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Tennessee Titans give up the game.


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And they were the better team on the field in every category but 1. Turnovers. None of them were really even forced, they were all player mistakes and not securing the ball properly.

It made me sick to watch them get to the red zone 3 times and get 0 points, and get within field goal range 3 times and not get one.

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Tennessee outplayed Baltimore all day but had too many penalties and turnovers. However, on the key drive for the winning FG, Baltimore converts a huge 3rd and 2 downfield to get in striking distance and the refs utterly miss the delay of game. Play clock was on zero for at least a full second before the snap even started and nothing. They hit a 20 yd pass on the play to get to the Tennessee 40. A few plays later, they get the FG.

Really sucks. Baltimore's a good team, but giving them a 20 yard completion into our territory late in the game because the one ref whose responsibility is to watch that crap can't do his frickin' job pisses me off.

I was screaming my rear off that play.

There were a few huge penalties they didn't call. A number of personal fouls on Baltimore they ignored.

The cough ups buy Scaife and White were destroying.

This game was a fix. The Ravens committed more fouls on any one given play in this game than most teams commit in a season. Ray Lewis (murderer) and Ed Reed (thug-in-waiting) were dirtier than I have seen them play in their entire careers and they never once got flagged for it.

This game was a fix. The Ravens committed more fouls on any one given play in this game than most teams commit in a season. Ray Lewis (murderer) and Ed Reed (thug-in-waiting) were dirtier than I have seen them play in their entire careers and they never once got flagged for it.


Yeah it was a fix. The refs must have fixed so the Titans would turn the ball over 3 times in scoring postion and botch a couple snaps in crucial moments. That was a bad call, but not what cost the Titans the game.


I completely agree. Ray Lewis could have pulled out a knife and stabbed Kerry Collins to death (he's done it before) and the refs would not have flagged him for it. Ed Reed was an absolute thug in this game as well. I hope Fisher goes after the refs in the presser because the Titans got absolutely ripped off in this game.

The worst part is if we would have played ball security we would have won that game outright.

The cough ups with 0 points and the going on 4th down instead of trying for the field goal in the first half put is in a hole. Wasted scoring positions.

It did sometimes seem like we got called for crazy stuff and they got called for hardly anything. But the delay of game no-call is inexcusable. It wasn't even close. I mean at least a second late and no one has even flinched.


I completely agree. Ray Lewis could have pulled out a knife and stabbed Kerry Collins to death (he's done it before) and the refs would not have flagged him for it. Ed Reed was an absolute thug in this game as well. I hope Fisher goes after the refs in the presser because the Titans got absolutely ripped off in this game.

It did sometimes seem like we got called for crazy stuff and they got called for hardly anything. But the delay of game no-call is inexcusable. It wasn't even close. I mean at least a second late and no one has even flinched.

The Titans beat themselves, end of story

Just like last week with the Colts...

This game was a fix. The Ravens committed more fouls on any one given play in this game than most teams commit in a season. Ray Lewis (murderer) and Ed Reed (thug-in-waiting) were dirtier than I have seen them play in their entire careers and they never once got flagged for it.


Yeah it was a fix. The refs must have fixed so the Titans would turn the ball over 3 times in scoring postion and botch a couple snaps in crucial moments. That was a bad call, but not what cost the Titans the game.

That was only one of about 20 botched calls by the officials. And when bad officiating enters into a game it does not matter what each team does, the officials will continue to make calls until they get the outcome they want. That is exactly what happened in this game. Especially when you take into consideration that the officials stood by and watched each time Lewis or Reed made a cheap hit on Tenn. until half the Tennessee team was knocked out of the game with injuries from dirty play that occured right in front of the officials.

This game was a fix. The Ravens committed more fouls on any one given play in this game than most teams commit in a season. Ray Lewis (murderer) and Ed Reed (thug-in-waiting) were dirtier than I have seen them play in their entire careers and they never once got flagged for it.


Yeah it was a fix. The refs must have fixed so the Titans would turn the ball over 3 times in scoring postion and botch a couple snaps in crucial moments. That was a bad call, but not what cost the Titans the game.

That was only one of about 20 botched calls by the officials. And when bad officiating enters into a game it does not matter what each team does, the officials will continue to make calls until they get the outcome they want. That is exactly what happened in this game. Especially when you take into consideration that the officials stood by and watched each time Lewis or Reed made a cheap hit on Tenn. until half the Tennessee team was knocked out of the game with injuries from dirty play that occured right in front of the officials.

Your bias is showing. There were dirty plays by both teams no doubt about it. There weregood and bad calls both ways. The Titans were the better team, but they lost it. It had nothing to do with the refs. The game probably shouldn't have been close enough for the Ravens to have a chance late.

The reason they lost...

CHRIS JOHNSON...the offense really changed in the second half and the Baltimore D really didn't need to cover boundary to boundary with him out. Yeh, turnovers absolutely killed them and the penalties hurt them but more times than not, they seemed to overcome them. I think the loss of Johnson put a huge dent into the number of plays they could run and made it easier on Baltimore's D.

Totally forgot about the Safety that Flacco had they didn't call. His right foot was definitely beyond the back line on that play he threw from his endzone.

I thought the same thing, but the only angle they showed on the live play (and I rewound) obscured Flacco's foot. It sure looked like he stepped out and I saw Fisher calling for the ref, but CBS never showed another angle and the play got off.

Indy, I agree that the Titans gave the game away with the turnovers. But on the game winning drive for a FG, when you don't call a delay of game and the resulting pass is for 20 yards on 3rd down and 2 and gets you to the Titans 40 yard line, that's a killer call to miss. Call that and suddenly it's 3rd and 8. The defense doesn't really have to think about run that much and the percentages go much higher to stop it.

There are no calls and then there are no calls when the game is on the line and end up being disproportionate to what they'd normally be. That was a killer no call.

This game pissed me off! Hate it for the Titan fans. Tennessee blew it. Many would think that a Steeler fan would be happy to get a chance to host the AFC Championship v/s Baltimore, but I HATE, and I mean HATE the Baltimore Ravens. Ray Lewis and his group of thugs deserve worse. I can hang my hat on the 2-0 record v/s them this season, and I know our defense can play toe to toe with them.....but I HATE the Ravens. I'd love to have been able to drive up to Nashville for the AFC title game.

Now.....we must win tomorrow, because I want to be the team that sinks their ship. There's not a team in the NFL (even the Cowboys) that I HATE more than the real dirty birds of the NFL.

:flame: RAVENS

RAVENS :shoot:

:hammerin: RAVENS!

This game was a fix. The Ravens committed more fouls on any one given play in this game than most teams commit in a season. Ray Lewis (murderer) and Ed Reed (thug-in-waiting) were dirtier than I have seen them play in their entire careers and they never once got flagged for it.


Yeah it was a fix. The refs must have fixed so the Titans would turn the ball over 3 times in scoring postion and botch a couple snaps in crucial moments. That was a bad call, but not what cost the Titans the game.

That was only one of about 20 botched calls by the officials. And when bad officiating enters into a game it does not matter what each team does, the officials will continue to make calls until they get the outcome they want. That is exactly what happened in this game. Especially when you take into consideration that the officials stood by and watched each time Lewis or Reed made a cheap hit on Tenn. until half the Tennessee team was knocked out of the game with injuries from dirty play that occured right in front of the officials.

Your bias is showing. There were dirty plays by both teams no doubt about it. There weregood and bad calls both ways. The Titans were the better team, but they lost it. It had nothing to do with the refs. The game probably shouldn't have been close enough for the Ravens to have a chance late.

Uh, what bias? I'm a Saints fan. I'm used to not having anything to root for in the post season. My dander is up because it absolutely galls me to watch officials take the game out of the hands of the players and coaches. Refs are paid to be PERFECT. One blown call a game is too many, but despite the fact that they are paid to NOT make human errors I will cut them a little slack. The non-flags against Baltimore on the dirty plays were premeditated. That is what ticks me off. It is why I do not watch the NBA, and we have actual proof that their refs fix games. I would be just as ticked right now if the calls had gone 180 degrees. I don't dislike or like either team; I dislike bad officials. I guess if I have a team I am rooting for in the play-offs it would be the Giants. It was the Colts but they lost last week. I wouldn't mind seeing the Chargers either but seriously, if it is not the Saints (and when will it ever be) then I'm just watching for good football. The refs did not allow that to happen today in Nashville.

Ooh, I do hate the Cowboys so I don't ever want them to win again. Of course as long as Jerry Jones ownes them we won't have to worry about that.

Something else that sucks and needs to be addressed by the rules committee: delay of game should be reviewable and something a coach can challenge. It's not currently, but if that were changed, Tennessee could have thrown the red flag, booth reviews it and that play comes back.

Good point, TT. I like that idea. Also, whenever a play is being reviewed, anything that shows up in the review should be addressed. The overturn of the Titan catch under replay clearly showed pass interference that was simply ignored by the ref looking right at the play. That rule should be changed as well. The ruling should have been, "The call on the field is over turned. The player did not have control of the ball. However, replay also showed pass interference on the play so the ball will be placed at the spot of the foul, first down Titans." Otherwise it kind of makes the whole review a sham.

Something else that sucks and needs to be addressed by the rules committee: delay of game should be reviewable and something a coach can challenge. It's not currently, but if that were changed, Tennessee could have thrown the red flag, booth reviews it and that play comes back.

I disagree completely... by the time the ref sees the clock hit zero, he then has to look to see if the ball is snapped. This is not instantaneous, it takes time. If they want to make it easier for the refs to make an instantaneous call, they need to add something visual or audible which the ref can hear/see while he is watching the football.

Something else that sucks and needs to be addressed by the rules committee: delay of game should be reviewable and something a coach can challenge. It's not currently, but if that were changed, Tennessee could have thrown the red flag, booth reviews it and that play comes back.

I disagree completely... by the time the ref sees the clock hit zero, he then has to look to see if the ball is snapped. This is not instantaneous, it takes time. If they want to make it easier for the refs to make an instantaneous call, they need to add something visual or audible which the ref can hear/see while he is watching the football.

That's a good idea, too. It works well in basketball. However, on the play in question the ref had enough time to watch the play clock expire, drive down to West End to grab a burger from Rotiere's, head over to Hilsboro Village for dark rum ice cream from White Mountain Creamery, throw a game of darts at the Box Seat in Green Hills, pick up some Nashville hot chicken from Prince's for the other refs before the Ravens snapped the ball.

This game pissed me off! Hate it for the Titan fans. Tennessee blew it. Many would think that a Steeler fan would be happy to get a chance to host the AFC Championship v/s Baltimore, but I HATE, and I mean HATE the Baltimore Ravens. Ray Lewis and his group of thugs deserve worse. I can hang my hat on the 2-0 record v/s them this season, and I know our defense can play toe to toe with them.....but I HATE the Ravens. I'd love to have been able to drive up to Nashville for the AFC title game.

Now.....we must win tomorrow, because I want to be the team that sinks their ship. There's not a team in the NFL (even the Cowboys) that I HATE more than the real dirty birds of the NFL.

:flame: RAVENS

RAVENS :shoot:

:hammerin: RAVENS!

Ditto to all of it. I hope Polomalu gets a gamewinner pick against the Ravens in a few weeks.

BTW I was in Nashville last night, and the Ravens fans were a VERY badly behaved crew. I got to see w few tossed in the pokey by the MPD.

I wasn't wearing anything to ID me as a Steelers fan, and I asked a bunch of them that were waiting in line for the men's room whether they'd beaten the Steelers this year. It was hilarious. A simultaneous fifty-man meltdown. :big:

I lived in N'ville for 8 years before moving to lower Alabama. I swear Jeff Fisher and CTT graduated from the same University of Coaching. Strong D and play not to lose. I love CJF but thank goodness CTT is gone along with his 2nd half no show.


Ditto to all of it. I hope Polomalu gets a gamewinner pick against the Ravens in a few weeks.

BTW I was in Nashville last night, and the Ravens fans were a VERY badly behaved crew. I got to see w few tossed in the pokey by the MPD.

I wasn't wearing anything to ID me as a Steelers fan, and I asked a bunch of them that were waiting in line for the men's room whether they'd beaten the Steelers this year. It was hilarious. A simultaneous fifty-man meltdown. :big:

That's funny. If you are in Nashville and looking for something fun to do for no money on a weekend night head downtown to the courthouse and check out night court - not the show, the real thing - it was always a blast!

I wish Mobile had night court, with all the drunks (Stabler) we have in the area I bet it would be an absolute gas.

Ditto to all of it. I hope Polomalu gets a gamewinner pick against the Ravens in a few weeks.

BTW I was in Nashville last night, and the Ravens fans were a VERY badly behaved crew. I got to see w few tossed in the pokey by the MPD.

I wasn't wearing anything to ID me as a Steelers fan, and I asked a bunch of them that were waiting in line for the men's room whether they'd beaten the Steelers this year. It was hilarious. A simultaneous fifty-man meltdown. :big:

That's funny. If you are in Nashville and looking for something fun to do for no money on a weekend night head downtown to the courthouse and check out night court - not the show, the real thing - it was always a blast!

I wish Mobile had night court, with all the drunks (Stabler) we have in the area I bet it would be an absolute gas.

Night court on a weekend night? I'd rather cut off all my toes with a plastic spoon. I already have to deal with these morons every day.

Night court on a weekend night? I'd rather cut off all my toes with a plastic spoon. I already have to deal with these morons every day.

No, don't deal with them, just sit back and enjoy the human drama. I have seen fewer examples of true justice than the court commissioners in Nashville's night court. It is always good for a few dozen laughs. then go to some late night place and pig out talking about how stupid your fellow man is.


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