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Hypocrisy Part II (but whose counting?)


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A line from President Obama's inaugural speech:

"With old friends and former foes, we'll work tirelessly to lessen the nuclear threat, and roll back the specter of a warming planet."

A fact concerning President Obama's inaugural clebration:

"According to an article in Bloomberg, as many as 600 private jets were expected to touch down in D.C. for the inauguration. The runway at Washington Dulles was closed Saturday to allow as many as 100 small planes to park. And the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority said it expected a total of 500 small jets to land from Jan. 16 through Jan 21.

"That would set a record, topping the 300 the airport accommodated for President George W. Bush's 2004 inaugural," an Airports Authority says in the article."

Nothing particularly earth shaking or profound about that fact. Absolutely nothing I blame Obama for. But I am amused by the irony and hypocrisy inherent in the numbers. My guess is many of those who flew in on private jets will be on the global warming bandwagon hyping the need to for you to "sacrifice" to save the world within a few weeks and months.

Business as usual. :thumbsup:

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