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Day one....mission complete


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The question must be asked. If,

the politician you or I vote for cannot be trusted with the most basic

right that we as Americans have—the right to life—then how can he or

she be trusted with anything else we hold dear?

Here are a few more questions to ponder:

1. How will someone who cares nothing for the innocent child in the womb care for the stranger on the street?

2. If we cannot protect the most helpless (the child in the womb), how can we truly help the homeless?

3. If we can budge on abortion, then why not budge on drugs and guns?

4. How is killing a child (abortion) better than beating a child (abuse)?

Bottom line: Thomas Jefferson said it best when he penned, “that

all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with

certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the

pursuit of Happiness”.

The right to life is fundamental to our society. To ask that it be upheld is not wrong. It is our sacred honor and our duty.

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Because they don't see it as a life in the womb. If it was a life to them, then it would also be murder to them.

Since they don't see it as a life, then it is not being uncaring to a helpless child, since it is not a child.

The entire arguement is where life begins, not what to do with it after that, the constitution takes care of that problem.


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