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Listened to Chizik speak this weekend


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He said some great things, also some funny things to. The funniest was when he was talking about his reputation- said it must be good because Auburn damn sure didnt hire him because of his record. Got a pretty good laugh from the audience.

Great things he said-said that no one and I mean no one would out work him, that some may work as hard but he could guarantee that no one would out work him. You could tell what he meant when he said no one. Mclewain was in the audience(the oc from bama). I got the feeling like he was sending a message or maybe I just wanted to come off that way.

He talked about his coaches and about the ones he kept and why. Said Lolley and Perry were true Auburn men, and they make Auburn work from behind the scenes. Cant remember exactly how he put it but something like his coachs and him work together to accomplish a goal not for him. Basically saying that his coachs will be responsible for what they coach. Said Rocker was an intense man. That he could promise that Auburn will be hell to deal with up front.

Then he asked all the coachs in the room to think about their best offensive night of their career- paused and said probably around 500 yards and that is great-paused then said that malzahn avereged over 600 for the past two years. Really made me smile.

Overall I thought it was great, He seems like a class act and really just laid it out there, no cameras, no writers, just a bunch of coachs talking so i will leave it at that.

War Eagle

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