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The Political Compass

DKW 86

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Have you changed over the years?

I am defintiely drifting leftward in my old age. :blink:

I am still just as FISCALLY Conservative as ever. Socially, except for abortion, I guess I am leaning more and more slightly Left.

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libertarian/conservative/republican i guess. i obviously do vote for republicans way more than i do democrats

fiscal issues are most important to me.

if i ran for a state office, i'd probably have to run as a democrat in alabama because i don't oppose a lottery or state booz sales on sunday

nationally, i think the conservative and or republican line has been blurred.

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I've stayed pretty much the same as I've aged. Although I'm only 34 (nearly 35), I've probably taken this test yearly since I was 22 or so and in college. Slight drifting but I'm always right around here:

My Graph

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I'm only 20, so I probably haven't changed too much on most issues. The biggest issue I've moved on is abortion. While I don't like it, I'm not convinced that it needs to be banned. It definitely shouldn't be funded by the government and absolutely no partial birth (unless harmful to mother's health). I really think it should just be 1st trimester. Although, I feel that it's a bad litmus test for politicians since the issue isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Roe v. Wade will not be overturned, abortion is here to stay. I really don't like abortion, and don't think I could encourage a woman to get one, but I'm not convinced that it shouldn't be an option. I'm basically to the point where if you don't want an abortion, shut up and don't get one!

But anyway, here's my chart http://www.politicalcompass.org/printableg...00&soc=2.56

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I started their test, but quit. Something about the way their questions are worded sucks, imo.

Yeah, some of the questions are just weird. Like "Those who are able to work, and refuse the opportunity, should not expect society's support." Who would disagree or strongly disagree with that?

Some of the questions make me think, "well, it depends" but overall I answer how I figure I'd fall in most situations.

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If your graph doesn't look like this, well, you're just wrong about a lot of things. :P


I will say I wasn't too fond of many of their questions. I'd be curious to see how they interpret answers to some of them.

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Many of the questions provide one side of the argument and would tend to yield a certain answer because the question itself argues for that answer.

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I'm the wild-eyed radical in the bunch. Economically, I'm a 7.75. Socially, I'm a -3.9.

In other words, government should defend the shores, deliver the mail, and pave the roads. If I want to smoke pot, engage in wild orgies, raise my children to be atheists, and whatever else, then it's really not the government's business.

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