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Cox joining Comcast with "Congestion Management"


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The AP reports that Cox Communications is testing a new way to handle internet congestion. The method:
Cox will give priority to Internet traffic it judges to be time-sensitive, like Web pages, streaming video and online games. File downloads, software updates and other non-time sensitive data may be slowed if there is congestion on the local network

Currently the test is taking place only in Kansas and Arkansas, but it sounds like they're hoping to increase the use of the system. Unfortunately, as weblog TorrentFreak points out:

Cox does not explain what the definition of a congested network is, how often its users can expect to be throttled and more specifically, at what times of the day this is likely to happen. Secondly, it is currently unknown what measures Cox will actually take, and what applications will be used to slow down its customers.

The "time-sensitive" filtering seems arbitrary at best, since you could easily make an argument for and against time sensitivity for virtually every item on Cox's Congestion Management FAQ. Conveniently enough, Cox's time sensitivity criterion just happens to throttle primarily the very same P2P apps that Comcast was ordered to stop throttling.

Just when I was considering giving up DSL from bellsouth AT&T and switching to cable. OK guys which is better? Faster? More reliable at all times of the day and night? I never have any problems with the connection I have now.

Just when I was considering giving up DSL from bellsouth AT&T and switching to cable. OK guys which is better? Faster? More reliable at all times of the day and night? I never have any problems with the connection I have now.

Probably depends on your local cable service. Our local cable system sucks and is very prone to outages...many nights I turn to my AT&T DSL for entertainment when my cable TV service is out. Of course, the cable system's internet connection may be inherently more reliable than their TV service--I don't know. But I never have any trouble with my phone line.

Google just released some tools to help identify if your ISP is shaping your traffic:


Google just released some tools to help identify if your ISP is shaping your traffic:


Did I hear right that ISP's are now going to be turning people in for Bittorrent stuff?

Google just released some tools to help identify if your ISP is shaping your traffic:


Did I hear right that ISP's are now going to be turning people in for Bittorrent stuff?

The RIAA is dropping individual filesharing lawsuits and instead lobbying ISPs to spy on their users. It's actually gotten worse...ugh...


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