol::roflol: ) follow not just other SEC teams, but every other team of interest in the nation. After all, in the BCS era everybody's W/L record affects everbody's season!

Having traveled to many college campuses across America, Brian enjoys nothing more than a traditional college town with fans that are as passionate about their football team as they are about their religion. You will notice him giving props to teams with storied traditions as well as to modern era up and comers who are bulding traditions that will no doubt last for generations.

When Brian isn't in the Northeast end zone of Tiger Stadium, you can no doubt find him at the local tavern in front of a tall pint and any big screen TV showing sports. Keep a watch out for this guy, because you never know when he'll be strolling around your college town!

The 2nd Worst Call EVER just happened to be against his favorite team. What a freakin' laugh to call this article of his "analysis." And what a freakin' joke you are to post it! :lol::lol::lol:

For the record, every year about this time I have to point all the corndogs whining about the no-call on the pass interference to the NCAA Rulebook to: (1) look up the definition of Catchable Forward Pass (2-19-4) and, (2) to read the section on pass interference entitled Contact Interference (7-3-9.) If they would just do those two simple things then they would see that the referees were absolutely correct with their call. They never do. Who knows why -- maybe they have trouble downloading the rule book, or maybe they can't understand what they read unless it has pictures? Maybe they grew up eating Lead Paint Flakes for breakfast every morning. Whatever. I will continue to try to educate these poor unfortunate creatures because I'm a masochist I'm all about helping out our fellow man. That's how I roll. Peace.

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Apologize you freakin' douchebag. LSU cheats with the best of em'. Caught on tape.


Did you really have to share that one again? Granted we probably would have lost anyway, but damn!!

It gives me goosebumps every time I see it. :big:

But seriously, LSU fans complaining about pass interference? WOW!!

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"It was one of those typical SEC smashmouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.

There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.

Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.

Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.

The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title."


Care to quote that scurrilous stuff about the replay official again? maybe cite some source for your info?

Shut up, crybabies. We shut you down and you cry about two plays. You had 100 other chances to score and didn't handle business.

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"It was one of those typical SEC smashmouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.

There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.

Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.

Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.

The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title."


Care to quote that scurrilous stuff about the replay official again? maybe cite some source for your info?

Shut up, crybabies. We shut you down and you cry about two plays. You had 100 other chances to score and didn't handle business.

to be fair, one of the first things you guys were complaining about after the MSU game last week was about how the refs sucked and the home cooking, etc etc etc. while you specifically made no excuses, others did.


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"It was one of those typical SEC smashmouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.

There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.

Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.

Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.

The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title."


Care to quote that scurrilous stuff about the replay official again? maybe cite some source for your info?

Shut up, crybabies. We shut you down and you cry about two plays. You had 100 other chances to score and didn't handle business.

to be fair, one of the first things you guys were complaining about after the MSU game last week was about how the refs sucked and the home cooking, etc etc etc. while you specifically made no excuses, others did.


Yeah but I doubt we still complain 2 years from now and bring up the game and talk about how MSU had homecooking etc....

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"It was one of those typical SEC smashmouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.

There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.

Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.

Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.

The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title."


Care to quote that scurrilous stuff about the replay official again? maybe cite some source for your info?

Shut up, crybabies. We shut you down and you cry about two plays. You had 100 other chances to score and didn't handle business.

to be fair, one of the first things you guys were complaining about after the MSU game last week was about how the refs sucked and the home cooking, etc etc etc. while you specifically made no excuses, others did.


Yeah but I doubt we still complain 2 years from now and bring up the game and talk about how MSU had homecooking etc....

in the pre-season prediction threads for Alabama's season it was brought up about the home cooking Alabama supposedly got from refs in our games last season. and that wasn't even talking about AU. so i'm gonna guess that yeah, it wouldn't surprise me to hear something 2 years from now.

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