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This forum is fair!

Roll Tide Rev

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I got to hand it to the staff and members of this forum. No matter if your a GA fan, Fl fan, Bama fan, or Auburn fan, you guys are pretty fair.

I mean if your a JED then you get called out on it. LOL!

Sorry just was getting some good laughs reading some threads. B)

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Van Damme had an awesome dancing scene in one of his goofy movies, can't remember which one. They were in a bar & he gets wasted, starts dancing w/ the wrong guy's girl and a fight breaks out. He has serious white boy syndrome.

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Van Damme had an awesome dancing scene in one of his goofy movies, can't remember which one. They were in a bar & he gets wasted, starts dancing w/ the wrong guy's girl and a fight breaks out. He has serious white boy syndrome.

That'd be Kickboxer.....NAK SOON COW!

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South I don't know where you find these videos but they are always good for a laugh

This one could stand more Ms. Purple Top. :yes:

You read my mind.


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Excuse me, but what is a "JED?"

I am asking the same question...

Not knowing if I want to hear the answer.

Count me as a 3rd who has no idea

I just figured everyone else knew it and I would play along until someone spilled the beans on it

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Well, consider that Bammers take up the









Trailer Trash

and the ever so popular White Trash

titles that they had to come up with something to call the people they deem to reside in the lower 80's on an IQ chart.

As far as what JED stands for, Im waiting for some enlightenment as well.

P.S. Breakin II "Electric Boogaloo" clips, pictures, and soud bytes are evil torture. Please be kind to the minds around you.

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Excuse me, but what is a "JED?"

Judging by this sentence "I mean if your a JED then you get called out on it. LOL!" it looks like a typo. I think he was talking about his diploma... you know, GED.

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Maybe he was just missing the I on the end.

I know some of you guys are Jedi and I totally call you out for being stale and boring with robes and laser swords.

You guys are a pile of Jedi, sheesh.


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