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Barkley Gets DUI

Auburn 6

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Ooooohhhhhh my goodness!!!!!!! THE COP WAS WHITE!!!!! Call the NAACP and the Reverend Jessie Jackson! This is racial injustice!!!!!!!!!!


I know right? This seems like a perfect time for the race card....what a douche Barkely is

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What is it they say karma is again? It may break your bones but never hurt you? No. No... One a day keeps the doctor away? No, not it either. Hmm...

Oh I remember now... Its a BITCH!

Sorry Charlie.

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Thank god he didn't hurt someone. That being said I could care less what he does to himself after the way he slandered us. He needs to grow the hell up and quit acting like an arrogant immature b*tch

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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.

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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.


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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.

Just when I get ready for a real good rant about ol Sir Charles, someone goes and throws logic and reason at me.

Thanks TigerEyes :thumbsup:

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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.

Well, we've been loving CB through all his bar fights all these years, but when has anyone held him accountable?

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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.

Dang it Tiger! You had to go and make me feel guilty about bashing him! Ok, well now that the dust has settled a little, he is an Auburn man and so I will treat him as such. I do hope that he will stop bashing Auburn though.

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I guess King Charles can kiss his aspirations of being the Gov goodbye now! Having huge gambling debts that were reported nationwide, as well as his rants about racism when Chizik was hired were plenty, but given the fact that he's now been arrrested (I didn't say guilty) for DUI, should about do it. He could have had it really good but the idiot blew it.

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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.

Dang it Tiger! You had to go and make me feel guilty about bashing him! Ok, well now that the dust has settled a little, he is an Auburn man and so I will treat him as such. I do hope that he will stop bashing Auburn though.

But Family doesn't go and bash the rest of the family in public either. I am still proud of Charles and what he did at Auburn but can't see why he had to bash us publicly about our football hiring either. Family is family and he is still in our doghouse!

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Sir Charles is a grown man and like the rest of us, he has to deal with the consequences of his comments and actions. That said, family isn't just family when we all agree and get along. If we are truly an Auburn Family, that means holding our members accountable while loving them through their shortcomings. Family aint like friends, we dont get to pick em.

Well, we've been loving CB through all his bar fights all these years, but when has anyone held him accountable?

I guess Charles is the black sheep of the family. I don’t think we should all give him a free pass because he’s one of our own. If you follow the family logic then I guess we should forget all that Eric Ramsey did. I’ve always been a huge Barkley fan. I always followed his career very closely and was a big fan of the 76ers and Suns. (I just couldn’t be for the Rockets.) I’ve defended him many times over the years. However this time he’s gone too far. He purposely tried to give Auburn a black eye and that doesn’t sit well with me. I still like Charles but I won’t ever feel the same about him as I once did. To me it’s sort of like when a spouse is caught cheating. You may reconcile but the feelings will never be the same again.
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